super giant clone

Chapter 352 Rich and Willful

Chapter 352 Rich and Willful

How could there be magic fluctuations here?It is obvious that it has reached the deepest part of the vein, so it stands to reason that there should be nothing below.

Li Yunfei frowned, a raging flame instantly ignited on his arm, and then began to vibrate at a very high speed.

I saw him put his palm on the rock wall, like a high-speed drill bit, quickly shook the ore off the rock wall.

The pothole that was originally one meter deep extended inward again, and in the blink of an eye it had already penetrated to a depth of one meter.

Feeling that kind of magical fluctuations getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time there was a hollow echo of "bang bang", Li Yunfei understood that the rock wall in front of him was not very thick anymore, and it was likely to be broken through immediately!
Then he stopped using the palm vibration method, but directly clenched into a fist, aimed at the rock wall in front of him, and punched it down.

The stones on the rock wall fell one after another, and the hollow echo became louder and louder. In a blink of an eye, he could tell from the sound that there was only a layer less than ten centimeters thick left on the rock wall.

At that moment, Li Yunfei took a deep breath and punched it hard.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the rock wall in front of him shattered, turning into a big opening with a diameter of more than one meter. The dazzling light and heat wave burst out instantly, making it impossible to look directly at everything around.

The bottom is actually full of magma!

"Boom", at the moment when the magma spewed out, the surface of Li Yunfei's body instantly ignited with the power of flames, and at the same time he quickly closed his eyes.

The fiery magma completely enveloped Li Yunfei. If it wasn't for his own flame power and metal dragon skin, he would have been severely burned by now.After all, his human body is not the same as the giant's body, and the human body is still made of flesh and blood.

But now with the skin of the metal dragon skin, the hot magma is just like a relatively high temperature water flow to him.Of course, the density of the water flow was relatively high, and he couldn't open his eyes, so he could only move forward by feeling.

After gradually getting used to the density of the magma, Li Yunfei plunged into the cave in front of him like swimming.

At this time, all the clothes on his body were burned to ashes, and his whole body was swimming in the magma underground like a fish.

I didn't expect that the magma in the center of the volcano in the distance would connect to the bottom of the entire Huoyan Township. Now I think that the reason why there is such a fire magic crystal vein in Huoyan Township is precisely because of this.

At this time, he couldn't open his eyes to see the surrounding situation, but Li Yunfei completely released his mental power, feeling the surrounding situation, which was not much different from opening his eyes.

He felt the strong magic wave, and swam to the core of the wave.

Because he was in the magma, the fire element around him was extremely active, and even reached a level that was almost substantive. Li Yunfei only felt that the fire element in his body was also rapidly accumulating, and his fire magic seemed to be growing rapidly!
He didn't pay much attention to his own magical ability, so although he is an earth element resonator and possesses magical talents of fire and gold, his own magical power is extremely disproportionate, but he didn't expect that by mistake, It seems to have found a shortcut.

It looks like I will have to take a dip in the magma frequently in the future.Li Yunfei thought to himself.

Ten minutes later, he had already dived hundreds of meters into the magma again, and the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher. Even if he had the power of fire and the metal dragon skin, he still felt a little unable to hold on at this time.In particular, although the metal dragon skin is hard, it is not very insulated, and Li Yunfei's blood is about to boil.

Just when he was about to give up, there was a sudden light in front of him, and then a feeling of falling appeared instantly, and the whole person fell downward, and the feeling of being surrounded by magma disappeared instantly, turning into air!
Li Yunfei suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately saw that he had suddenly appeared in a huge hollow cavity. To say that it was a cavity, perhaps using "bubble" to describe it was more appropriate.

Looking around, an invisible force formed a hollow bubble, isolating all the surrounding magma.The size of the entire bubble is as big as a stadium!
In the center of this giant bubble, there is an altar-like building standing there, emitting colorful rays of light.Obviously, the power to isolate the magma comes from this altar.This thing is as big as a basketball court, and it looks very mysterious and simple.

Li Yunfei instantly activated the Burning World and Extinguishing Flame Art, and the Burning Heaven Dou Qi in his body circulated, mobilizing the power of the stars and iron bones, pulling the power of the stars.

It's just that at this time he was already deep in the ground, and he could only faintly feel the power of a star.

However, the power of these stars is enough, Li Yunfei used his strength to change direction in mid-air, and rushed towards the altar.

The moment Li Yunfei passed by in mid-air, he looked down and felt that the huge magma cavity was like an amber, and he was a bug wrapped in the amber.

I don't know what is the core of the ground under the magma?Is it the same as the previous world, a small planet?

At this moment, a shadow came over, and Li Yunfei immediately stretched out his hand to grab it lightly, and landed on the edge of the altar.

What makes people different is that it is cold on the altar, which looks very comfortable.

Looking up, Li Yunfei couldn't help but gasped.

Around the altar, there are more than a dozen crystals the size of human heads, and they are of different colors, some are green, some are khaki, some are red, and blue, etc.Wait, the red crystal exudes a scorching aura and crimson light, the blue crystal exudes a cold aura, the green one exudes a fresh aura, and the khaki crystal exudes a heavy aura, etc., etc. And feet.

The surface of these crystals looks no different from magic crystals, but it seems that liquids of various colors are flowing inside.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei casually took out a piece of the same crystal from the space ring, looked at it, and immediately confirmed his thoughts.

No mistake, there are more than a dozen magic essences inlaid around this altar!
Who the hell is this extravagant, building such a gorgeous altar?Simply outrageous!
Extravagant, too extravagant!
You must know that a magic crystal vein is as high as the sky, but there are only a few pieces of magic essence, and many magic crystal veins even have only one piece of magic essence, and there are more than a dozen magic essences on this altar, and there are all kinds of magic essence. .

This shows that these magic essences come from many veins of different attributes!The essence of so many mineral veins is placed here at this time, which can be called a big deal.

"Ding", with a soft sound, Li Yunfei stepped on the altar.At this moment, he suddenly realized that he looked down again, showing an expression of disbelief.

There are also many precious materials in his hands, the most common and most used one is Mithril.And judging from the sound, the whole altar under his feet is a huge piece of Mithril!

Looking carefully, you can see that the altar is covered with various grooves, and it is an alchemy circle carved out of mithril!
"These pattern circuits are not current, or even hundreds of years old!" Li Yunfei said to himself excitedly.

As a master of alchemy, his current level has at least reached the strength of a grand master, and he has even mastered techniques far beyond this era, and he is also familiar with alchemy hundreds of years ago through Carris' alchemy notes , the moment he saw these alchemy circuits, he had concluded that these things were definitely products of the ancient times.

It can be seen that the entire alchemy circuit still has a lot of redundancy, but there are also many extremely amazing designs, which is enough to show that the designer's whimsy is very useful.

In the Temple of Life on the half-plane of Azeroth, and when he was hunted down by Evans, he had seen that kind of teleportation circle in ancient times. Now it seems that the alchemy circuit on this altar has some similarities. Shadows, however, are definitely not used for space teleportation.

This should also be a space law circle.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei stepped forward and walked up to the second floor. Before he could speak, Lao Fen's voice sounded instantly: "Who is this prodigal? They used so many ghost crystals as ordinary buildings Material? God, it's outrageous! Insane! Rich and willful!"

ghost crystal! ?Hearing this, Li Yunfei looked carefully at the ground of the second floor, and saw that this layer was completely composed of a transparent crystal, and inside this crystal there were traces of blood-like things that kept swimming. , it is a rare material that is close to the divine material, ghost crystal!
(End of this chapter)

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