super giant clone

Chapter 356 Tina's Watch

Chapter 356 Tina's Watch


"Hold it, hold these damned giants back!"

"Swear to protect the Grand Duke!"

"Quick, quick, guard the city gate!"

"The Weng City in the southern district has fallen!"

"Retreat, retreat to the next line of defense!"

On the southern city wall of the Principality of Waldo, there were bursts of shrill shouts, full of anxiety and fear.

Thick smoke was billowing, and raging flames were burning everywhere. At this time, the south main gate of the Principality of Valdo had completely fallen, and the nearby city walls had become fragments of ruins. Fragmented human corpses were everywhere, and many were chewed to pieces. The bone dregs spit out later.

A bunch of lowly giants are constantly attacking the remaining walls of the Principality of Valdor, and behind them are hundreds of noble giants, struggling to drive them away, and occasionally rushing up the city walls themselves, abducting a few humans to try.

Looking at the appearance of these giants, it is almost like playing a game.

But on the city wall, the soldiers of the Principality of Waldor were all covered in blood and tired of coping.

"Haha, fear, tremble, these delicious human beings, fear is the best ingredient!" A bronze giant drove the lower giant in front of him to rush up, while laughing wildly, tearing apart a human soldier in his hand , threw the bloody corpse into his mouth and chewed hard.

Beside him is a noble giant with a well-groomed head, like a group of shepherds grazing.

In Waldor City, on a watchtower closest to the south city wall, Tina was wearing a set of moon-white battle armor and holding a long sword. She was looking at the tragic battlefield not far away. Only a flash of panic can reveal her inner feelings at this moment.

The battlefield at this time is already more than ten kilometers away from the southern city wall of the original Principality of Valdo. The original city wall has already collapsed and collapsed. It is only because of the defense lines of the city walls that the Principality of Valdo has continuously built before that it blocked all the giants. Bobo attack.

Originally, before the war broke out, after receiving the order from the Golden Emperor City, Tina had already guessed that the Acropolis of the Principality of Valdor would not be able to withstand the impact of the giant crowd at all.Therefore, at that time, she had already ordered the construction of the city wall defense line, and built urns in the city.

Then, the acropolis of the Principality of Waldo was breached by giants in just a few days, and it was completely slaughtered, and a group of giants also quickly appeared.

If it weren't for the city walls and the urns that had been built before, the current Valdo Principality might have fallen long ago!

But now, there is only the last city wall left in the southern part of the city. Once the wall in front of them is breached, the people of the entire Valdo Principality will face the impact of the giants!

"Grand Duke, the last line of defense is already in jeopardy. This place is very dangerous. Please leave here as soon as possible!" A black figure jumped up from a distance, came to the watchtower, and knelt in front of Tina and said.This is exactly a Black Iron swordsman from the Principality of Waldor. His body is covered in bruises and his armor is already damaged, but it is the result of fighting against a famous Black Iron giant.

Tina narrowed her eyes, with determination in her eyes, and said, "Leave? Where can I go? Retreat to the capital and be besieged by giants? This is our last line of defense. I won't go anywhere, just fight with the Principality of Valdo." Live and die!"

"Grand Duke..." The black iron swordsman raised his head suddenly, wanting to persuade him again.

"Cliff, don't say any more, I've made up my mind, I'll stand here and watch my soldiers fight against the giants! Push all the reserve teams up!" Tina said decisively.

"Yes, Grand Duke!" Hearing this, the black iron swordsman nodded abruptly. After saluting, he turned around and rushed to the battlefield a hundred meters away again.

Seeing the black iron swordsman Marquis leave, Tina turned her head and said to a middle-aged man in a fiery red tooth pattern robe not far away, "Your Excellency Ingram, is it true that your country's Are the soldiers really going to watch my Principality of Valdor destroy the country, and refuse to help? Duke Huoya asked you to come, what is it for, just to watch a tragedy?"

The man in the robe smiled and said calmly: "Duke Tina, what are you talking about? Our Huoya Duchy and Valdor Duchy are closely related. Naturally, Huoya Duchy wants to save the Valdor Duchy. However, in order to let us both Our Grand Duke will have a good proposal, but you have never agreed, Grand Duke Tina, and it is really worrying to see the people of the Principality of Valdor in ruins."

"Proposal? Hmph, although our Waldor is a small country, we have our own bones. Even if we fight to the last man, we won't let you guys who take advantage of the fire succeed!" A young guard behind Tina said loudly, with a smile on his face. His veins were throbbing.In his opinion, Ingram of the Fire Fang Principality is even more hateful than the giant right in front of him.

With that said, he turned his head to look at the open space on one side of the watchtower, and spat in a "yuck".

There was an army of 5 people on the open space at this moment, without any signs of fatigue or participation in battles. A large flag with flaming tooth patterns was fluttering in the wind, looking like a rainbow.

This army that has never participated in any battle is the reinforcement of the Fire Fang Principality.There are not only [-] elite soldiers, but also dozens of bronze-ranked fighters and eight black-iron-ranked fighters.This army will not be of much use if it appears in the early stages of the battle.It's just that the battle has been fought so far, but the joining of this army can play a decisive role and affect the life and death of the Principality of Valdor!
It's just that the purpose of the Grand Duke of Fire Fang is to take advantage of the fire, let Tina marry him and become the duchess, and at the same time take the opportunity to annex the entire Principality of Waldo!
How could Tina agree to this point!

"Tsk tsk tsk, young man, don't be so impolite, maybe Grand Duke Tina will change her mind later." Ingram smacked his lips and looked at Tina playfully and said.This Grand Duke Tina was famous far and wide when she was the eldest princess of the Principality of Waldo. Now that she has become a Grand Duke, she has added a sense of arrogance and brilliance, making people salivate after seeing it.If it wasn't for the Duke of Fire Fang, he would have taken a fancy to her a long time ago, and even the Marquis Ingram would have wanted to attack her.

"Shut up!" Tina let out a low voice, already filled with killing intent.The practice of the Fire Fang Principality taking advantage of the fire to loot is really disgusting. If it was the original Princess Tina, she might have agreed to the other party's request by now.It's just that she is now the Duke of Waldo, how can she suffer such humiliation!And... the master will definitely not allow her to do this, and for the sake of the master, she will not do it...

Master, where are you now?Tina looked at the city wall in the distance and fell into deep thought. Before she sent Barlow to find the whereabouts of her master, but there was no news for so many days, it was obvious that there was no hope... After all, in the face of such a scale of giant frenzy, even if It's the master, that arrogant and powerful person, there shouldn't be anything he can do...

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a loud noise, pulling Tina out of her contemplation.

I saw a gap in the last city wall not far away, and a bronze giant had blasted through the city wall and rushed in!
After the bronze giant rushed into the inner city, it immediately grabbed a dozen or so humans in front of it and stuffed them into their mouths and started to chew, blood flowing like a fountain.

In the next second, several bronze swordsmen rushed forward and severely injured the bronze giant.

But even so, the gap in the city wall has been opened, and more giants began to rush in. At the same time, several black figures flashed, and it turned out that several black iron giants rushed through the obstacle.This place has been completely lost!

"Grand Duke, the city wall has fallen! The city wall has fallen! Please get out of here quickly!" A messenger came to the watchtower and yelled frantically.

At the same time, Ingram raised the corner of his mouth and smiled contemptuously. He jumped off the watchtower and landed in the army formation of the Firefang Principality.

Since the people of the Principality of Waldo are stubborn, let's bury them with this ruined city. It's a pity that the watery Grand Duke Tina, such a charming beauty, will be buried in the mouth of a giant... Tsk tsk, How about looking for a chance to catch her...

(End of this chapter)

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