Chapter 357
"Ow—" A black iron giant climbed onto the last wall of the Principality of Valdor, roaring like a wild beast. The cruel killing intent in this roar makes people shudder.A black knife flashed, and more than a dozen defenders had already been cut in half.

Immediately afterwards, another black figure appeared, and another...

The aristocratic giants who came to attack the Principality of Valdo all began to climb the city wall in front of them. From the perspective of humans in the Principality of Valdo, they looked like demons climbing out of hell.

At the same time, hundreds of low-level giants began to file in from the gap in the city wall, swarming towards the humans of the Valdor Principality.

"Boom boom boom..." There was a sound of the bow string trembling, and the bed crossbow on the city wall kept firing crossbow spears, but it was completely unable to stop the giant's footsteps.

After a long period of use, most of the water cannons have been damaged, and they have no effect at all in front of the noble giants.

"I'm fighting with you!" A bronze swordsman roared, his whole body flashing with fighting energy, and he instantly chopped off the arm of a bronze giant with a big sword in his hand.But before he landed, a black shadow flashed, and the arm of a black iron giant's alienated growth knife passed by, cutting the bronze swordsman in half!

"Behind is the Grand Duke, our relatives, fight to the death, don't retreat!" On the city wall, a low-ranking officer drew out his long sword and shouted loudly at a rock giant. Behind him, there were more than a dozen people holding spears. Ordinary soldiers launched a fearless charge together.

At this moment, another rock giant and several sand giants appeared, surrounded the team of more than a dozen people, and tore it to pieces!
This tragic scene was everywhere on the entire city wall.

On the inside of the city wall, thousands of giants had already charged in, attacking the 1 reserve team of the last Principality of Bovaldo, fighting together in an instant.

Fighting giants in the plains is a complete disadvantage for humans. In the blink of an eye, these ten thousand recruits have been rushed to pieces, and it is only a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out!
"Grand Duke, retreat quickly! Temporarily withdraw to the capital, or...leave the Principality of Valdor directly! One day we will come back!" Beside Tina, a man wearing a broken green armor knelt on one knee eagerly Said.

This man is the elite of the elite of the Principality of Valdor, the deputy commander of the famous emerald cavalry, but the emerald cavalry almost no longer exists at this time.There were less than 100 of the original [-] elite cavalry, all of whom died in the previous battle.

"Stop talking, Carl, I'm gone, will the people survive?" Tina's white palm tightly held the hilt of the sword, her veins bulging, "Father has died for his people, I Since this grand duke can't protect my people, at least let me die with everyone..."

"Grand Duke..." The deputy commander of the emerald cavalry named Karl was in a hurry, but he didn't know what to say for a while, then he frowned and said, "Maybe the reinforcements from the Imperial City and the Royal City will arrive later." , we must maintain our vitality now!"

Tina sneered, looked at the bloody battlefield less than [-] meters away and said, "Reinforcements? If the Imperial City and Wangcheng really wanted to make a move, they would have already come to support them. They made it clear that they wanted me to perish! As for The other principalities are too busy to take care of themselves, how could they come to support us except for a shameless person like Duke Huoya..."

Speaking of this, she pulled out the long sword at her waist with a "swish", pointed it straight at the sky, and shouted loudly: "Soldiers of Valdor, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Then he jumped onto a black steed next to him, shook the reins, and one man and one horse jumped directly from the watchtower tens of meters high, and landed on the battlefield!
This black steed has the blood of the legendary monster, so it is extremely handsome, which is why it can jump from a height of tens of meters.

Behind Tina, nearly a hundred cavalry in green armor followed closely, they were the last emerald cavalry.

The army formation of the Firefang Principality in the distance had already begun to retreat slowly. Seeing Tina rushing directly to the battlefield, Ingram smiled contemptuously and said to himself, "It's just moths flying to the flame, and the Principality of Waldor is over." , It's a pity that such a charming female archduke..."

"Hahaha, human, you are the leader of these bugs, right? Just let me taste the difference with the iron axe!" A black iron giant immediately laughed when he saw Tina appearing, and drove hundreds of low-ranking insects away. The giant rushed over.

At this time, more and more giants had crossed the city wall and entered the interior of the Principality of Valdor. Looking around, there were already giants everywhere in front of them.From a human's height, it's like coming to a forest of giants.

Master, it's a pity that I can't serve you again... Tina thought as she rushed towards the giant with a long sword in her hand.

After this battle, there is no longer the Principality of Valdor...

"Long live Waldo!" Tina shouted, less than ten meters away from the giant in front!The black iron giant has opened its mouth wide, ready to bite it down at any time!
"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and just as the black iron giant rushed over with a grinning grin, the last city wall not far behind was shattered, and a violent explosion occurred!

Pieces of gravel the size of a round table splashed out, like cannonballs hitting them, knocking down the surrounding giants to the ground.At the center of this explosive storm was a crimson energy column, which directly hit the back of the iron axe and sent him flying!
The sky was filled with smoke and dust, covering hundreds of meters around, and it was impossible to see what happened for a while.

Tina and the others stopped attacking, coughing and looking towards the city wall with their eyes wide open.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, revealing a tall figure of nearly 30 meters, holding a thick pillar in his hand, like a tree trunk.

Still a giant! ?It's over... It's over... The Principality of Valdor is really going to be completely destroyed this time... This sad thought flashed in everyone's mind.

At this moment, the tall figure suddenly moved, with a flash of red light in his hand, he jumped up and split a bronze giant on the city wall from head to toe in half, then fell heavily, directly onto Tina's body before!

"Bang!" The huge wind pressure swept away the surrounding smoke and dust, and a tall black iron giant appeared. This black iron giant was a little different from other black iron giants. The long iron rod is covered with a thick layer of armor, which looks a little weird.

"Protect the Grand Duke!" Several emerald cavalry shouted loudly, aiming their weapons at the black iron giant in front of them.

"Tina, you're startled. Fortunately, I'm not late." No one expected that the black iron giant suddenly spoke out.

At this time, everyone could see clearly that there was a black hexagram pattern on the chest of the black iron giant. In the hexagram was a pattern of ouroboros, and the center of the ouroboros looked like a hammer.Behind him, there is a huge "0".

"Lord... Saul, it's you!" Tina exclaimed, almost unable to believe her ears, her eyes were full of surprise.

That's right, who else would come to save himself at such a time except his own master!
"That's right, it's me. This is my brand new alchemy equipment from the Snow City War College, the Colossus of War. Don't be alarmed." Li Yunfei smiled as he raised his lips.

As soon as he finished speaking, in the field of vision of everyone in the Principality of Valdor, they saw huge figures climbing up from the other side of the city wall. They looked very similar to black iron giants, but they all had the pattern of a six-pointed star ouroboros. And the magic crystal sword in his hand!

In the blink of an eye, fifty tall war statues had appeared in front of everyone. If the giants were demons from hell, these war statues were like a group of gods descended from the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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