super giant clone

Chapter 358 The Giant Retreats

Chapter 358 The Giant Retreats
"You are not giants... Human taste, you are strange..." At this time, the iron ax had climbed up, pointed at Li Yunfei's giant body and shouted loudly.

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Li Yunfei's figure flashed, and a black light appeared in front of him, and the thick metal rod in his hand was already pressed against his chest.

Dazzling rays of light bloomed from Iron Axe's heart, and a thick and fiery energy column pierced his heart instantly, shooting directly from behind, knocking down all the low-level giants behind him to the ground.

Iron Ax looked down at the huge hole in his heart and the shattered black iron heart inside. He couldn't believe his eyes, and then turned into a pile of black iron components and fell to the ground.

Tina and the others on the side were already stunned.

That thick metal rod turned out to be a magic cannon!No wonder the city wall exploded just now. It turned out that it was directly blasted away by the magic cannon!
"The Colossus of War forms a five-member team to focus on annihilating the Bronze Giant and delay the action of the Black Iron Giant. The three-three team of the Magic Gold Chariot fights! The Magic Gold Warrior Brigade coordinates!" Li Yunfei took the iron ax's black iron heart fragments into it In the space ring, then shouted loudly.

"De-Ling!" An energetic voice came from the war giant statue, and at the same time, thousands of people shouted in unison.

Then I saw huge magic-gold chariots driving out of the gap in the city wall. There were fifteen in total. Walking in neat steps, they walked into the Principality of Valdor.

After seeing these magic gold warriors, Tina instantly understood that the danger of the Principality of Waldo's destruction has been completely eliminated!
When she launched the coup and became Duke Valdor, it was thanks to the help of these magic gold soldiers, so she fully understood the strength of these soldiers holding metal pipes.At this time, three thousand magic gold soldiers and fifteen magic gold chariots appeared, which could definitely repel the giant.

What's more, there are those mysterious war statues and their own masters!
Originally, the soldiers of the Principality of Valdo were all ready to die together and live together with the Principality of Valdo. At this time, they suddenly received the help of powerful reinforcements, and their morale was immediately boosted. attack.

And the fifty war colossi began to form a group of five to form a combat team to completely stop those noble giants.Although compared with those peak black iron giants, the war colossi can only parry, but when facing the bronze giants, these war colossi can completely gain the upper hand!
The gun barrels of the fifteen magic gold chariots kept turning, spraying streams of hateful anger into the crowd of giants. Every time the gun went down, a few noble giants, or a group of low-level giants were buried in the sea of ​​flames.

And the volley of [-] magic gold soldiers was like brilliant clouds covering the sky, clearing out a clearing immediately wherever they passed!
The warriors of the Principality of Waldor immediately discovered that the giants who were basically invincible to them fell down in pieces like paper.

"Stop this giant!" A low-ranking officer of the Principality of Valdor roared, and the long sword in his hand flickered with khaki fighting spirit, and rushed towards a rock giant.This rock giant has come to the edge of the city wall, and will soon be able to jump directly into Valdor City.Although he is only a quicksand swordsman, he would rather die than take a step back.

Just when he rushed up with the determination to die, he saw a crimson light flickering, and then dozens of hot flame bombards hit the rock giant's heart heavily, instantly blasting out a deep pit, and the rock inside was blown away. Heart broken.

The rock giant almost didn't react at all, and turned into a pile of rubble and rolled to the ground.

"Brothers of the Principality of Valdor, please help us defend against giant surprise attacks from the side." A team of soldiers wearing crimson armor and holding magic gold battle guns walked past him, and a team leader said.

"Yes... yes!" The low-ranking officer of the Principality of Waldo didn't realize it at first, but then he realized it instantly and said ecstatically.

He had long heard of the power of the Roland Dukedom's magic gold warriors, but he never expected that they were so powerful!Moreover, it is said that these magic gold warriors are just ordinary magic apprentices!

Similar scenes were staged in many places throughout the battlefield. The menacing giant was completely stopped, and even pushed back outside the city wall again. Humans once again regained control of this city wall.

"Die to me!" Li Yunfei roared, and the magic cannon in his left hand pointed forward, aiming at a black iron giant.

The black iron giant understood the power of the magic cannon, his face was startled, he stepped on his feet again and again, and instantly got rid of the aim of the magic cannon, and came directly in front of Li Yunfei, and the alienated giant swords on both arms were about to cut over.

It's just that the smile on his face didn't last long, and he felt his lower abdomen being held back by something.

Looking down, the right hand of the heretic in front of him did not know when there was an extra magic cannon, which had already lit up a dazzling white light!
"Boom!" With a loud noise, the black iron giant was directly blasted into two pieces, only the upper body fell to the ground and began to crawl.

Li Yunfei stepped forward and stepped on the head of the black iron giant, lowered his head and pulled out the black iron heart from his wound, and put it into the space ring.

This is already the No. 7 black iron giant killed by him in this battle. Except for the black iron heart of the first black iron giant being blasted to pieces, the giant hearts of the latter few black iron giants are considered intact.

Fifty war colossi have wiped out nearly half of the bronze giants, and there are only five black iron giants left, and all of them are surrounded by the city wall!

The remaining noble giants had already seen Li Yunfei's intentions, but they couldn't break through the encirclement of these war giants.They have never seen this kind of monster before. This huge steel body is obviously similar to the black iron giant, but it is much harder and more flexible.And the magic crystal swords in their hands are extremely sharp, it can be described as cutting iron like mud!
The iron box-like magic gold chariots around them fired a single shot every time, causing them serious injuries almost every time!

And with the help of [-] magic-gold soldiers and fifteen magic-gold chariots, the soldiers of the Principality of Valdor regrouped again, firmly keeping the lowly giants out of the city walls.

With a satisfied smile on Li Yunfei's face, he jumped forward, with red light flashing in his hand, and rushed towards the next black iron giant...

"Boom..." Half an hour later, the heart of the last black iron giant was cut open by more than a dozen war giants, crushing the heart of the black iron, and fell down suddenly, turning into a pile of metal components.

At this time, within the defense line of the city wall of the Principality of Waldo, there is no longer any giant that can stand!
"Indiscriminate coverage attack, let it go!" On the city wall, [-] magic gold soldiers have formed a long snake-like formation, and the magic gold guns in their hands fired at the same time, covering the battlefield in front.

The soldiers of the Principality of Waldor, who came back to their senses, manipulated trebuchets, bed crossbows and water cannons, and began to desperately attack the giants under the city wall.

The giants fell down one after another, turning into hills of mud, sand and rocks, even filling up the land below the city.

"Aw—" Some low-level giant let out a terrified roar, and began to turn his head away. Without the leadership of the noble giant, the remaining low-level giants under the city wall finally began to turn and retreat.

Giants, retreat!
(End of this chapter)

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