super giant clone

Chapter 362 Negotiation

Chapter 362 Negotiation
In the war zone of the Principality of Waldor, groups of magic-gold warriors in crimson armor began to clean up the wreckage left by the giants.

The giant hearts were dug out one by one and reclassified, and then put on a carriage and transported to the camp of the reinforcements in Snowfall City, where they were put into storage bags by the magicians accompanying the army.And the giant hearts of those noble giants were singled out and put together, ready to be dedicated to the dean.

The soldiers of the Principality of Waldor were busy rescuing the wounded, cleaning up the bodies of the war dead, and repairing the city wall.

Although the giant's attack had just been repelled, no one knew when the giant would come again, so all of this had to be done quickly.

At this time, the high quality of the magic gold warrior was immediately revealed.As fighters who have fought against giants many times and repelled the giant's attack every time, these magic gold warriors did not have the slightest joy at all, let alone the slightest fear, but were extremely calm all the time.

For them, everything in front of them has long been taken for granted, but they just defeated the giant, and there is nothing to be excited about.

Seeing the indifferent appearance of these magic gold warriors, the soldiers of the Principality of Valdor immediately admired them extremely.

And the soldiers of the Huoya Principality who had just surrendered were not imprisoned as prisoners, but under the supervision of the magic gold soldiers, they also devoted themselves to cleaning the battlefield and repairing the city wall.

In Li Yunfei's words, such a group of fresh troops is not useless, and let them feel the tragedy of the battlefield, and they can also understand how idiot I was doing just by standing on the sidelines.

The battlefield is being cleaned up here, while Li Yunfei is riding on Tina's black steed, and together with a group of high-level officials from the Principality of Valdo, they are marching towards the capital of the Principality of Valdo, Marsarandu.

At this moment, they had just survived a great war that could destroy the country. Millions of people in the entire Valdo Principality needed to be appeased. Let Li Yunfei and Luo Xuecheng's reinforcements enter Masaland as saviors. good way.

Everything that happened during the battle has been quickly spread throughout the Principality of Valdor under the rush of the messengers. The people who were already desperate and about to flee were ecstatic, and they all left their homes and swarmed towards Marsaland.

They would like to thank Grand Duke Tina for her perseverance, and thank the Marquis of Lion Tooth for saving her!

Li Yunfei was riding a black horse, and Tina was riding a white horse. The two walked side by side. Behind them were Luke, Monto and other high-level officials in Snow City, as well as the Duke of Valdo's Marquis Barlow and other dignitaries. A team of one hundred magic gold soldiers, two magic gold chariots, and ten war colossi.

Further on, there were only 100 emerald cavalrymen of the Principality of Valdo, and the Grand Duke's guards of the Principality of Valdo.

The team had just walked less than five kilometers, and groups of people had already appeared on both sides of the main road leading to Masaland from the Principality of Valdo, all of whom lived nearby.

Seeing Li Yunfei and Tina appear, everyone immediately burst into tears and shouted loudly: "Long live! Long live! Long live mankind! Long live Waldo! Long live Grand Duke Tina! Long live the Marquis!"

"Thank you, Lord Marquis!"

"Thank you Magic Gold Warrior! Thank you Luoxuecheng!"

"Hooray! Hooray!"


Before, some people criticized why an irrelevant Roland was conferred the title of marquis, but now they all felt that Tina's move was extremely wise.What is a marquis title?It's all worth it in exchange for this strong support!

Li Yunfei and Tina were smiling, nodding and waving from time to time, and every time they waved and nodded, it immediately caused cheers again.

The closer you get to Masalandu, the more people there are on both sides of the road. If you look around, you can only see black heads, which can be described as a sea of ​​people.

At the same time, many girls and children held flowers in their hands, and kept throwing flowers on their bodies and on the road. The flowers they passed did not even pass the horseshoes, and it completely turned into a road of flowers.

"Look, that's the Golden Soldier! How powerful! If only I could be the Golden Soldier!"

"When I grow up, I will definitely drive a magic gold chariot!"

"Hmph, what is a magic gold chariot? I want to drive a war colossus! Even a black iron giant can be defeated!"

"Golden Soldiers, I love you!"

As the Magic Gold Soldiers and the War Colossus passed by, the crowd immediately began to discuss loudly again.In their view, these magic gold warriors are simply synonymous with heroes. Groups of young girls threw flowers in their hands to the magic gold warriors, while shouting loudly with peachy eyes.

At this time, the hearts of the hundred magic gold warriors who were selected as representatives, as well as the drivers of the chariot and the war colossus, felt proud.

Being able to be treated with such reverence, they only feel that they have no regrets in this life!
After seeing these powerful war machines, the fear and worry in the hearts of the people of Valdor gradually calmed down.What they need at this time is the support of this powerful force.

Soon everyone arrived in Masalandu, and at this time the capital of the Principality of Valdo was already packed to the brim, surrounded by people who came from all over the place.

The appearance of Li Yunfei and Tina once again attracted cheers like a volcanic eruption, and there were smiling faces everywhere. The people of Valdor thoroughly experienced the joy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.The news of the surrender of the Huoya Principality's army was also very refreshing.

As Li Yunfei rode his horse forward slowly, he sighed in his heart.

The last time he came to Marsaland, Principality of Valdo, he also came to rescue. The coalition forces of various countries repelled the giant, and Duke Valdo died in a fierce battle. Because of this, he had a grudge with that Bass.He couldn't even block Bas's sword at that time.

But the current him is no longer the same as he was back then. He has even mastered the method of manufacturing the Colossus of War and has Snowfall City as his foundation.

But the situation of human beings is also different from before... Although giants would occasionally attack humans on a large scale before, they definitely would not be as frequent as they are now.Now there are six black iron general cities that have been breached, dozens of acropolises have also been destroyed, and the giants attacked humans as if they were mad.

However, there is no support in the Golden Emperor City of the high-level human beings. This point can be seen just by looking at the situation of the Valdo Principality. It is simply letting the Valdo Principality be destroyed by giants...

There must be a problem here...

While Li Yunfei was thinking silently, they had arrived at the core of Masaland, in front of a tall palace building, which was the symbol of the core power of the Waldo Principality, the Valdo Council Hall.

Tina nodded to Li Yunfei, then turned around and said loudly to the surrounding people: "My subjects, I have an important matter to discuss with my lord, the Marquis, which is related to the future of my Principality of Waldor. Please wait here for a moment."

"Yes, Grand Duke!" At this time, nearly a million people gathered in Marsalan, and they replied loudly at the same time, and the sound waves shook the dust on the surrounding houses.

"Master Marquis, please." Tina got off her horse and made a gesture of invitation to Li Yunfei, with a serious expression on her face.

"Grand Duke please first." Li Yunfei also said solemnly to Tina.

The two walked into the meeting hall side by side.

All the attendants in the main hall filed out, leaving the entire meeting hall to the two superiors. They all understood that this level of discussion was not something they could hear, and the last two attendants who walked out would The main hall door slowly closed.

Afterwards, all the people in Masaland stood there eagerly, whispering and waiting for the discussion between the two superiors to finish.

The gate of the meeting hall was slowly closed behind him. Li Yunfei raised his head and looked forward, and saw a resplendent and magnificent hall in front of him. In the middle was a high platform. It is also engraved with the coat of arms of the Principality of Valdo, which is the Grand Duke's throne of Duke Valdo.

Under the stage, there are two rows of seats, which belong to the various core high-level dignitaries of the Principality of Valdor.

On weekdays, all major affairs of the Principality of Valdor are discussed here.

Looking around, in the empty hall, there are carved beams and painted buildings everywhere, which are extremely gorgeously decorated, and at the same time reveal a sense of majesty.

Just as Li Yunfei was observing the hall, two groups of soft touches suddenly pierced through his back, and at the same time a breath of orchid came from behind his ears, Tina's lips parted slightly, and she said in a resentful voice: "Master, Tina Na misses you so much."

(End of this chapter)

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