super giant clone

Chapter 363 The Duke of Lion's Tooth

Chapter 363 The Duke of Lion's Tooth
While speaking, Ella took out a roll of parchment from her bosom, opened it slowly, and saw the golden battle energy shining, and the roar of a lion came faintly, dyeing half of the sky golden, and everyone could feel the infinite Breath of majesty.

It is really the will of the Lionheart Emperor!

In Masaland, those ordinary people had never seen such a battle before, and they immediately fell to their knees.All the nobles of Waldo Principality present knelt down on one knee with expressions of reverence. In the end, only the magic gold warriors from Snowfall City, Li Yunfei and Tina stood there.

"According to the imperial code, all nobles under the duke should kneel half-kneeling when they see the emperor's will, and all the common people should kneel. Saul Lee, why don't you kneel when you see the emperor's will? You are so brave! And your subordinates, dare to kneel!" So presumptuous!" Ella shouted in mid-air.

Li Yunfei snorted coldly, and said: "According to the imperial code, the saints in the temple can see that the emperor does not kneel to show respect to the Father God, and the armored men can see that the emperor does not kneel to show respect for the fighters who fought bravely. Tell me quickly, don’t you want to disrespect God the Father and humans?”

"Hmph, you ant-like character, you have a hard mouth, I want to see how far you can jump..." Ella smiled instead of anger, and said contemptuously.In his opinion, this Saul Lee is just a clown, not worth mentioning.

Then I saw him fully unfold the sheepskin scroll in mid-air, and then let go of his hands, the sheepskin scroll immediately suspended in mid-air by itself, and the golden fighting air flowed and collided with each other to form the voice of the Lion Heart Emperor.

"Snowfall City resisted the giant invasion and rescued the Principality of Waldor from danger. It has made great achievements. Sol Yunfei Li Jin was awarded the title of Duke of Lion Tooth, and he was granted the right to confer the title. There are three marquises, six earls, 20 viscounts, and 30 barons. There are 300 knights. Hope Luo Xuecheng will continue to work hard and become the vanguard against giants."

The voice of the Lionheart Emperor echoed in Masalandu, sounding extremely majestic, but he didn't seem very happy.

"Long live! Long live the Lord Liontooth!"

"Such a young Lord Duke!"

"This is simply a supreme honor! It is said that you are only 19 years old!"

The people were discussing and admiring. At this moment, the voice of the Lionheart Emperor sounded:

"Lingyun King City was attacked by 30 giants and was in danger. Saul Yunfei Li went to the rescue immediately without delay, otherwise he would be punished as a crime of betrayal of humanity."

After saying the last word, the sheepskin scroll glowed with golden light in mid-air, released a breath of supreme majesty, transformed into a small golden sword, and fell towards Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei took a step forward, took the little golden sword, bowed towards the east, and said: "Thank you, Great Emperor."

This stingy Lionheart Emperor, before he sent people to the Lionheart Emperor City to seek help, but he did not expect to give him the title of duke and the so-called canonization right in the end, except for a small golden fighting spirit sword. No.

This canonization right is actually the lower title that Li Yunfei can confer after he becomes a duke. It stands to reason that only grand dukes who own the dukedom have the canonization right, and the Lionheart Emperor made an exception for him.And his Snowfall City is also considered a territory.

But this illusory name is really useless, can it be used to kill giants?

Moreover, asking him to go immediately to rescue Lingyun King City was obviously an attempt to consume Luoxue City's troops.

"Huh, Saul Lee, the emperor ordered you to send troops to help Lingyun King City immediately. You'd better act as soon as possible, otherwise..." Aila glanced at Li Yunfei, her figure flashed, and turned into a silver light again, heading towards the east and go.

What he didn't finish speaking was obviously a warning to Li Yunfei that if he didn't act immediately, he would do it.

Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes, looked at the direction in which Ella left and said nothing.

Although he didn't know why the Lionheart Emperor wanted to do something, he also vaguely guessed that the other party would have no good intentions. 30 giants attacked Lingyun King City, there must be silver giants appearing here.

From the current point of view, the Lionheart Emperor probably didn't know about the appearance of the War Colossus, and even if he knew, he probably wouldn't pay much attention to it.After all, there have been such things as alchemy battle partners in human history, but they all failed in the end.Even the great masters of the Royal Academy of Alchemy couldn't refine such heaven-defying equipment as the Colossus of War. Naturally, the Lionheart Emperor didn't think Li Yunfei had this ability.

And once the Lionheart Emperor understands the power of the Colossus of War, he will definitely force Li Yunfei to hand over the refining method of the Colossus of War!Fortunately, Li Yunfei also grasped the life gate of the Colossus of War...

Thinking of this, he sneered, and raised his voice: "The magic gold warriors, start to assemble, ready to go! Target, Lingyun King City! Let those giants taste our power!"

Since the Lionheart Emperor asked him to go to Lingyun King City to "relieve the siege", then he will go and have a look, and take advantage of this opportunity to rip off Crude!Such a big bamboo stick is really nothing.

"De-Ling!" Although there were only a hundred magic-gold soldiers, a few magic-gold chariots, and ten war colossi present, the answers from the soldiers were full of passion.

The dean of my family has been canonized as the Duke of Lion's Tooth!And got the canonization right!This is nothing to Li Yunfei, but to these fighters, it is a big deal.

This shows that the dean of the family can confer nobles on his own, and the objects of canonization are definitely them, the magic gold warriors.

For ordinary magic gold warriors, titles such as marquis, earl, viscount, and baron dare not think about it, but being able to become a knight at the bottom can also be said to be a glorious ancestor.Anyway, that's a real nobleman!
At the same time, the armor of the No. 1 War Colossus controlled by Luke suddenly opened a hole, protruding a long tube, and shot a crimson light with a "bang", which exploded in the sky, forming a A huge red shadow of a hexagram ouroboros hammer.

This crimson shadow is the assembly order of the magic gold soldiers.

As long as you see this symbol appearing in the sky, no matter where the magic gold soldiers are, you must immediately gather here.

Tina glanced at Li Yunfei, and said in the same voice: "The first and second legions of the Valdo City Defense Army are assembled, and they are ready to follow the Duke of Lion Tooth to expedition to Lingyun King City!" Although the two elite legions had lost nearly 6% of their troops in the previous battle to defend the city, there were still about [-] elite capable of fighting. This kind of support can be said to be sincere.

For this point, the military and civilians of the Principality of Waldo also greatly support it. After all, the two sides have just signed the "Academy Covenant", so at this time, they should share the joys and sorrows together.

Immediately, the Magic Gold Soldiers and the City Defense Army of the Principality of Valdor, who had just fought a fierce battle for only half a day, began to gather.

Fortunately, the work of cleaning up the battlefield and repairing the city wall has been basically completed, so there is no need for so many people for the rest.

In the early morning of the next day, in the camp outside the city of Masaland, 35 magic-gold soldiers, [-] magic-gold chariots, and [-] war colossi had formed a standard square formation, waiting to set off at any time.

And not far from them, the first and second legions of the Waldor City Defense Army were also assembled, sweeping away the previous decline, but full of murderous aura.Leading the team was Undead Sword Hou Baluo.

This time, they have Magic Gold Soldiers as allies!

"Duke Lion Tooth, you must be careful when you go. The giant is too powerful. I believe that even if we avoid the edge temporarily, the emperor will not blame us." Tina said to Li Yunfei at the front of the team.

"Duke Tina, don't worry, they're just some chickens and dogs." Li Yunfei said loudly with a corner of his mouth.

"Master, you must be careful of Lingyun King Crude when you go. This man is an insidious villain, and he will definitely find an opportunity to avenge his past." Tina lowered her voice, and said in a voice that only Li Yunfei and she could hear.

Li Yunfei laughed softly and said, "Don't worry, since I can beat him once, I can beat him a second time. Go back and wash it up, and wait to serve the master." The joy of yesterday was really hearty. People aftertaste.

"Master is good or bad... Tina obeys..." Tina looked solemn, but the voice in her mouth became extremely charming.

"Hahaha——" Li Yunfei laughed three times, swiped the long sword in his hand, and rushed out of the gate of the Valdo Principality first, "Follow me, the target is Lingyun King City!"

(End of this chapter)

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