super giant clone

Chapter 369 Chewing

Chapter 369 Chewing
Crude's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the Lingyun King City soldiers present, and immediately shocked everyone.

Even though his current actions are totally unpopular, under the years of accumulating power, no one in Lingyun City dares to disobey his orders.After all, the headless body of that officer just now was still lying there!

It's just that although these soldiers didn't dare to speak, they dared to be angry.Many people already had a lot of complaints about Lingyun King Kruder in their hearts at this time, not to mention anything else, just saying that he wanted to get away and abandon Lingyun King City just now, it made many people feel chilled.At the same time, this kind of ungrateful practice of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight also caused a chill and guilt to rise in the hearts of everyone.

Just now, if it wasn't for the reinforcements from Luoxue City, Lingyun King City might have been captured by now.But now they actually want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. This kind of behavior can no longer be described as just despicable.

At a corner of the defense line of Lingyun King City, a young man in blue armor whispered to a general in black armor, "Father, why did Crude do this? Isn't he afraid of betrayal?"

The black-armored general snorted coldly and said, "Everyone is betrayed? As long as he firmly controls the Luo Lin family, as the strongest silver swordsman in Lingyun King City, no one can do anything to him. As for why he did this... Do you know? , that Sol Lee, formerly known as Saul Rowling, was a traitor from the Rowling family?"

"I remembered! This Sol Lee killed Arthur Rowling at the Conference of the Brave!" The young man suddenly realized, "I said why this name is so familiar, I didn't expect it for a while, his Zhanzheng College is really The strength is strong! Then what should father, our Hussein family do?"

This young man is none other than the Luo Lin family in Lingyun King City, Ur Hussein of the Hussein family.And his father is the contemporary patriarch of the Hussein family, Sadat Hussein.This Hussein family is considered to be one of the oldest families in Lingyun King City, but the strongest in the family is only the black iron swordsman.If so, if the power of Lingyun King City is divided into [-] points, the Luo Lin family occupies [-] points, and the Hussein family also accounts for [-]% of the power in Lingyun King City, and the remaining nobles share the last point equally. .

"Our Hussein family has always been the oldest noble in Lingyun King City, do you know why we can survive until now?" Sadat Hussein stroked his mustache, with an old fox-like smile on his face, "Because we know how to wait and see what happens..."

At this moment, Crude didn't care what other people thought at all, Ling Yun's grudge was released, and he fell lightly onto the city wall, squinting his eyes at Li Yunfei and those silver giants who were fighting fiercely.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of giants rushed in like a tide, and surrounded the reinforcements in Luoxuecheng. In the middle were Li Yunfei and the two silver giants. Outside were the noble giants and war giants who were fighting fiercely. The magic gold warriors who blocked the tide of giants.

In the wilderness in front of Lingyun King City, there seemed to be a huge vortex, which attracted the surrounding giants and humans firmly.What was thrown out after being sucked into the vortex were the corpses of humans and giants!
The previously invincible magic gold warriors were completely in danger at this time. No matter how powerful their fighting power was, the number of giants they faced this time was really too much.The last wave of giants has not been killed yet, but the next wave has already swarmed in. It looks like an endless wall!
At this time, the magic gold soldiers on the periphery began to suffer battle damage. Many soldiers were not eaten by giants, but were crushed to death by the boulders formed after the swarming giants died!

On the periphery of the battle formation of the magic gold soldiers, the piles of sand and gravel formed by the dead low-level giants are about to form hills in a blink of an eye.

"Very good, very good, keep fighting, fight to the death..." On the city wall, Crude squinted his eyes and muttered to himself in a cold voice.For him, this Saul Lee came at just the right time!
Originally, he was ready to abandon Lingyun King City, but he did not expect that Sol Lee, a guy who came to try his best, appeared.Since he wants to be the savior, let him be enough to see if he can kill all these hundreds of thousands of giants...

But now it seems that those two silver giants alone are enough for him to drink a pot, and he may even be killed by these two silver giants!

"Boom!" Li Yunfei swung his knife to block a bunch of sharp metal thorns on the silver tongue, snorted coldly, and the magic cannon in his hand flashed again and fired a cannon.

It's just that Silver Tongue was already familiar with his attack mode at this time, and immediately shrank his body, dodging the energy beam of the magic cannon like a big ball, and then rushed over again.

Li Yunfei frowned, and swung the magic cannon in his hand like a metal stick towards Silver Tongue's head.

There was a scream from Silver Tongue's mouth, and he suddenly lowered his body, revealing the silver shoulders behind him!
Seeing Yin Jian's face with a trick-successful smile, the protrusions on both shoulders instantly emitted two beams of energy towards Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei snorted coldly, and was about to raise the Baipi Saber to defend, when he saw a huge ice shield suddenly appearing in front of him, completely blocking him behind.

Yinjian's energy beam bombarded the ice shield and was immediately weakened by half, and the rest could no longer pose any threat to Li Yunfei.

"Damn magician..." Silver Shoulder roared, swung his arm, as if throwing a pair of grappling hooks, and grabbed the mysterious silver mage floating in mid-air.

It's just that Li Yunfei grabbed him just as he stretched out his arm, and then Li Yunfei pulled forward vigorously, throwing Yin Jian out suddenly.

At this moment, thousands of tiny metal blades spewed out from Silver Tongue's mouth like fountain fireworks again, attacking Li Yunfei, forcing him to give up attacking Silver Shoulder.

"Bah bah bah bah..." A series of chaotic sounds came, and those metal blades were all blocked by Li Yunfei's Baipi knife.

Silver Shoulder and Silver Tongue took a few steps back together, stood together, and stared at Li Yunfei covetously.

And next to Li Yunfei, the mysterious Baiyin mage was also floating there, and the situation returned to the way it was at the beginning.

Li Yunfei glanced out of the corner of his eye, and immediately saw giants surrounded by giants who could not see the edge, and the magic gold soldiers had begun to reduce their numbers rapidly, which can be said to have never happened before.

Then he turned his head to look at Lingyun King City, just in time to meet the eyes of Crude who was standing on the city wall, and caught a glimpse of the quiet Lingyun King City, and instantly understood what happened.

Very good, Crude... Suppressing the anger in his heart, Li Yunfei took a deep breath, and took out the silver heart of the silver bone from the interspatial ring.

He couldn't procrastinate any longer, otherwise, he wouldn't want to see the loss of the magic gold warrior.

We must make a quick decision, get rid of these giants in front of us, and then go to trouble with that bastard Lingyun King.

Thinking of this, he suddenly opened his mouth, threw the silver heart into his mouth and began to chew.

(End of this chapter)

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