super giant clone

Chapter 370 Frozen

Chapter 370 Frozen
"How dare you eat the precious heart of silver!" Seeing Li Yunfei swallowing the heart of silver, the expressions on the faces of Silver Tongue and Silver Shoulders could no longer be described with anger.

To them, Li Yunfei's behavior is a great insult to the giant!
Only giants devour others, how can they be devoured by other creatures!This is simply trampling on the dignity of a giant!

It's just that before they finished speaking, they saw streaks of blue light flashing on the surface of Li Yunfei's body in front of him, and then a huge wave of energy spread around him centered on him.

On the city wall, Crude also narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yunfei's giant body.It's just that Li Yunfei swallowed the Silver Heart with his back to Lingyun King City just now, so Crude didn't know what happened just now.

Li Yunfei's giant body was wrapped in blue light for a few seconds, and the dazzling blue light quickly faded away, and his body seemed to grow a little taller, exuding a more powerful aura.

The most important thing is that all the injuries suffered just now are all healed at once!
Li Yunfei clenched his fists. Although most of the energy was still absorbed by Lao Fen, he still gained a lot of strength. The fatigue just now was swept away, and he returned to his best fighting state.Moreover, this is not the first time he has devoured the Silver Heart, after all, it is fundamentally different from the Black Iron Heart, and his body seems to have reached a certain critical point.

"Ahem, big nephew, uncle didn't do this on purpose, just wait, when uncle recovers, I will thank you very much..." Lao Fen's voice sounded in Li Yunfei's mind, obviously this old man also felt I'm a little embarrassed.

Li Yunfei raised his mouth and said, "Don't talk nonsense, if there are no benefits, I will insert dried cow dung into your mouth then!"

As soon as the words fell, he had already jumped forward and rushed towards Silver Tongue again.

Lao Fen couldn't help but shudder when he heard Li Yunfei's words, and then began to desperately absorb the energy of the silver heart just now...

"Should die!" Li Yunfei roared, and the Baipi knife in his hand turned into a red light, which instantly appeared in front of Silver Tongue, and was supplemented by the energy of the Silver Heart, and his combat power returned to its peak again.

Silver Tongue roared in the same way, ejecting hundreds of metal thorns from its mouth, and at the same time twisted its arms like twists, forming two huge shields in front of it in an instant, and even retracted its head.

It's just that the violent blow in his imagination didn't happen. Just as Silver Tongue was about to see what happened, a red light flickered under his eyelids, and he saw Li Yunfei's Baipi Dao stabbing directly from under his shield!

Just now, Li Yunfei rolled on the spot and directly used the so-called Ditang knife technique!
"When..." With a crisp sound, a piece of Silver Tongue's shield was chopped off, and a deep knife mark appeared on his left arm.

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, and just as he was about to jump up and stab Silver Tongue's neck, he caught a dazzling light from the corner of his eye.

not good!He rolled on the spot, let go of his silver tongue and rolled away from where he was just now.

As soon as he left, he heard a "boom", and two energy beams bombarded the place where he was just now, blasting out a deep pit.

It's silver shoulders!
The cooperation of these two silver giants is really annoying...

Li Yunfei frowned, and looked towards the silver mage in mid-air.I don't know how this person who buried his appearance deeply in the hood will help him?The water element just now was really good, it would be great if I did it again...

What surprised him was that the silver mage had been silent and stopped attacking since just now, and now he closed his eyes and rested, motionless, looking like a sculpture.

Even if he didn't cooperate, he would have to kill a lowly giant... Li Yunfei frowned, and was about to speak to the silver mage.

At this moment, the silver mage's only exposed eyes suddenly opened, emitting a frightening light, and swung the staff in his hand suddenly.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, as if it had become winter.

Li Yunfei was wondering, when he heard a loud "boom", hundreds of huge icicles as thick as buckets suddenly grew on the ground, like a forest of criss-crossed ice, trapping silver tongues and silver shoulders inside!

"Stupid human being, is this your pitiful attack? It's just..." Yin Jian said with a look of contempt.

It's just that before he finished speaking, all the icicles in the ice forest suddenly had white light flashing, and then huge ice walls appeared between these icicles, completely connecting them together, forming a A huge block of ice with a radius of hundreds of meters sealed the silver tongue and silver shoulders inside!
Seeing this scene, Li Yunfei couldn't help being stunned, and was extremely shocked.

This silver mage is so powerful that he can use such powerful ice magic!But obviously such a powerful magic also has a price, not only the preparation time in the early stage, but also side effects after casting the spell.The silver mage was still motionless at this moment, looking very weak.

Then without the slightest hesitation, he swung the Baipi knife in his hand and rushed towards the silver shoulder in front.

At this time, the two silver giants have been sealed, and they are completely at the mercy of others. If they don't kill them now, I feel sorry for them.

"Human... human..." At this moment, Yin Jian's body began to wriggle slowly in the ice layer, and an angry roar came out of his mouth, trying to break free from the shackles of the ice.

Seeing this, Li Yunfei snorted coldly, the light flickered in his hand, and he had already held a magic cannon in his hand.

Then he took out a bundle of long mithril threads at the same time, and tied the magic cannon to the Baipi knife in a blink of an eye, but the muzzle was facing one side of the handle.

"Bah..." With a soft sound, the Baipi Knife had already stabbed Yin Jian's chest, but only a little bit of the tip of the knife penetrated. Obviously, the hardness of the Silver Giant had surpassed the sharpness of the Baipi Knife.

Yin Jian's body could only move slowly at this moment, but there was a look of contempt in his eyes.Even if these human beings want to break through his defenses, it is extremely difficult. These small human beings have no dignity at all in front of giants!
Li Yunfei didn't seem to see it, with a slight smile on his face, he thrust forward with all his strength, and at the same time pressed the switch of the magic cannon.

Immediately, a fiery energy beam shot out from the muzzle of the magic cannon, and with a strong reverse thrust, it pushed Baipi Dao into Yin Jian's body!

"No..." A look of horror finally appeared on Yin Jian's face, he could feel that the opponent's strength was stronger, enough to break his body!

However, Li Yunfei remained unmoved, and still stabbed the Baipi Dao forward forcefully, with a serious expression on his face, as if he was completing a task.

The Baipi knife pierced Yinjian's body little by little, and with a "click", his silver heart shattered instantly, and the brilliance in his eyes dimmed!

"Roar—Silver Shoulder!" "Boom!" There was a rumbling sound of shattering ice cubes, and Silver Tongue broke free from the shackles of the ice layer, and rushed towards Li Yunfei full of anger, and the tongue in his mouth instantly became longer , Like a gun barrel, thousands of dense metal thorns were shot at Li Yunfei.

As if Li Yunfei didn't see it at all, he stretched out his hand to take out the silver heart on the silver shoulder, and then swallowed the silver heart like eating a luscious apple.


(End of this chapter)

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