super giant clone

Chapter 383: The Original Promise

Chapter 383: The Original Promise

What are the people from the Fire Fang Principality doing here?
Li Yunfei has dealt with people from the Huoya Principality many times before.

The Eli Stark he met during the Warriors Conference, and the so-called "reinforcements" of the Firefang Dukes he met in the Principality of Valdor.

Speaking of which, the people from the Huoya Principality did not give him a very good impression.

"Which door did they come in from?" Li Yunfei asked.

"Return to your lord, you enter from the east gate."

"Very good, bring it in." Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes and said.Apparently, the envoys of the Huoya Principality didn't know that Crude was killed in battle, and Lingyun King City was renamed and changed hands. Let's see what they want to do.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a red flame robe and two followers entered the Yunmu Mountain Hall and came to the center of the hall.

This man has a mustache and a goatee, and looks a bit aristocratic and arrogant.

After entering the hall, the man immediately raised his hand to salute.

Just seeing Li Yunfei sitting on the throne, he couldn't help being taken aback immediately, and said to himself: "Who are you? Where is His Majesty King Lingyun?"

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, and he jokingly said: "Majesty Crude is going to inspect the whole city, just tell me if there is anything."

The emissary didn't expect such a situation to happen, so he couldn't help but look in disbelief, but saw Sadat Hussein and others beside him, and saw Li Yunfei sitting on the throne, he couldn't help but said with loneliness: "This matter is of great importance. Our Grand Duke Huoya asked me to personally convey his meaning to His Majesty Crude. I will wait for His Majesty Crude to come back."

Li Yunfei smiled slightly, and said: "It's nothing to say, His Majesty Crude will be back soon."

The messenger hesitated for a moment and said: "A few days ago, our Grand Duke Huoya sent people to the Principality of Waldo to break the siege of the giants. Thor Lee of the Principality conspired to assassinate the commander of our Fire Fang Principality's reinforcements, and captured and imprisoned [-] of our country's elite soldiers, the crime is simply heinous!"

Having said that, he took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at the expressionless people around him, thinking that everyone was so indignant and speechless, he smiled smugly, and then said: "My Grand Duke has always respected you. His Majesty Rudd is the only king, and now that such a heart-wrenching incident has happened, the Grand Duke sent me to ask His Majesty Rudd for help. We must kill Saul Lee to eliminate harm to mankind, and then capture Grand Duke Tina alive Let her know the fate of treachery, my Grand Duke said, I hope His Majesty King Lingyun can hand over Grand Duke Tina to him, let him personally punish Grand Duke Tina, and comfort the souls of those soldiers who died unjustly..."

"Oh? So, His Excellency Huoya Grand Duke wants to kill me?" Li Yunfei raised his mouth and said, "I didn't expect him to be able to get news from the Waldo Principality...but I think the Huoya Principality should also have news from the Valdo Principality. A few spies, it would be strange if there were none."

"Exactly..." The Huoya Principality's envoy responded casually, then suddenly came to his senses, looked up at Li Yunfei in shock, and asked, "Who are you? You..."

At this moment, a magic gold warrior entered the hall holding a box, saluted and said, "Report to Mr. Dean, the first round of inspection of the whole city is over."

Li Yunfei nodded in satisfaction, and said to the stunned envoy of Huoya Principality: "Master envoy, don't you want to see Crude? He is right here."

As he spoke, he opened the box in his hand, revealing a human head sealed in ice, which was Crude's head!
"Your Majesty Kekekekekecrude..." The messenger's legs softened, he sat down on the ground, pointed at Crude's head and said, his upper and lower teeth collided, and he was almost speechless.

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, and he asked the attendants to put Crude's head away. He looked at the envoy of the Fire Fang Principality with great interest, and an idea quickly appeared in his mind.

Since this Huoya Grand Duke is so ignorant, let's play with him...

At this moment, a black shadow flashed and knelt down on the ground, but it was Monto: "Master, my subordinate was careless and let that Ken Rollin run away, please punish me!" Monto knelt on one knee Said in front of Li Yunfei with a look of annoyance.

He had been paying attention to the battle between Li Yunfei and Crude just now, so he didn't pay attention to the Grand Duke Ken.But he didn't expect that when he came back to his senses, that Ken had already seen that something was wrong and ran away!
Seeing this scene, he immediately took people to chase him, but he didn't expect to chase him out of the city and into the wilderness, but he couldn't find Ken. He was like a mouse, hiding and disappearing.

The moment Li Yunfei saw Monto, Li Yunfei couldn't help but his eyes lit up, then he smiled and said: "Okay, get up, you're just a clown, run away as soon as you run, don't just ask for some punishment, in the future you will become Lord Fire Fang."

Monto was a little confused for a moment, looking up at Li Yunfei, not knowing what he meant.

Li Yunfei cleared his throat, sat up straight, his eyes became serious in an instant, and asked Montor below: "Montor Stark, do you still remember the promise I made to you at the Hero Conference in Lingyun King City?" ?"

Monto's whole body was shaken, he couldn't believe his ears, and said tremblingly: "This subordinate remembers."

The promise Li Yunfei made to him back then was that as long as he defeated Eli Stark, he would support him to become the Grand Duke of Fire Fang!

Originally, he also thought that the master was just talking about it, and it would take a long, long time to realize it, but he didn't expect that today, right here, his master actually mentioned this matter!
"Very good," Li Yunfei raised his mouth and said, "The time has come. I will give you fifty war colossi, three thousand magic gold warriors, and fifty thousand elite soldiers from the Fire Fang Principality. Grand Duke Ya, would you like to replace him?"

"Subordinates...Subordinates are willing!" Monto said in a trembling voice, his eyes turning reddish.

His master promises a thousand gold, he naturally understands the power of this help.Those fifty war colossi alone are enough for him to walk sideways in any black iron general city, not to mention three thousand magic gold warriors.And those [-] elite soldiers of the Fire Fang Principality were naturally the "reinforcements" of the Fire Fang Principality who were captured in the Valdo Principality before.

With this power, it is enough to overthrow a black iron general city!
As a member of the branch of the Stark family, Monto's memories from childhood to adulthood are all about the arrogance of the family and the humiliation brought to the branch.One of the big reasons why he has worked so hard since he was a child is to defeat his family.His mother was forced to death by members of the same family, so this hatred has been buried in his heart.

But now, all this is about to become a reality, he can uproot the family!
Even, become the Grand Duke of Fire Fang!
At this moment, he suddenly rejoiced in his heart that Li Yunfei cast the Blood Slave Curse on him and became his servant, otherwise, he would never have such an opportunity in his life.

"Go if you want to! What are you still doing here!?" Li Yunfei laughed and scolded, "I'll give you ten days. After ten days, don't come to see me if you can't be the Duke of Huoya."

(End of this chapter)

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