super giant clone

Chapter 384 Chapter memory, revenge

Chapter 384 Memories, Revenge

In the cold afternoon, the little boy stood behind the bookcase in the living room of the castle and secretly looked into the living room.

"John Stark, the Linniao family rebelled against the patriarch of my Stark family, Lord Firefang. It is really treasonous. The Grand Duke has ordered that the Linniao family must be exterminated! Your wife also belongs to the Linniao family. What should I do? , You should understand yourself." A few men in scarlet flame robes stood at the door with their backs to the sun, and the one at the front said proudly.

"Master Mahon, although my wife Shirley is a member of the Linniao clan, she has not been in contact with her clan for more than ten years, and she is a weak woman, what can she do, please forgive me, Lord Messenger!" A thin The middle-aged man lowered his proud head and said eagerly to the messenger.This man is the father of the little boy.

And behind his father stood a pretty woman who was his mother.I just don't know why my mother has a sad and painful expression on her face.

"Hmph, the idiot who splits the family, you are so stupid! This is the order of the chief of the Stark family, the Lord Firefang, do you want to disobey?" The messenger narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "As long as the old man is willing, a sentence Words can destroy this little offshoot of your family! You dare to marry the feud of my Stark family as your wife, and it is your fate to live to this day! Take this woman down for me!"

"I'll see who dares to touch my wife!" John Stark stood up straight suddenly, pulled out the long sword at his waist, and shouted angrily with rounded eyes. A layer of gray grudge instantly ignited on the surface of his body, but it was A rock swordsman!
John Stark swung the long sword in his hand, and the floor under his feet was directly crushed by him, extremely powerful.The Dou Qi he cultivated was the Fire Dou Qi of the Fire Fang Principality.

But the envoy snorted coldly, with a contemptuous smile on his face, slowly pulled out his long sword, and said: "It's just a branch that can only cultivate the fighting spirit of fire. How dare you go against the head of the family, let you see The power of the Fire Fang Dou Qi of our family!"

With a "boom", the surface of the envoy's body was already ignited with a blue vindictive flame, and the coercion formed even made John Stark feel a burst of hot scorching.

John Stark's complexion was pale, and he knew in his heart that he was bound to lose.Huoya's battle qi really lived up to its reputation, and the opponent was a bronze swordsman, so he had no chance of winning at all.

Just to protect his wife, he would rather die than hesitate!

At this moment, the messenger Mahon said with a joking smile: "John, even if you want to die, do you still want to die with your child? Tsk tsk tsk, what's the name...Monto, right? What a poor little girl..."

The child hiding behind the bookcase was startled suddenly, his breathing became short of breath, he pushed the bookcase away with a "bang", and ran towards his parents: "Dad, Mom..."

"Monto, don't come here!" "Get out of here, kid!" John and Shirley exclaimed at the same time.

The emissary suddenly shot out like lightning, kicked John in the chest, kicked him directly backwards, and hit the wall heavily.

"Dad!" "John!"

John Stark spat out a mouthful of blood, struggled to stand up, looked at his wife and children and said, "Run, get out of here!"

At this moment, Shirley seemed to have made up her mind, and suddenly squatted down and hugged her child, took a deep look at him, and said, "Monto, you must listen to your father from now on, and don't miss me..."

As soon as the words fell, she suddenly pulled out a sharp dagger from her waist, and then stabbed it into her heart!

"Mom—" the little boy yelled, only to feel his mind was blank, and the world was spinning...


"Ah——" Monto sat up suddenly, only to find that he was lying in the trailer behind a magic gold chariot, but his whole body was soaked in sweat.

He rubbed his forehead vigorously, and only then did he feel better.

It was a nightmare again... Over the years, he couldn't remember how many times he had this dream.No, it should be said that he returned to the moment when his mother committed suicide in the dream.

Every time he woke up in a dream, hatred and pain would eat away at his heart like bugs.

When he was young, his mother offended Duke Huoya because of his relatives, and was finally forced to death by the envoys sent by Duke Huoya.After the death of his mother, the originally heroic and brave father also became depressed. Not only did he drink alcohol for many years, he was in the dark, he also got a whole body of diseases, and finally died of depression.

Monto kept all these hatreds in his heart.

And these anger and hatred also made him unscrupulous and dark inside.The previous him had always understood that there was no need for revenge if he just relied on his own words, but he never expected to meet Li Yunfei in the end.

"Dong dong..." There was a knock on the door of the trailer, it was a guard.

"Come in." Monto said with a solemn face.For a long time, the magic gold warriors have fought bloody battles and have become an absolute army of hundreds of battles. As the general of the magic gold warriors, Monto has also formed his own power.

"My lord, there are still thirty kilometers away from the Huoya Principality."

"It's time..." Monto narrowed his eyes, and the hatred that had been suppressed for a long time burned again, as if his blood was ignited.

"Send the order, the whole army enters the hills south of the Huoya Principality, and waits for the order!"


Monto raised his hand and pushed open the window above the trailer, jumped up and stood on the roof of the trailer.

Looking around, an army of tens of thousands of people is marching forward.

In the front are ten magic gold chariots with rumbling wheels.

Behind them are a thousand magic gold warriors on horses.And behind the thousand magic gold warriors, there were fifty carts, each drawn by eight war horses, and on the carts were placed squatting war colossi.This is done in order to recharge your batteries and go into battle at any time.

Behind them, there are thousands of mounted magic gold warriors.

At the end were [-] surrendered soldiers from the Huoya Principality.

After seeing the power of Snowfall City and Zhanzheng College, these soldiers who originally belonged to the Fire Fang Principality were completely convinced, and they didn't even have the slightest desire to resist.And when Monto revealed his identity as a member of the Stark family, he eliminated the psychological defense of these people and surrendered to him with peace of mind.

After all, the Stark family has always been the duke family of the Fire Fang Duchy. Since this mage is also a member of the Stark family, following him to fight the Fire Fang Duke is not an invasion of his hometown, at most it is a Stark family. A civil war in the Ke family is also morally justified.

Looking at this mighty team, Monto showed a trace of pleasure on his face, then he looked in the direction of the Fire Fang Principality, and said to himself: "Ma Hong Stark, Church Stark, I really can't wait Want to see you..."

"The whole army is silent, speed up, and be sure to enter the predetermined location before sunset!"

After Monto gave an order, the silent army immediately accelerated again and headed towards the Fire Fang Principality.


At night, the capital of the Huoya Principality, the Huoya Golden City.

The size of this capital city is huge, twice the size of the capital city of ordinary black iron generals.It's just that although the area is large, the population living in it is only 10,000+ people.

In the entire capital, one-third of the core is occupied by the palace of Duke Huoya, which is surrounded by a thick and tall wall.

The entire palace is decorated with resplendent gold and jade, showing the utmost luxury.

At this time, a extravagant feast was going on in the Fire Crow Golden Palace.Churchill Stark, Lord Firefang, is feasting his court.

A group of beautiful dancers in revealing clothes are constantly twisting their waists in the middle of the hall, showing off their charm.

A famous waiter presented plates of dishes and bottles of fine wine, and all the nobles of the Firefang Principality present laughed and laughed.

At this moment, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks walked to the center of the hall with a glass of wine, and said to the Grand Duke Huoya sitting on the main seat: "Congratulations to the Grand Duke for bringing back the beautiful girl, then Tina Waldo must belong to you, Grand Duke." of!"

"Hahaha, okay, I'll do it all for the old man!" Grand Duke Huoya shouted happily, raising his glass.

(End of this chapter)

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