super giant clone

Chapter 387 The giant is coming!

Chapter 387 The giant is coming!

"Boom!" The lighting magic bomb exploded in mid-air, instantly illuminating everything around it like daytime.

Not far away, some shadows originally hidden in the darkness became clear at this time, and a dozen rectangular things like small houses were seen standing there, which seemed to be some vehicles.

And in front of these vehicles, there are thick pipes sticking out, like tree trunks, I don't know what they are for.

Just at the very moment when the lighting magic bomb exploded in the sky, more than a dozen bucket-thick energy pillars shot out from these tubes, surrounded by fiery energy fluctuations, and instantly came to the place where Grand Duke Huoya and the others lived. before!

Grand Duke Huoya was rushing forward at first, and he was only less than ten meters away from Monto, but he suddenly felt a kind of danger that made his heart skip a beat. He turned his head to look, and immediately saw the energy column that had arrived in front of him, which instantly made his whole body His hairs stood on end.

It's a magic cannon!

Even if he is a powerhouse of the fifth level of black iron, he will never die if he is hit by this magic cannon, and he will be seriously injured!

Why is there a magic cannon here! ?
At the critical moment, he didn't have the time to think about this at all, he turned his body almost like an instinctive reaction, and the fighting fangs that were originally aimed at Monto slanted towards the energy column of the magic cannon.

Hearing a loud "bang", Grand Duke Huoya was thrown out like a small stone, and his whole body hit the wall beside him heavily, knocking down a large piece of the wall made of granite.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spewed out, one arm and left shoulder of Grand Duke Huoya had been completely comminuted and fractured, and at the same time there were scratches all over his body, and he was seriously injured in the blink of an eye.

Looking around, his fate is not bad. Among the dozen or so black iron swordsmen who followed him in the battle, some of them didn't have time to defend themselves. There was a big hole, and it was even broken in two!
There were less than ten people who survived, and most of them were injured!
There was no way, the magic cannon's attack was too close, and it was completely unprepared, leaving them no time to react.

Grand Duke Huoya let out a muffled roar, jumped forward, and the black iron fighting spirit all over his body burned again, and the huge fighting spirit fangs appeared at the same time, and rushed towards Monto and the magic gold warrior again.

"Palace Mage, Fire Fang Dark Blade, give me all, kill him! As long as you kill this kid, the others will have nothing to fear! His magic cannon can't be fired continuously, kill them quickly!" Hearing this , The confidantes of Lord Fire Fang who were completely shocked by the attack just now immediately stepped forward again, this time, they all rushed towards Monto.

At the same time, a group of soldiers hurried over not far away, but they were the Golden Palace guards of Huoya Golden Palace who were attracted by the voice here. There were nearly ten thousand guards in total.

"Everyone listen to the order, and in the name of Grand Duke Huoya, kill the intruders! Anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy! Mahon, write down all those who are timid and retreat!" Grand Duke Huoya roared again, and at the same time Looking at the nobles who were on the side.

"Yes!" Mahone replied, looking towards the nobles.In the battle just now, he was the most cunning, and his actions were a little slower, but because of this, he escaped the attack of the magic cannon and was unscathed at this time.

All the dignitaries of the Fire Fang Principality have raised their own dead soldiers, especially the personal guards, which are also a powerful force.

These nobles hadn't recovered from the shock of the magic gold soldiers and magic cannons at this time, and they didn't want to go forward to fight from the bottom of their hearts.In the eyes of many nobles, this is actually a dispute within the Stark family, and they can't afford to risk their own lives.What's more, Churchill Stark, the Grand Duke of Fire Fang, is violent by nature and unpopular, and many people are gloating in their hearts at this time.

But after hearing the words of Grand Duke Huoya, they had no choice but to act!Otherwise, once Grand Duke Fire Fang successfully counter-killed this Montor Stark, the ensuing revenge would definitely be at the level of extermination!

At the same time, those Golden Palace guards have arrived at a place less than a kilometer away from the Martial Arts Parade, followed by more than a dozen court mages, and even two black iron mages, flying in the air while rushing over , the strength of Duke Huoya's side increased greatly.

Seeing the appearance of these reinforcements, many nobles of the Huoya Principality couldn't help but feel a little regret.

Although this Monto is powerful, he is only a black iron mage after all, and his high-end power is too little. Even if he ambushed a few magic cannons, the cooling time of the magic cannons is extremely long. Black iron fighters have no chance of winning at all.

"Montor Stark, die! The fire teeth are touching the sky!" At this moment, Nama Hong saw the opportunity, and suddenly roared, the black iron fighting energy all over his body was burning, and he also used the fire teeth fighting energy to attack Monto.

Although he is only a swordsman of the first rank of Heitie, the attack power of the fire teeth that he uses is not very strong, but the momentum is extremely large. The black iron vindictiveness swirls around his body into a tornado of vindictiveness. Extremely amazing.

At this time, he saw that the reinforcements from the Huofang Principality had arrived, and that Monto was already at the end of his battle, so he immediately came out to grab the first shot.

"Hmph, boy, go see your dead father!" Mahon snorted coldly.

At this moment, a light flashed in Monto's hand, and he suddenly took out a crimson box with bright patterns from the storage bag, and it fell to the ground with a bang, showing an extremely heavy weight.

Just when everyone was surprised again, Monto narrowed his eyes, and the box in his hand opened instantly, forming a suit of armor in a blink of an eye, attached to Monto's body.Behind the armor, there are four fiery red fighting flags, which look majestic.

"Click..." The helmet's visor closed on Monto's face, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

On the chest, a huge "Dou" character is ferocious and violent.

This is exactly the piece of combat equipment that Li Yunfei gave him when Monto came here, the Magic Gold Battle Armor!

"Fire Dragon Flame!" Monto roared angrily, waved his hands, a huge dragon-shaped flame appeared in front of him, and rushed to Mahon in an instant!

"Flame Roar!" "Scorching Wind!" "Magma Swamp!" Four black iron-level magicians appeared in front of Mahon at the same time without stopping!

At the same time, in the surrounding darkness, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly appeared from far to near, and then huge figures appeared from the darkness, illuminated by the flames of the martial arts field.

There are a total of fifty of these figures, each of which is glowing with a black metallic gleam, holding a huge sword in his hand, the crimson light of the magic crystal is reflected on the blade.

Everyone present at the Huoya Principality, including the Huoya Grand Duke, were all shocked by this sudden scene, unable to speak for a while, as if they had turned into a group of clay puppets.

"Giant gigantic gigantic gigantic giant... giant! Black iron giant! Fifty black iron giants! The giant is coming—" The leader of the Huofang Imperial Guard fell to the ground and howled as if he was the first to kill a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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