super giant clone

Chapter 388 The Pond

Chapter 388 The Pond
Fifty huge black figures reflected the dark metallic luster, and the huge saber in their hands glowed red like blood, making them suffocating!

The unknown human beings swallowed a mouthful of saliva almost at the same time.

Fifty black iron giants are simply fifty huge man-eating machines. Even those powerful black iron-level fighters feel guilty at this moment. The people in these black iron generals have never seen so many black iron giants at the same time. The Iron Giant appeared together.

As for those ordinary soldiers, their legs and feet were even weaker, and they were completely shrouded in fear of death.The speed of the Golden Palace guards who were approaching slowed down instantly, and many soldiers even sat down on the ground in fright.

How did so many black iron giants quietly enter the Huoya Principality and the Huoya Golden Palace! ?

There was a sneer at the corner of Monto's mouth, and he said solemnly: "The Colossus of War, kill me! Anyone who resists, kill without mercy!"

"Yes!" To the shock of everyone in the Firefang Principality, those "black iron giants" answered Monto's words in unison!
Then I saw these "black iron giants" raise the huge swords in their hands, and slashed towards the guards next to Grand Duke Huoya.

At the same time, several "Black Iron Giants" directly surrounded Duke Huoya and began to siege him!

"Ah—" At this moment, Namahong immediately became flustered in desperation, and was hit head-on by Monto's fire dragon Yan Yan, and his whole body was instantly ignited with raging flames.

He immediately controlled his grudge to extinguish the flames, but at this moment, a huge saber struck him, smashing towards him like a wall.

Mahon had no choice but to raise the long sword in his hand to block it, and when he heard a "ding", the long sword in his hand had been cut off completely, and his whole body was pressed by the huge force so that his feet sank deep into the ground.

"Fire dragon and fire snake rope." Monto shouted, and one after another fire dragons and fire snakes emerged from the void, there were thousands of them, and at the same time densely wrapped around the surface of Mahon's body, locking him there completely.

"Forgive me! Forgive me! Let me go, let me go!" Mahon struggled hard several times, but he couldn't get away at all. There were bursts of magic waves from the fiery dragon and snake, which even suppressed his fighting spirit. .At the same time, his whole body was still burning with flames, and the entangled limbs and torso seemed to be scorched by a branding iron.

Below him is a magma swamp, bubbling hot magma, which is extremely frightening.

Looking at Mahon who was struggling and begging for mercy in front of him, Monto suddenly felt dull.

Monto has been practicing the fire magic of Fire Dragon and Fire Snake Cable since he was a child. In fact, he fantasizes that one day he can lock up Mahon and cut off his flesh with a knife.

At that time, enemies such as Mahon and Duke Huoya were completely out of reach in his eyes, and the day of revenge seemed hopeless in this life.

But now, without even using all his strength, he defeated these people at will, and the entire Firefang Principality is already within his grasp. Monto suddenly found that his former enemies were all weak and pitiful.

After following his master, he has seen too many strong men and experienced too many fights.How many storms and waves have I seen, just the fighting of hundreds of thousands of giants, I don't know how many times.At the same time, he also saw the vastness of this world. In comparison, the Huoya Principality is simply a small pond.And people like Lord Huoya and Mahon are just like toads in a small pond.

Huh, did you grow up too fast?Thinking of this, the corners of Monto's mouth slightly raised, and he suddenly became infinitely grateful to his master.

If it wasn't for that person, how could he have achieved what he is today?

And his Monto's life will definitely not be limited to the small Firefang Principality, or even the human territory, because he followed that person!
Thinking of this, Monto waved his hand casually, walked by Mahone's side, and walked towards Churchill Stark, the Duke of Firefang.

"Forgive me, please spare me, please forgive me, please..." Mahon begged for mercy while groaning miserably. At this time, without the protection of fighting spirit, his eyes had been scorched, and he could only hear Monto's voice with his ears. The sound of footsteps walking past.

It's just that before he finished his last word, he heard the sound of a heavy object roaring from the top of his head, and then a huge saber slashed at the top of his head, splitting his whole body into two pieces, falling to the ground. Into the magma swamp below.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" At this moment, Lord Huoya frantically activated his fighting spirit to resist the attacks of the three war giants. A phantom of a huge wild boar head more than 20 meters high appeared around his body, and two huge fangs The teeth flicked again and again, blocking the sword of the war colossus.

The Grand Duke Huoya was able to secure his position as Grand Duke not only because of his own greed and tyranny, but also because of his powerful combat power.At this time, he was able to win with one enemy and three!

It's just that no matter how strong he is, facing the siege of the three war giants, he is extremely tired at this time, and his speed begins to slow down.

Monto walked up to Lord Fire Fang, and said without the slightest emotion: "Church Stark, give up resisting, I can leave you a whole body."

"Monto! How dare you collude with a giant! You are a spy of a giant! This is a betrayal of the entire human race, and everyone must be punished!" Grand Duke Huoya screamed loudly, waving the giant sword in his hand vigorously.

Monto sneered, cast a loudspeaker circle, and said: "Church Stark, today I will let you know that this is not a black iron giant, but a war equipment developed by Lord Liontooth. , named War Colossi, each of which has black iron-level combat power, and our Zhanzheng College now has a total of [-] War Colossi, and there are only fifty here, which is enough to destroy the Fire Fang Principality!"

Hearing this, the nobles and soldiers of the Huoya Principality who were present were all shocked, and then felt terrified.They had discovered just now that these war giants did not seem to be black iron giants, but were manipulated by humans.Unexpectedly, there are as many as [-] such powerful war equipment!This is equivalent to [-] black iron-level fighters, no, even stronger, after all, these war equipment don't know how to get tired!
How powerful is the Marquis of the Lion Tooth?

Naturally, they didn't know that there were only three hundred war statues in the Zhanzheng College at most, but no one thought about Monto's exaggerated words at this time.

"You and I are both members of the Stark family, why do we have to push each other so hard? Montor, as long as you let me go, I will immediately make you the head of the Stark family. From then on, one of you will be the family. How is it? We are...but relatives! Don't fight anymore..." Grand Duke Huoya's face changed several times, and suddenly he began to smile uglier than crying. Monto said.

"Forcing each other? Relatives?" Monto sneered, "Go and talk to my parents about these things."

"Besides, if I kill you, I can still become the patriarch of the Stark family. Who dares to refuse?" With a finger of the staff in his hand, a dragon-like flame spewed out and shot towards Duke Fire Fang.

"Fire Dragon Flame!"

(End of this chapter)

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