super giant clone

Chapter 496 Equality King, Planet Miniature

Chapter 496 Equality King, Planet Miniature
Hearing Li Yunfei's teasing, the Goblin King heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I thank you in the name of the Goblin King... Thank you, you have won the friendship of the Goblin King's court."

Speaking of this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a wry smile: "Of course, the friendship of the Goblin Royal Court is not very valuable... Anyway, I really thank you for saving the many soldiers of the Royal Court."

Although he had to escape alone in order to continue the entire goblin civilization, he felt only ashamed of these loyal goblin warriors. Now that Li Yunfei killed all the giants who came to attack, his conscience was redeemed.

Li Yunfei smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't say that. In my opinion, the friendship of goblin civilization is extremely precious, enough for me to defend it with my whole life." The goblin warriors around listened to it with great sincerity.

His voice and movements were not at all artificial, they were completely genuine, which immediately moved the Goblin King's heart.The human in front of him really regards the goblin as his friend!

Li Yunfei was extremely excited at this time, joking, although the goblin civilization is now in decline, it is like a huge dust-covered treasure house, as long as you open it, you can get countless treasures.For others, goblin civilization may be just a joke, but for Li Yunfei, a great alchemy master, the friendship of goblin civilization is really extremely precious, something that he attaches great importance to from the bottom of his heart!

The goblin king naturally didn't know what Li Yunfei was thinking, and was completely moved at this moment. He opened his mouth to give Li Yunfei a reward, but he didn't know what to give.You must know that there is nothing decent in the goblin royal court, and the barren and barren goblin territory is even more of a joke.Originally there were still some relics of the ancestors, but most of them were decayed and could not be used.

Things that are extremely precious to ordinary goblins have no meaning to the human being in front of them.

The goblin king couldn't help but feel depressed. The great power of this human being in front of him is of great significance to him. He has a vague premonition that if the entire goblin civilization wants to get rid of the current barbaric state, it is closely related to this human being in front of him.

We must think of a way to tie him to the goblin civilization!
Suddenly, the goblin king's eyes lit up, and he thought of a good idea. He raised his head and said to Li Yunfei, "Sol, how about we become brothers? From now on, you will be the equal king of my goblin kingdom! Be side by side with me to lead the 8000 Myriad goblins! How about it?"

In his opinion, the hope of the goblin clan probably lies in this human being in front of him, and what the other party has done just now is worth his sacrifice.

Seeing the hopeful expression on the goblin king's face, Li Yunfei nodded and said, "Then respect is worse than obedience, haha, speaking of it, the king is not only a few years older than me, he should be thousands of years older, right?" I have always admired this goblin king, and want to know more about goblin civilization, so it is better to become the leader of goblin civilization.

The goblin king showed a shameful expression, and said: "My memory has all become blurred, only the memory of the decades since the last time my consciousness was transferred to the present is still clear, in fact, I am only in my 40s... My name is Kidd is known as the Wheel-Running King."

"It turns out that the eldest brother's name is Kidd, and the title of the Wheel-Turning King is quite appropriate." Li Yunfei said with a smile.Kidd has been reincarnated countless times, and the King of Wheels is worthy of his name.

At that moment, the two sacrificed to the gods according to the rituals of goblins and humans, and wiped their finger blood on each other's foreheads. They laughed, hugged each other hard, and then slammed each other's shoulders, and once again raised their heads to the sky. laugh it out.

In the ruins of the Goblin Royal Court, Kidd announced loudly to the surrounding goblins: "My people, from now on, King Equality will be your other great king, who has the same divine grace as me, and has been granted by the ancestor god. Blessings! I want you to go to various parts of the Goblin Wasteland and announce this news to everyone! Ancestral gods, the glory is back!"

"Gods of the ancestors, come back with glory!" All the goblins around shouted excitedly.

They all witnessed the scene of Li Yunfei killing thousands of demons by himself. The goblins' tradition of worshiping the strong made them extremely tame to Li Yunfei.

After the ceremony, the cleaning work began in the entire dilapidated goblin royal court.Originally they planned to move the capital, but after the battle just now, the royal court on the hill became dilapidated, but it was a good cover.After discussing with Li Yunfei, Kidd and Li Yunfei decided to continue to stay here, but to quietly expand the hollow inside the mountain, and basically keep the outside as dilapidated to hide it.

I believe that other giants will not come to attack again after seeing such a dilapidated royal court.

A goblin named from the king's court began to disperse to all parts of the goblin wasteland, and spread the news that the goblins ushered in the second king—Equality King Saul Lee to all the tribes and territories.

In the underground hall of the Goblin King's Court, Kidd and Li Yunfei have once again arrived at the room in the deepest part of the hall where the crystal coffin and the consciousness transfer array are placed.

Kidd walked up to a metal wall, put his finger into a groove in the metal wall, and drew a pattern on the wall with his other hand. The next moment, the center of the wall opened suddenly, revealing a A darkroom the size of a box.

There is only a small black metal ball in the dark room. The metal ball is covered with tiny grooves, about the size of a walnut. I don't know what it is for.

Kidd took out the metal ball, handed it to Li Yunfei, and said, "Brother, this thing is what I must carry when I first transfer my consciousness. Although I have completely forgotten what it is for now, every time I transfer my consciousness, I will take it again. Find it and hide it properly, help me find out what it is, will it help you?"

Li Yunfei nodded and took the metal ball casually.

This thing is heavy and a bit overwhelming. Judging from the material, the shell is made of fine iron. The surface is covered with many alchemy circuits, and there are many small holes. You can vaguely see the magic crystals inside. I don’t know. What is it for.

But he could feel that there was still energy in this thing, and it wasn't completely damaged!
Moreover, its activation device doesn't seem to be complicated, as long as it can circulate energy, it can be activated.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei directly took some mithril and other materials on the spot, and began to build an energy circuit on a stone slab.

According to the appearance in his impression, after a while, he has built a "Brad-Polly" circuit, which is the circuit that can absorb void magic elements for circulation.

Afterwards, he took out several magic crystals and placed them on several energy nodes of the circuit, and placed the metal ball in the center of the entire circuit array.

In the next moment, Li Yunfei directly mobilized the magic elements in the circuit with his mental power, making the whole circuit work instantly.

I saw streams of energy pouring into the black metal ball, lighting it up instantly!
Immediately, the black metal ball was directly suspended in mid-air, and streaks of blue light and shadow came out from the gaps in the ball, forming a sphere of light around it.

The sphere of light rotates slowly, with grooves and protrusions on it, and some names written in the common language of the mainland.

The moment he saw this thing, Li Yunfei couldn't help subconsciously immediately understanding what it was.

This is a miniature planet similar to a globe!

(End of this chapter)

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