super giant clone

Chapter 497 Goblin Airship

Chapter 497 Goblin Airship
On a planet with almost [-]% oceans, rippling blue waves surround a continent and a huge island, and at the same time there are some scattered small islands scattered on the ocean.

The area of ​​that continent almost accounts for nearly [-]% of the entire planet's area, while the huge island is one-tenth the size of the continent.

The moment he saw this thing, Li Yunfei immediately understood what was going on.

That continent is the Giant God Continent, and that island is the island of the Goblin Wasteland where he is now!
No wonder he couldn't see the Giant God Continent, and couldn't find the location of the human territory. It turned out that he was now on a giant island in the north of the Giant God Continent, and there was a strait that was almost thousands of kilometers long between the giant island and the Giant God Continent!

The moment I saw this planet model.Li Yunfei can be said to be extremely excited.

He has long felt that the so-called "plane" of this world is likely to be a planet, but now it seems that it is really a planet!Proportionally speaking, the planet is much larger than Earth once was.

It's just that people are a little puzzled, what kind of existence are those so-called demiplanes...

But now there is no time to take care of these, Li Yunfei began to carefully explore the planet model.

On the entire continent, there are rivers and mountains, which look uneven and extremely detailed.If you look carefully, you can even go down to the tributaries of each river.

Obviously, the once glorious goblin civilization knew the entire planet extremely well, and already had its own astronomy, knowing that the land it was on was a planet.

Li Yunfei quickly found the location of the human territory through the direction of the mountains and rivers above, combined with the "General History of the Continent" he knew, and some maps drawn by the human territory.

The area occupied by the entire human territory is less than one-twentieth of the Giant God Continent. It is located at the easternmost point of the entire Giant God Continent, and one side of the human territory is connected to the ocean.

The territories of the elves and dwarves are also on the edge of the continent, which is even more pitiful.The bright forest and natural forest are only the size of a few fingernails on this planet model.

The largest area is naturally the place occupied by giants, accounting for almost 90.00% of the entire continent, and all of them are located in the center of the continent.

What makes Li Yunfei feel a little strange is that in the planet model, there is a huge circle in the center of the continent, enclosing half of the entire continent's area inside. I don't know what it is.

What is this... Li Yunfei frowned. Could it be that the instrument is malfunctioning?Otherwise, how could there be such a neat and round circle on the continent...

The Elven King naturally didn't know the answer, and he had even forgotten the theory about the planet.

And Lao Fen also has no memory of this aspect, so he can't help Li Yunfei.

"Boy, are you saying that we are standing on a big ball? How is that possible! If that's the case, wouldn't it have fallen down a long time ago?" Lao Fen poked his head out of Li Yunfei's arm, and said while stroking, with a serious look on his face. Disapproval.

Then he touched his chin and said, "But when I saw this thing, my old man seems to remember something vaguely, and when I think about it carefully, I can't remember it..."

Isn't this nonsense... Li Yunfei glared at him and didn't speak.

At that moment, Li Yunfei carefully explained the meaning of the planetarium to Kidd, the goblin king, and the latter was amazed again and again.

After Li Yunfei finished speaking, Kidd smacked his lips and said with fascination: "I never expected that our ancestors would have done such a great deed, and the world we live in is actually just a star! Hehe... I didn't expect that." I didn't expect..." The impact of this concept was too great for him, and he couldn't digest it for a while.

Then he changed the subject and said to Li Yunfei: "Brother, thank you so much for clarifying my confusion. These years have suffocated me to death, hahaha. Now that I understand what this is, I will give you this planetarium." Yes, I hope it can help you a little, and it can be regarded as a small repayment for your kindness of saving my goblins." He also understood that even if he had this planetarium, it would be of no use at all.The goblins can't even live well on the goblin island now, so it's better to use this thing to win over Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei was also honest and blunt. He nodded and put the planetarium into the space ring, and said, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient. When I thoroughly research and understand it, I will definitely return it immediately."

The moment he discovered the planetarium, a new idea had appeared in his mind.

Originally, he thought he could find a teleportation array to return to the human territory of the Giant God Continent, but now it seems that there is no such hope.But since there is this planetarium, there is also a map, and it is completely possible to find the way home through the planetarium, and return to the human territory again, at most it will take some time.

As for how to cross the strait and return to the human territory, the alchemy items left by the surrounding goblin civilization are the best means of transportation!
Thinking of this, Li Yunfei walked quickly to a metal platform, looking at the things on the metal platform with shining eyes.

In front of his eyes was a giant football-like frame woven of a light metal wire.Most of the cortical objects originally attached to the frame have decayed at this time, leaving only a little bit left.

This frame is more than ten meters long and more than four meters high. It looks like a house.

The goblins have always regarded this thing as a small house where their ancestors once lived, and didn't pay much attention to it.

And Li Yunfei, who has the memory of his previous life, already understood what it was the first time he saw it.

This thing is a kind of alchemy item that goblin civilization surpasses birds, goblin airship!

As the equality king of the goblin clan, Li Yunfei now has the same status and authority as the reincarnation king in the royal court.

In the following time, he and Jiujiu stayed in the underground hall, and began to use various things in the hall to tinkle and do something.

The reincarnation king Kidd also understood at this time that his human brother obviously wanted to find a way to leave here and return to the human territory, so he ordered all the goblins in the king's court to provide Li Yunfei with all kinds of conveniences.

Although the goblins have degenerated into a barbaric society, their love for precious metals and gems is something that no intelligent race will degenerate. They also collected a lot of rare materials on this barren giant island of goblins. Most of them were transported to the underground palace for Li Yunfei to use.

And since this period of time, Li Yunfei's portrait has spread throughout the entire goblin giant island, allowing all the goblins to know what King Equality looks like.

As time passed day by day, Li Yunfei and Jiujiu stayed in the underground hall without sleeping or eating, beating and beating, as if they had completely forgotten the existence of the outside world.

After almost half a month, a huge roar suddenly came from the underground hall, shaking the entire royal court on the hill!

(End of this chapter)

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