Chapter 511
"Roar—" The three giant dragons roared in unison, as if they had finally regained their dignity as a dragon clan.

Then they all turned their heads and looked at Li Yunfei.

Everyone present was shocked to find that the three giant dragons looked at Li Yunfei with pleading looks in their eyes, as if a child who had done something wrong looked at a tyrannical adult.

Li Yunfei nodded and said with a smile, "Good job! Go home."

Hearing this, the three-headed giant dragon immediately flapped its wings and flew into the sky as if it had been pardoned, heading south.

Li Yunfei said from a distance: "These brats, don't run around again next time, or your mother should be so worried, come back and play with uncle when you have time!"

The giant dragon, which had already flown hundreds of meters into the air, trembled at the same time and almost fell from the sky. Then, it flapped its wings desperately and flew up into the sky. It soon turned into three small black dots and disappeared into the distant sky.

The three giant dragons disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only the skeletons of the tiger servant and bear servant on the ground. Only the huge dragon claw marks on the ground can prove their existence.

"Your dragon is gone," Ella said coldly. "I don't know whether to call you brave or stupid."

The moment after Li Yunfei blocked him just now, Xiong Shi and Hu Shi were killed.After seeing that scene, he stopped attacking instead.

Although he is full of confidence and can definitely kill Li Yunfei, but if he adds three giant dragons, it will definitely be a difficult victory.Therefore, when he saw the three giant dragons leaving, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.This Saul Lee is downright arrogant and stupid!
If so, go to hell!

With a wave of the long sword, thousands of gray law threads appeared from the tip of Ayla's sword, and instantly came to Li Yunfei's side and penetrated into his body!

The number of these law threads is so large that it can be seen with the naked eye, directly wrapping Li Yunfei's body completely.Li Yunfei suddenly took a deep breath, closed his eyes and remained motionless.

It's so simple... Huh, it's really boring, I should have killed him just now if I knew it earlier.Ella didn't expect to succeed so easily, she sneered, shook her head, and walked slowly towards Li Yunfei.

Seeing Li Yunfei standing there so motionless, like a clay puppet, Ella suddenly felt that her worry just now was a bit ridiculous.Seeing those three giant dragons, he actually regarded them as some kind of powerful warrior.Looking at it now, he was just an ordinary silver-ranked warrior, at best stronger than Tiger Warrior and Bear Warrior.

"My lord!" The soldiers in Luoxuecheng were stunned at the same time, they didn't expect their lord to be controlled by that Ella!It's just that the three giant dragons were so powerful just now, and they were submissive to their adults, so they couldn't accept this change for a while.

In the blink of an eye, Ella had come to a place less than two meters in front of Li Yunfei.

In the next moment, he will behead the opponent!

At this moment, Li Yunfei suddenly opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "So it's like this...replacement."

While talking, he disappeared in the same place in an instant, and then appeared next to Ella, with a grin on his face, and the huge Baipi knife slashed down in the air!

not good!Seeing the moment Li Yunfei disappeared, Aila screamed secretly, turned around to meet Li Yunfei's Baipi Knife, and from the long sword in her hand, a thread of law spewed out, entangled towards Li Yunfei's Baipi Knife,

What surprised him was that the silk thread of law that he could originally bind everything turned out to be cut off by the opponent's saber like an ordinary thread at this time, and the huge saber fell straight down.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the long sword in Aila's hand was chopped off by Baipi Dao, and the blade fell towards his forehead unabated.

At this moment of lightning and lightning, Ayla did not panic in the slightest, and pulled out the second long sword from her waist in an instant, swung it upwards suddenly, and held the Baipi knife.

"Drink!" He yelled loudly, fighting spirit burst out from all over his body, and a wind pressure of fighting spirit burst out into the sky in an instant, his arms became thicker in an instant, and Li Yunfei was thrown flying!

Li Yunfei floated to the ground, and saw Aila standing there holding a strangely shaped long sword. The blade of this long sword was wavy, like a pair of wings of a butterfly. The blood groove shows its ferocity.

And behind Ella, a pair of huge butterfly wings made of fighting spirit kept flapping.At this moment, his arms looked like they were all muscular outlines, they were thicker several times, and the muscles inside were about to burst out.

His eyes have turned silver gray!
"Sol Lee, I have to say that you are indeed beyond my expectations, and you are able to break free from the shackles of the law, which really makes me feel more and more interesting..." Ella smiled and said slowly, "You should feel honored , to be able to see my beautiful butterfly-changing grudge..."

Then he drew an arc with the long sword in his hand, and said, "The Ten Holy Swords of the Lion Heart Empire, Butterfly Sword!"

Li Yunfei smiled and said: "Interesting, it's really a good sword. It seems that several Golden Emperor cities have commented on his ten holy swords. It's really funny..."

"This sword is not bad! Boy, I want it, old man, I want it!" Seeing the appearance of the butterfly sword, Lao Fen immediately jumped up and down in Li Yunfei's mind and shouted loudly.

"You can only show your tongue right now. When my butterfly sword tears you apart, you will understand its beauty." After Aila used the butterfly fighting spirit, her whole body seemed to be reborn as a feather, becoming Indifferent a lot.

Then he smiled secretly, his body flickered continuously, and he came to Li Yunfei in an instant by an extremely elusive path, and the butterfly sword was cut out, followed by thousands of silk threads of law!

So fast!

Li Yunfei swung his hundred swords suddenly, but he couldn't stop the tricky angle of the butterfly sword at all. He heard a "poof", his shoulder had been stabbed by the butterfly sword, and then the wound on his clothes burst open in all directions, forming a Huge wound like a butterfly!

And those silk threads of laws instantly penetrated into Li Yunfei's sea of ​​qi, trying to smash his sea of ​​qi into pieces.

After being hit so hard, he was thrown out like a small stone, and slammed into the army under Ella with a "boom". Li Yunfei knocked hundreds of people into the air and then stopped.

With a contemptuous smile on Ella's face, after being stabbed by the butterfly sword, there will be huge wounds in her body, and all internal organs will be destroyed.At the same time, his butterfly fighting spirit will also rampage in the opponent's body.Not to mention that the law of binding will tear the opponent's sea of ​​​​qi into pieces.

Just suddenly, a smile froze on his face.

Not far away, Li Yunfei stood up quickly and tore off the torn clothes with a "shua", revealing his muscular and smooth body.

The part where he was stabbed was only faintly whitish, without any trauma at all!

And the restraining silk threads that he shot into the other party's sea of ​​​​qi didn't seem to work at all, the other party seemed to be okay, and still had a relaxed smile on his face.

"Not bad, not bad, it's really a good sword, it hurts me already." Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's my turn."

As soon as the words fell, a raging flame ignited in the heart, and instantly ignited the whole body!


Like fire and meteors, trailing a crimson light tail, it arrived in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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