Chapter 512
"Good time." Ayla smiled ferociously, waving her arms again and again, and saw threads of laws shooting towards Li Yunfei like cobwebs.

"Give it to me!" Ayla roared, her body's battle energy was burning wildly, and she attacked Li Yunfei with silk thread of control law.

Li Yunfei's whole body was burning with raging flames, the corner of his mouth raised, and a hundred knives flashed in his hand. The huge blade was as flexible as embroidery, and he swung hundreds of knives in an instant, each of which cut off a silk thread of law. All the silk threads of the law were cut off and came before him.

Ella's face was gloomy, and her arms became thicker again, almost as thick as thighs. She swung the butterfly sword with both hands and pierced Li Yunfei's eyebrows.

With a smirk on the corner of Li Yunfei's mouth, he grabbed the Baipi knife with both hands, and the tip of the knife stabbed forward like a spear.

Hearing the sound of "ding", a shock wave spread from the tip of their swords to all directions, and the butterfly sword and Baipi knife unexpectedly stabbed together, and it was inseparable for a while!

How could his strength be so great!Aila only felt that Li Yunfei's power could only be described as inhuman, even the silver giant he had killed, did not have such powerful power!
And Li Yunfei was also slightly surprised that Aila's strength was equal to his. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation, which was enough to show that the opponent's fighting power was equally strong!

Where the tip of the sword touched the tip of the knife, streaks of silver and red battle qi flames spewed out continuously, and the confrontation of strength between the two had reached a fierce stage.

"It's just a brute force..." Ella snorted coldly, and suddenly shouted: "Field, Garden of Death!"

I saw the silver fighting energy on the surface of his body billowing out like magma, covering the surrounding area of ​​[-] meters in a blink of an eye, and then a silver-white fighting energy garden appeared on the spot.

In this silver-white beautiful garden, there is a sea of ​​flowers, and there are silver-white flowers everywhere.

Just looking carefully, these flowers all have huge mouths, showing sharp teeth, ready to eat anyone at any time!

This is exactly his silver domain, Death Garden!Those who were able to enter the Garden of Death were all torn to pieces by those beautiful and ferocious flowers!
Beside Li Yunfei, hundreds of crazy vindictive flowers opened their mouths and bit his body. In the blink of an eye, the surface of his body was covered with silvery white vindictive flowers, directly enveloping him completely.

Li Yunfei immediately discovered that the Burning Heaven Dou Yan in his body began to drain rapidly, and these fighting qi flowers could actually absorb the fighting qi in his body!

"Hahaha, Saul Lee, you will be sucked into a mummy soon, but don't worry, you will be dead before then." Ayla said disdainfully, and at the same time, a series of laws emerged from the long sword The silk thread hovered in midair like a swarm of snakes, stabbing towards Li Yunfei's head.He has already discovered that Li Yunfei used his own law to block his law just now, but now he directly attacks the head, and as long as he penetrates a little, he can completely stop his brain from functioning!

"Binglin, now!" Li Yunfei, who was surrounded by the death garden, roared, and red flames appeared around his body instantly, and then dozens of huge swords, guns, swords and halberds appeared in these flames, like a pilgrim king Like his bodyguards, Tuantuan guarded his surroundings.

What is different from the past is that these giant fighting spirit weapons are all burning with raging flames, and at the same time carry the white light of the "replacement" law.

In the next instant, all the dou-qi weapons spun wildly around Li Yunfei's body, cutting the ferocious dou-qi flowers in the "Garden of Death" into pieces.

And those threads of law stabbing Li Yunfei were also blocked by him and cut off again.

Freedom was restored again, Li Yunfei held Baipi Dao, and surrounded by the guards of fighting spirit soldiers, he jumped and rushed towards Aila.

Surrounded by fighting spirit soldiers at this time, he was indomitable in Ayla's domain, and the places he passed were shattered. This garden of death could not stop him at all. The knife cut off the head.

Ayla let out a roar, and more threads of law penetrated into his arms, and his arms became swollen again, and the butterfly sword in his hand was raised high, blocking the attack of Baipi Dao.

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, and he uttered a word softly: "Cut."

Ripples of red light flashed from the edge of the blade. Although the Butterfly Sword held Baipi Dao, it couldn't block the word "cut".

Seeing the fighting spirit blade formed by the "Cut" tactic, it swept across Ayla's body in an instant, and blasted a groove tens of meters long in the surrounding ground.

Immediately afterwards, a line of blood appeared on the surface of Ayla's body, extending from his forehead to between his legs.

At the same time, one after another law silk thread broke on the surface of his body and completely disappeared.

"Bastard!" Ella roared, and the butterfly sword suddenly fell apart in an instant, turning into thousands of tiny metal butterflies and shooting towards Li Yunfei densely.

Li Yunfei snorted coldly, and the Baipi Saber spun around to block in front of him.

Hearing "ping ping pong pong" for a while, those metal butterflies hit the Baipi knife, and flew back in the next instant.

With this skill, Ayla jumped back and came to a place tens of meters away from Li Yunfei, where she was able to breathe temporarily.

I saw that his skin started from the scalp and extended to between the legs, all of which were cut into a finger-deep blood groove by the word "cut".And his clothes were completely torn at this time, unable to completely cover his body.

Touching the blood on her forehead and looking at it, Ella said coldly: "Sol Lee, you will pay for what you just did. You have successfully angered me."

Seeing that the butterfly turned into a long sword, hundreds of thousands of metal butterflies did not form a long sword again, but began to attach to the surface of his body after flying back, forming a layer of metal armor in an instant, covering him His body was completely wrapped inside, looking like a metal man.

His face was completely covered in metal, without the slightest expression, and looked extremely cold: "A butterfly has transformed into a myriad of insects."

Suddenly, a huge butterfly phantom appeared around his body. The main body of this butterfly phantom was composed of fighting spirit, but it was covered with a textured skeleton composed of lawful silk threads. Immediately afterwards, the butterfly's tentacles became all sharp. Barbed tentacles, mouthparts turned into spears and swords, legs turned into bone knives like praying mantises, and sharp barbs appeared on the surface of the body.

Although it still looks like a butterfly in appearance, it has completely turned into a terrifying monster in essence.

In the next moment, the "butterfly" flapped its wings on its back, and immediately flew out thousands of vindictive insects composed of lawful silk threads, densely covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and swarmed towards Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei swung the Baipi Dao in his hand repeatedly, and the soldiers around his body spun rapidly, chopping off or flying those fighting insects, and saw a few fighting insects directly fall into the siege team, penetrating several enemies in an instant. The bodies of the ten people finally exploded into a big hole with a "boom"!
Just a vindictive insect has such a powerful destructive power!

Moreover, there were too many fighting spirit insects, and the fighting spirit soldiers around his body were blown to pieces in a blink of an eye, and soon only the Baipi knife in his hand was left.

Immediately, a vindictive insect that slipped through the net brushed against his left shoulder, and Li Yunfei felt as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer, his shoulder was burning hot.

Looking down, there was a scratch on the shoulder!
Since he obtained the metal dragon skin, he has rarely encountered such a thing, which also shows that as long as he is hit continuously, his metal dragon skin will still be torn apart.

"Tear him apart." Ayla waved her hand, and dense swarms of vindictive insects rushed over like a dark cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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