super giant clone

Chapter 520 Hunting

Chapter 520 Hunting
The territory of Bone King City, which had already been boiling because of Li Yunfei's return, was bustling again at this time, and everyone was extremely proud of their Majesty being able to win the honor of "Human Heart".

You know, from ancient times to the present, "Human Heart" can be said to be one of the highest known honors in the entire human territory.Only those heroes who have made great contributions to the entire human group, especially those who killed enough giants and won the battle of million-level giants, can receive this honor.

Of course, for Li Yunfei and his Luo Xuecheng, the accumulated military achievements were already enough to win this honor.

Lionheart Emperor obviously also knew that Li Yunfei had just returned and needed to deal with affairs in the territory, so he set the celebration time for one month later.

Time passed day by day, and the originally turbulent territory quickly settled down.Although the Dukes of Shuangye and Leiyun had been abolished, there were no riots.After all, those nobles who were once loyal to the two grand dukes put the interests of the family first. At this time, Li Yunfei's edge was at its peak, and none of them dared to touch this bad luck.What's more, the original two grand dukes were abolished, and many power structures had to be reshuffled. Some old nobles who had lost power hoped to take this opportunity to turn their families around.

As for ordinary people, the new Grand Duke's rule is much more benevolent than the original Grand Duke's, and their lives are more comfortable. Naturally, they will not have the slightest complaint, and will only loyally support the new Grand Duke's rule.

Sartre and Mo Qi were originally high-ranking people, and they didn't feel too uncomfortable when they became Grand Dukes at this time. They quickly completed the role change, worked hard to maintain the stability of the Principality, and cultivated their loyalty to Li Yunfei.

Three days later, all the grand dukes of the five principalities went to the Bone King City to meet Li Yunfei and show their loyalty.

It has to be said that under Li Yunfei's request, the administrative efficiency of these nobles and officials in the entire Bone King City territory is extremely high, and the original red tape has been saved a lot.

Originally, these things might take several months to complete, but it took him less than a week to completely stabilize the entire Bone King City territory.

Of course, except for some important matters that required him to come forward to decide, all other matters were left to Yan Bo and his staff and subordinates. Li Yunfei himself was completely a hands-off shopkeeper.

This morning, Yan Bo was hurrying to the meeting hall of Bone King City with a roll of parchment.During this period of time, Li Yunfei left everything to him. Although he was used to it, he was still upset for a while.This morning, he has already made preparations, and he will use the time to deal with government affairs to educate this kid well.

As a monarch, he doesn't care about big and small things, which is simply unbecoming.

It's just that when he came to the meeting room, he saw a huge airship standing in the yard of the meeting room. Li Yunfei was fully armed, sitting in it with Jiujiu, smiling and waving to him!

"Sol!" Yan Bo roared, at this moment, he didn't care what His Majesty was or was not His Majesty.

"Old friend, I have some important things to deal with. I will be hard on you during this time. I will be back five days before the celebration begins." Li Yunfei waved his hand with a smile, and cut off the cable beside him casually. The airship that had been powered for a long time immediately soared into the air, and the propeller below sprayed out crimson flames, and it had risen to a height of [-] meters in the blink of an eye.

"You bastard! Run away again!" Yan Bo was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him, but he had nothing to do with him. Before he knew it, he shouldn't have agreed to take charge of Bone King City. "Jiujiu, help me get him down!"

The little girl looked at Yanbo, then at Li Yunfei, and then at the blue sky and white clouds around her, she shook her head and said, "Chirp, no." It's too boring in Wangcheng, it's interesting to go out to play with Li Yunfei.

"Sol! You brat has ruined Jiujiu!" Yan Bo said angrily and helplessly.

"Old friend, don't worry, we'll go back as soon as we go." Li Yunfei laughed loudly, messing up the little girl's hair.

"Go, go," Yan Bo waved his hands and said with a look of disgust, "Oh, it's my bad luck to wipe your butt every day... Come back early! Where are you going?"

"Giant territory, hunting." Li Yunfei smiled and pressed the button on the thruster.

Immediately, a circular shield-shaped alchemy circuit lit up on the rear end of the modified airship again, and a gust of crimson gust spurted out, pushing the airship to accelerate suddenly and fly towards the giant's territory!
In the city below, although many people saw the airship in the sky, they didn't know what it was, and then they stopped paying attention.

In the airship, Li Yunfei and Jiujiu rose to an altitude of several thousand meters, and they had turned into a blurry black spot from the ground.Looking down from the airship, the mountains and rivers below have become like a chessboard.

Soon, they had left the Bone King City and came to the wilderness. After flying for a while, they passed Iron-Blooded Roland City below.Seeing the festive atmosphere in Iron-Blooded Roland City at this time, it seemed that he was still celebrating his return.

After leaving Roland City for a long time, a huge crack appeared on the ground ahead, which was the mud giant rift valley.

And in the center of the mud giant rift, there is a protruding highland. On the highland is a small but impregnable city, Snowfall City!

Rows of smoke rose from Luoxue City, but the magic gold factories inside were producing, and the chimneys above made Li Yunfei in a trance, as if he had returned to the earth.The scenery of Luoxue City is completely different from the other cities.

Looking from mid-air, the huge war statues in the city looked like little dolls, and those magic gold chariots looked like matchboxes.

Li Yunfei didn't tell anyone about his actions this time, so he flew directly above Luoxue City and entered the wilderness ahead.

In a blink of an eye, the land under the airship was no longer the territory of humans, but the territory of giants, the destination of Li Yunfei's trip.

It's just that Li Yunfei didn't slow down. Instead, he adjusted the power of the propellers to the maximum, and a blue flame storm spewed out from the tail of the airship, speeding up and flying forward.

He has explored every inch of land hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers around Luoxue City. He has visited it countless times and killed many giants in the past year. It is no longer worthwhile.The purpose of his trip was to go deeper into the giant's territory and find the location of some silver giants.

To sum up, his body of the silver giant has reached the level of the third level of silver at this time. If he wants to continue to evolve, he must continue to devour it. However, there seems to be no silver giant near Luoxue City.

The airship moved forward quickly, and Li Yunfei took out a black metal ball at random. His mental power triggered the switch inside, and the metal ball immediately projected a delicate miniature planet, which was exactly the planetarium he got from the goblin.

Looking at the mainland map on the planetarium, Li Yunfei slowly turned the rudder of the airship and continued to drive forward.

Telescopes made of crystal lenses were installed in all four directions on the modified airship. For the next time, Li Yunfei drove and tweeted to help him check the situation below, like a hunter wandering and hunting.

One day later, in the early morning, Li Yunfei was steering the helm when the chirping voice suddenly came to mind: "Jiu, it's the black iron giant!"

(End of this chapter)

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