super giant clone

Chapter 521 The Wicked Old Li

Chapter 521 The Wicked Old Li
Hearing Jiujiu's words, Li Yunfei's eyes lit up, and he moved to a crystal telescope and looked down.

I saw a small black dot moving slowly on the ground at this moment, and this little black dot was a black iron giant!
Li Yunfei pondered for a moment, then said: "This guy's level is still too low, let's continue to observe, the main target is the silver giant."

Jiujiu nodded vigorously, and continued to observe the situation below seriously.

Time passed quickly, and the airship flew at high speed in the air, crossing mountains and rivers, including Flame Township, the former residence of the Fire Hammer Dwarves, and Buck City, the abandoned human city where he obtained the "Sands of Time".

A few days later, they had already entered thousands of kilometers deep in the giant's territory, and there was a completely unreached area below.

After crossing the Bucks City, the landform has gradually changed from the original Gobi wilderness to an endless grassland. The grassland is even covered with flowers. Looking from the airship, it looks like a beautiful carpet has been laid on the ground.

From time to time, some animals appear on the grassland, and sometimes giants walk slowly.It just seems that the giant has also become much gentler in this beautiful environment, and it looks very harmonious.

Flying all the way, Li Yunfei even found an extremely rare flower giant, which is composed of flowers and plants all over its body, and is nearly ten meters high, wandering in the wilderness like a flower and plant elf.At the same time, there are also some very small number of mutated giants, including gray lead giants, gray tin giants, and so on.Of course, the mainstream giants such as mud giants, sand giants, rock giants, bronze giants, and black iron giants are still the most.

It's just that it was very difficult for Li Yunfei to see a silver giant along the way, which made him feel extremely weird.After all, both Roland City and Snowfall City were attacked by the Silver Giant before, but after that, the Silver Giant seemed to have evaporated and never appeared in Snowfall City again, which is really a very strange thing.But now the silver giant can't be found in the giant's territory, which has completely violated common sense.

Finally, on the fifth day after entering the wilderness, a silver flash appeared from the ground.

Li Yunfei immediately smiled, with excitement in his eyes.This is a silver giant!
After searching for so many days, I finally found a silver giant!
Holding Jiujiu in his arms and kissing him on the forehead, Li Yunfei's fingers flickered with white light, and instantly put the airship into the space ring.

The two were flying at an altitude of several thousand meters at this time, and immediately fell straight down from the sky.

However, Li Yunfei didn't have the slightest fear, he hugged Jiujiu with one hand, and took out the Baipi knife with the other hand and carried it on his shoulder.

Jiujiu drew a few complex spells on Li Yunfei's arm with his fingers, and in the next moment a green light flashed, and a pair of green hang gliders formed by entangled vines appeared behind Li Yunfei.

Holding the Baipi knife in his hand, he adjusted the direction of the hang glider, swooped down like a gust of wind, and headed towards the silver light.

After a few breaths, the silhouette of the silver giant appeared in front of his eyes. It was a silver giant strolling on the hill.

Just when Li Yunfei was still hundreds of meters away from the ground, the silver giant stopped suddenly, started to twitch its nose, and turned around to look back at the same time.

The smell was so familiar, he concluded that there was a human being within a hundred meters of him, and judging by the smell, the distance was getting closer and closer!

"It's the smell of humans..." His face was full of greed and cruelty, and he shouted loudly: "It's delicious humans! Humans, come out! I've already smelled..."

"Your grandpa is coming!" Li Yunfei roared in the air, and before the silver giant finished speaking, he kicked hard on the silver giant's face, and heard a "bang", and the silver giant's nose was directly crushed. Li Yunfei kicked to pieces, and his huge body rose into the air and fell backwards.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the silver giant landed heavily, his eyes were blurred, he was completely stunned, and he didn't know where the enemy appeared from.

However, Li Yunfei didn't give the other party time to breathe. He gently put Jiujiu down, jumped forward, and Baipi Dao swung four times in an instant, directly cutting off the silver giant's two arms and two legs, and whittled the silver giant into pieces. A huge silver component was removed, leaving only the head and body.

"Oh—hateful human beings, despicable, despicable!" After the silver giant opened his eyes, he immediately found that he had become a "human stick". Although his limbs were trying to repair, they couldn't gather enough elements in a short time. Just lie on the ground like this.

And that hateful human being was standing on his forehead right now!
"Die!" The silver giant roared, dozens of sharp metal thorns protruded from his forehead and stabbed towards Li Yunfei.

It's just that these metal thorns have no effect on Li Yunfei's body, his skin is even harder than these metal thorns!

His body squirmed for a while, metal ripples appeared on the surface like waves, and just as he was about to protrude more metal thorns, Li Yunfei suddenly punched his chest impatiently.

Seeing the blue light flickering, Li Yunfei's giant body appeared instantly, and sat down on the silver giant's body, directly shaking its body with cracks, and the rippling metal ripples also disappeared.If the silver giant was a human being, his intestines would probably be squeezed out if he was forced to sit on him.

"You are...the devil of Mosaya...the heretic..." The silver giant showed a terrified look, and struggled to squeeze out a few words. He had already seen the ghost between Li Yunfei's legs. That long metal rod.

"That's right, it's me." Li Yunfei said with a smile, and he was completely used to this kind of address, "Tell me where there are the most silver giants, or I will cut you into cloud cakes."

The silver giant obviously didn't know what cloud cake was, but the other party's tone should be sliced ​​directly. He had heard about this heresy before, so he couldn't help but feel a little scared at this time, but then he tried hard to hide his emotions, sternly Said: "Heretic, you don't want to threaten a noble ... ah - stop!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Yunfei had already cut off a large piece of his body with a single knife, directly cutting the body into a round pancake shape, and at the same time kept scraping the blade on his body, every time. Scraping a piece of debris, the sound is so chilling that even the silver giant can't bear it.

"Come on, do you want to become a pile of powder and be blown away by the wind?" Li Yunfei laughed.As long as it is an intelligent creature, it will have a sense of fear and a desire for survival.Although these noble giants are much stronger than the lower giants, they also have greater weaknesses.He may not be afraid of death, but he is afraid of watching himself turn into powder little by little.

"You devil... devil!" Li Yunfei didn't know whether he should cry or laugh when he was called a devil by a devil-like giant.

"You want to find other silver? Well, then I'll tell you..." the silver giant said viciously, "There is a canyon to the southwest, and I know that there are several silver landing spots."

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, he patted the silver giant's head with the blade of Baipi Dao, and said, "That's true."

"Damn heresy, if it wasn't for the idiots of the United Sect to get in the way, our Purification Faction would have killed all of you humans long ago, and you would have turned into a puddle of mud!" The silver giant roared loudly, as if feeling extremely humiliated. "Weak humans should be eaten up and chewed to pieces!"

Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes and caught some extremely important information from the other party's words.

These aristocratic giants don't seem to be monolithic, so why are they divided into "union faction" and "purification faction"?
(End of this chapter)

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