super giant clone

Chapter 534 The Idol Faction

Chapter 534 The Idol Faction

Three days later, another airship was launched in Luoxuecheng, and Li Yunfei and Jiujiu left Luoxuecheng, preparing to go to Lionheart Emperor City.

Most of the supplies he obtained from Airflow City were left in Snowfall City, in the warehouses of those alchemy factories.

It is reasonable to say that he is now the King of Bones, a king, and he should lead his own guards and guards of honor when he goes to the Lion Heart Emperor City, but Li Yunfei is used to himself, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to those etiquette, and directly tweeted to the Lion Heart Emperor. Fly to the city.

He just stopped for a short while passing by the Bone King City, and explained to Yan Bo what happened in the past few days, then jumped on the airship again and left, leaving Yan Bo jumping up and down in the meeting hall of the Bone King City.

He has already entered the human territory, and in the airship thousands of meters high, unless a golden giant appears, there is absolutely no danger.

Li Yunfei had never overlooked a human territory in the air before, and at this time he had directly ascended to the limit of the height of the airship. Looking from the sky, the ground was dotted with stars, mountains and rivers, and it was spectacular.

Although there are many giants in the human territory, there are far fewer than in the giant territory.

Moreover, the giants in the entire human territory are basically low-level giants, and there is not much threat.

Thinking back when he first came to this world, even a mud giant could easily swallow him, but now he doesn't even pay attention to the silver giant, Li Yunfei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At the same time, Li Yunfei didn't fly in a straight line along the way. Instead, he turned a few turns and looked over several other giant cities, including the two Silver King Cities.The people in Black Iron General City basically didn't notice the appearance of Li Yunfei's airship. After all, it looked like a small black spot from the ground, just like a bird.

However, the two Silver King Cities seemed to have discovered the unusualness of the airship, but did not take any measures.

You must know that the altitude of this airship is too high, unless a silver-level powerhouse is dispatched, there is no way to get close to the airship.And the two royal cities are already extremely vigilant just to defend against the giants, and it is impossible for a king-level existence to detect a black spot in the sky.

During these several investigations, the floor plans of several giant cities can be seen clearly from the air, and Li Yunfei has a more intuitive understanding of the internal structure of these giant cities, as well as the weaknesses in the city walls.

He already planned to make some improvements to the wall structure and internal layout of the giant city, so this kind of investigation is necessary.

Originally, the speed of the airship was extremely fast, and it should only take a few days to reach the Lion Heart Emperor City, but because Li Yunfei went around in circles on the road, when he arrived at the Lion Heart Emperor City, there was still one day before the award ceremony .

The airship landed on a hill tens of kilometers away from Lionheart Emperor City. Li Yunfei put the airship into the space ring, took out the Wind Chariot, and drove towards Lionheart Emperor City with Jiujiu.

Looking from a distance, Lionheart Emperor City still has no walls, just standing in the wilderness.

Around Lionheart Emperor City, there are towering columns of magic energy, like silent guards.

Li Yunfei has personally experienced the power of these magic energy pillars.But at that time, the magic energy pillar might still be a bit mysterious, but now he can see through it at a glance.

Although the alchemy array used by the magic energy column is complex, it has many redundancy. If Li Yunfei is given enough time, he can build an alchemy array that is more powerful than these magic energy columns.

Of course, the energy required by this magic energy column is extremely large, so Li Yunfei concluded that there is a huge magic crystal vein under the Lion Heart Emperor City to support the operation of this defensive circle.

Soon, he had arrived at the entrance of the main gate of Lionheart Emperor City.

Here is the same as when we arrived before, there are still a group of people who are preparing to enter the city in line.

Seeing Li Yunfei rushing over in a Chariot of Wind, a group of swordsmen defending the city immediately drew their swords and shouted from a distance: "Who is it! Stop immediately!"

Li Yunfei curled his lips, took out a silver crown and put it on his head, and at the same time took out a silver scepter with a skull pattern from his arms and waved it at the city guard officer.

The officer was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and immediately ordered loudly: "Get out of the way, His Majesty the Bone King!!"

Hearing this, several soldiers at the city gate immediately made way for a passage, and at the same time bowed to let Li Yunfei pass.

These fighters all had excited smiles on their faces. They had watched the King of the Brave Conference that Li Yunfei participated in through the light curtain of the Lion Heart Emperor City before, and they also knew that the award ceremony had the greatest contribution. The most important thing is that His Majesty the Bone King will be awarded the "Human Heart" medal and receive the supreme glory.

Now this person is here, how can they not be excited!
Although I don’t know why His Majesty the Bone King came to Lionheart Emperor City with only a young girl and a strange vehicle, without his own entourage and guards, many people and soldiers who saw Li Yunfei felt good about Li Yunfei instead. I think he has no airs, and he is worthy of being awarded the "Human Heart" medal.

After entering the city, Li Yunfei immediately put away the silver crown and scepter, but the officer's loud order just now had been heard by many people in the city, and these people couldn't help cheering when they saw Li Yunfei on the wind car, and then shouted loudly, Quite a few people ran wildly behind the Wind Chariot with frenzied expressions on their faces.

All of a sudden, on the streets of Lionheart Emperor City, Li Yunfei drove the car of wind and galloped ahead, followed closely by a group of fanatical people.

These people shouted excitedly while running, attracting more people to watch.

The windows of the buildings on both sides of the street were all opened, and they wanted to see what the young king looked like now.Girls and women with spring faces threw colorful bouquets of flowers from the windows into Li Yunfei's Wind Car, and in a short while, his Wind Car was full.Jiujiu smiled and chose a few flowers to put in his hair, very happy.

The soldiers patrolling the city originally thought that something important had happened, but when they learned that His Majesty the Bone King had come, they immediately began to maintain order spontaneously. Many soldiers looked at the end of the road expectantly, hoping to see Li Yunfei appear sooner. .

You know, the other party is the one who won the title of Lionheart Brave.And if the last King of Braves Conference hadn't been for the sudden news of a giant attacking the city, the final King of Braves would probably be His Majesty the Bone King!
Moreover, it is said that in the past year or so, the Snowfall City established by His Majesty has repelled dozens of giant tide attacks, and even rescued many people in the steel soul demiplane. He is definitely a well-deserved uncrowned king.

In troubled times, heroes are naturally worshiped by the masses.

Li Yunfei didn't expect that he was already so famous in the Lion Heart Emperor City, and he couldn't help laughing and crying because his body was covered with flowers.Originally, he didn't bring his entourage, and another purpose was to sneak into Lionheart Emperor's City, but he didn't expect that just a word from an officer would attract the crowd's attention and support, which was even more fanatical than star chasing.

At this point, Li Yunfei thought about it, let go, and stood up with a smile on his face, looking back at the surrounding people frequently, just like a hero returning in triumph, at the same time, he secretly felt a little proud, he is also an idol group .

This road carried a car full of flowers, and after passing through half of Lionheart Emperor City, they drove into a heavily guarded main road, and the surrounding area was finally clean.

In front of him, a towering conical building appeared.

The imperial palace has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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