super giant clone

Chapter 535 Dedication

Chapter 535 Dedication
"It's His Majesty the Bone King!"

"Hahaha, Your Majesty Sol, I didn't expect you to come here now."

"This must be His Royal Highness Rukia from the Demon Emperor City, she is really a man of talent, tsk tsk."

"It is really lucky to be able to meet His Majesty the Bone!"


At this time, at the entrance of the imperial palace, a group of people waiting to meet the emperor was gathered. Most of these people were ministers and generals from Lionheart Emperor City. When they saw Li Yunfei appearing, they all greeted Li Yunfei with smiles and went forward to say hello.

Li Yunfei's feats in establishing Snowfall City, defeating Bass, and his brave battles in the Steel Soul demiplane had already spread throughout Lionheart Emperor City.

What's more, everyone has rumored that although many soldiers will be honored in this award ceremony, the protagonist is His Majesty Sol. After all, he will be awarded the "Heart of Humanity"!
And everyone knew a long time ago that His Majesty Sol was deeply appreciated by the Lionheart Emperor and the Lionheart Pope, and was also the vice president of the Royal Academy of Alchemy.So after seeing Li Yunfei appearing, a group of nobles immediately came to say hello and make friends.

"God, who is that girl!"

"I'm dead, I'm dead, so cute, so cute..." "..."

Some young nobles didn't care who Li Yunfei was, they just stared at Jiujiu in a daze.This girl is so cute, with those big eyes, skin that can be broken by blows, and a sense of eccentricity in her nobility and reserve, she instantly attracted many people.

Li Yunfei nodded in response to those nobles, but his mind was not here.

The reason why he had an audience with the Lion Heart Emperor in advance was to tell the Lion Heart Emperor about the relevant content of "Jade Record" and his vision of establishing a powerful alchemy civilization.

If his idea can really get the support of the Lionheart Great Emperor, then at least one-third of the human territory can promote alchemy, and the final effect will be extremely huge, and it will definitely greatly enhance the strength of the human race!

During this hunting trip in the wilderness, Li Yunfei also felt the power of the giants. The number of silver giants alone far exceeds the number of silver-level warriors of the human race.No one knows when the next giant frenzy will happen, so human power must be improved as a whole as soon as possible.

And all of this can be achieved through alchemy!

Lionheart Emperor City itself has a powerful array of magic energy pillars, and the existence of the Royal Alchemy Research Institute is enough to prove that Lionheart Emperor attaches great importance to alchemy.And after several contacts, Li Yunfei also felt that the Lion Heart Emperor is indeed a hero with great talent and boldness, so he pinned his hope of promoting alchemy on the other party.

Moreover, even if Emperor Lionheart is not interested in "Jade Records", he can still go to the Demon Emperor. If these emperors are not interested, at worst, he can do it himself. Start with the territory of the Bone King City and develop the alchemy industry little by little. .

"Sol, you are here." At this moment, a familiar voice sounded, and Li Yunfei turned his head to look, and saw Prince Mountbatten greeting him from a distance with a happy smile on his face.

"Your Highness, I haven't seen you for so long, but you are still so energetic." Li Yunfei joked with a smile.He and Mountbatten are also old acquaintances, and Mountbatten presided over his coronation of the Duke and the coronation of the king.

"Haha, you're getting better at talking, kid." Prince Mountbatten patted Li Yunfei's shoulder and said, "The emperor ordered you to have an audience alone. Go quickly."

When Li Yunfei entered Lionheart Emperor City, Lionheart Emperor had already received the news, so he asked Prince Mountbatten to welcome Li Yunfei directly.

Seeing that Mountbatten came to greet Li Yunfei in person, the surrounding nobles immediately gave him a higher opinion.After all, the person who can let a prince walk out of the imperial palace to greet him is definitely deeply trusted and loved by the Lion Hearted Emperor.

Li Yunfei nodded, turned around and said to Jiujiu: "Jiujiu, wait for me in the car for a while, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Jiujiu smiled and nodded, and with a wave of his staff, a shady technique was released, covering the entire wind car, and people outside could not see what was inside.

Li Yunfei smiled, rubbed the little girl's hair affectionately, turned around and jumped off the car of wind, and followed Prince Mountbatten into the imperial palace.

This is already the third time he has come to the Imperial Palace, and he is completely familiar with the road.

Soon, he had arrived at the top floor of the imperial palace, outside the government room of Emperor Lionheart.

The door of the government room opened slowly, and Ling Ren, the head of the imperial palace, came out. After seeing Li Yunfei, he smiled kindly and softly, and said, "Sol, the Emperor has summoned you."

Li Yunfei greeted with a smile: "Master Lingren is good." Then he walked towards the government room.

At this moment, a hint of impatience and hesitation suddenly appeared on Ling Ren's face, and he turned around and said, "Sol..."

"What's wrong?" Li Yunfei raised his eyebrows, turned around and looked at Ling Ren and asked in confusion.The performance of Ling Ren is a bit abnormal.

"'s nothing..." Ling Ren smiled unnaturally, "It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm a little excited... The emperor has been a little tired recently, so don't talk too much."

"Okay, thank you for reminding me." Li Yunfei smiled, then turned and pushed open the door of the government room.

A pure black marble floor surrounded by gilt crystal walls appeared in front of Li Yunfei.

The difference from the previous visit was that a huge black obsidian screen appeared in the government room at this time, and this screen stood behind the lion heart emperor like a black curtain.At this time, the Lionheart Emperor was sitting on a throne, and in front of him was a huge table full of papers and parchment rolls. The legs of the table were in the shape of lion's claws.

"Sol has seen the Great Emperor." Li Yunfei said with a salute, thinking of the cross-generational promotion effect that "Jade Record" will achieve if it is promoted, Li Yunfei couldn't help being a little excited.

Seeing that the Lion Heart Emperor threw the quill in his hand aside, raised his head from a pile of sheepskin scrolls, nodded to Li Yunfei expressionlessly, and said, "Well, it's been a hard journey."

Li Yunfei smiled slightly and said: "It's nothing, thanks to the emperor, Sol came back alive."

The Lion Heart Emperor raised his mouth and said, "That's right, you've done a good job in the half-plane of Steel Soul, and you've honored my Lion Heart Emperor City. Why are you so eager to see me?" Although he praised , but the voice did not mean the slightest joy.

Li Yunfei has been thinking about the promotion of alchemy at this time, so he didn't care about the tone of the Lionheart Emperor, and immediately took out a copy of "Jade Record" from the space ring, and said: "Sol has a book that can be worth tens of millions. Master, forget about the emperor."

Emperor Lionheart raised his hand to grab it, and saw that the copy of the first volume of "Jade Record" in Li Yunfei's hand immediately floated into his hand like a leaf.

He opened the book and glanced at it casually, and said with a little surprise: "Is this a monograph on alchemy?"

Li Yunfei immediately said: "That's right! Sol was fortunate enough to obtain this "Jade Record" from an ancient ruins. The alchemy recorded in it is at its peak. If it is popularized, it will definitely double the power of the race. Complete!"

(End of this chapter)

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