super giant clone

Chapter 539 Thank you

Chapter 539 Thank you
Although there is also the breath of the father god, but the breath of the law god is much stronger than the breath of the father god!

As a loyal servant of God the Father, he understands too well what the existence of the God of Law means.

The God of Law is one of the mortal enemies of God the Father!

And that Sol Lee actually had the aura of the god of law on him!Could it be that the Divine Sense of the Father God has been swallowed by the God of Law?

The Lionheart Pope's thoughts turned, and he began to think quickly about how to deal with all this.And if the other party's body is still dominated by the Father God's divine sense, will everything he does offend the Father God.

"God is omnipotent, God's will is unpredictable, and everything is arranged by God..." The Pope whispered the words from the "Holy Book", and he already had a decision in his heart.

"Pa, pa." He clapped his hands lightly, and a secret door instantly opened on a wall behind him, and several warriors in temple robes came out, standing in front of her with their hands down.

These people are impressively the leaders of the temple's pastoral institute, trial office, and court of justice.Kaguya, the deputy chief referee of the Temple Tribunal standing on the left, was still dressed in tattered robes, and his eyes were like stars in the dark night.

The Lionheart Pope thought for a moment, then said slowly, "Saul Lee has returned from the Half-Plane of Steel Soul."

Hearing this, except for Kaguya, the rest of the people all heaved a sigh of relief at the same time, with joyful expressions on their faces.After all, before going to the half-plane of Steel Soul, the Pope gave them the task of protecting Sol Lee, but in the end the magic god's spirit appeared, and Sol Lee disappeared completely in the explosion of the spirit, and everyone thought he was dead Then, the protection task is out of the question.

Now that they heard that the other party had come back alive, they naturally breathed a sigh of relief, and the sense of guilt for not completing the task was immediately relieved a lot.

"In the demiplane of Steel Soul, how is his behavior?" The Lionheart Pope continued to ask.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, although Sol Lee seemed a bit unrestrained in the half-plane of Steel Soul, he has been fighting the enemy bravely after the appearance of the God of Law, and he stopped Adam's decision and saved many people's lives. Although Adam had a lot of complaints about him, but in the eyes of his subordinates, the two were purely emotional. In the end, after Saul Lee died with the spirit of the God of God, even Adam felt extremely regretful. This person can be said to be a true warriors." The leader of the pastoral institute said with an excited face.

His words also made several people around nod their heads, and they could all think of the scene when Li Yunfei rushed straight into the envoy's mouth without regard for death.

"Yao Ye, what do you think?" The Pope asked the deputy chief referee of the tribunal beside him.

"This man is extremely brave, but he has many conflicts with Adam. He is very close to the pagans of the elves and dwarves. He has no real awe of God the Father. If there is no law god to make the spirit appear, I will definitely have a relationship with him. Fight." Yao Ye said slowly.

Hearing this, all the people around showed surprise expressions. Originally, the Pope entrusted them with the task of protecting Saul Li, but they only heard Yaoye's meaning, as if they had been spying on him all the time!

The Pope nodded expressionlessly, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

For a moment, the entire prayer room of the temple fell into silence.

After a while, the pope seemed to have made up his mind. He looked up at the people around him and said, "At tomorrow's award ceremony, you all should pay attention to Sol Lee's movements. If there is anything wrong, take him out immediately." Down."

"Observe!" Although the high-level members of the temple didn't know why the pope suddenly issued this order, they had long been accustomed to obey, and saluted at the same time.

"Go down." The Lionheart Pope said.

After dismissing the crowd, he looked at the imperial palace far away from the temple and said to himself: "The Holy City suddenly asked Elder Rosa to come, what exactly do you want...Charlie, Charlie, do we want to go together this time? Already... Saul Lee, I hope you are not polluted by the God of Law, otherwise, I will have to purify you in the name of Father God...Father God, I hope you can save the dull people..."

In the wilderness sky in the distance, a dark cloud floated towards the Lion Heart Emperor City, and soon enveloped the entire Emperor City.At this time, the city of Lionheart Emperor was decorated with lights and festoons, preparing for tomorrow's celebration. The arrival of this dark cloud immediately diluted the festive atmosphere a lot...


"President Bohr, here I come!" At the entrance of the Royal Academy of Alchemy, Li Yunfei put the Wind Chariot into the space ring, and shouted to the old man standing at the entrance from afar.

The old man was Bohr, the dean of the Royal Academy of Alchemy, who had already been waiting at the door for a long time.

He was originally full of white hair and dry all over. He looked as if he could be blown down by a gust of wind, but now his face was flushed and he was extremely excited. The moment he saw Li Yunfei, he immediately rushed over. A seventy-eighty-year-old man!
While running towards Li Yunfei, Bohr yelled, "You are here, kid! Dirac and the others have already sent me a letter, show it to me, show it to me!"

In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Li Yunfei, and without any explanation, he began to pick off Li Yunfei's clothes and search him.

There are still many people at the gate of the Alchemy Research Institute. Seeing this scene, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe their eyes.

Is this Dean Bohr, who is known for being steady and rigid?How do you act like an old child?That action is like a monkey looking for food in a person's clothes...

Li Yunfei coughed lightly, grabbed Bohr's hand, and said in a low voice, "Do you want me to take it out on the street?"

Bohr immediately came to his senses, looked around, his old face was flushed red, then he looked at Jiujiu with a smirk and said, "Haha, haha... the old man is too impatient... This little girl is the little Jiujiu you often call? Tsk tsk, It's like an orchid, if the old man was 60 years younger..."

Jiujiu's little face flushed slightly, but he didn't speak.

As soon as Bohr finished speaking, he dragged Li Yunfei to the Alchemy Institute and said, "Come in, come in."

His hands were not weak, as if he was afraid that Li Yunfei would run away.

Li Yunfei had a helpless smile on his face, but at the same time he was somewhat relieved.These great masters who have studied alchemy all their lives are mostly children. For them, alchemy is the most fun toy in the world.

It is also because of this that their hearts are more upright and worthy of his trust.

Soon, the three of them had entered a secret research room in the deepest part of the Alchemy Research Institute, and Li Yunfei took out the "Jade Record" and placed it in front of Old Bohr.

The moment Bohr saw the Cuiyulu, his eyes were almost straightened, he almost grabbed it in his hand, and began to read it hungrily.

"From the earth to the sky, from the sky to the earth, the power of the upper and lower, conceived from the wind, divide the earth from the fire, extract the essence from the rough, do it carefully... Hahaha, interesting and interesting..." Bohr read while reading, finished reading After one page, I greedily turn to the next page.

With a smile on his face, Li Yunfei sat with Jiujiu on the chair beside him, without urging him, but directly took out a jug of wine, and the two of them began to drink one sip at a time.

After almost an hour, Bohr had finished reading the entire "Jade Record", and then took a deep breath of air, as if he had just had a full meal.

Immediately afterwards, he put the "Jade Record" back in Li Yunfei's hand, straightened his clothes suddenly, bowed deeply to Li Yunfei, and said, "Thank you on behalf of the human race."

(End of this chapter)

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