super giant clone

Chapter 540 Long Talk

Chapter 540 Long Talk
Li Yunfei didn't expect the old man to salute suddenly, and immediately stepped forward to help him up, and at the same time was slightly moved, and said: "What is Dean Boer doing, this "Jade Record" is just my lucky one."

Bohr said with a righteous face: "Although this is the case, the fact that you can think of promoting it in the entire human race without hiding it is enough to show your broad-mindedness! You know, if you are an ordinary alchemist, Even if it is me, if I get this book, the first thing I think of may be to keep it privately and get some benefits from it!"

What he said was not wrong. After all, all the well-known alchemists in the entire Giant God Continent have their own unique skills, and they are only passed on to their own disciples, and they will never be easily shown to others.Li Yunfei was able to present this alchemy book, which could no longer be described as great.

Li Yunfei smiled and said: "It's nothing. Speaking of it, the alchemy involved in "Cuiyulu" is too advanced. I believe that most of the content can be understood by no one except me. I can't figure out the direction of those alchemy circuits."

"That's right. Although I've read them all, most of them I didn't understand at all." Bohr had a sly smile on his face, blinked his eyes and said, "I've already saluted you, so it's also yours." I'm a student, please teach me and solve my doubts for me."

Hearing this, Li Yunfei couldn't help but shook his head with a smile and said, "It's really too cunning, it's impossible to guard against... Hahahaha..."

"Hahahaha..." Bohr also laughed, and for a while, the old and the young looked at each other and smiled happily.

Then Bohr said with a look of relief: "Dirac and the others have already told me in letters that Snowfall City has now become a veritable city of alchemy. The dream of us old guys for a lifetime is actually on your body." It's been achieved, it's really great, when I have the opportunity, I must go to Snow City to take a look, I really envy those old bastards who left all the affairs of the Alchemy Research Institute to me, and ran away to have a good time ..."

Li Yunfei smiled: "If your old man can go to Luoxue City, it will really be full of splendor." This kind of great master who has been engaged in alchemy research for a lifetime is definitely the more the better. All the alchemists from Xindi City Alchemy Research Institute were sent to Luoxue City.

"I will definitely go. This Lionheart Emperor City is no longer what I like..." Bohr said slowly, "Did you dedicate the "Jade Record" to the emperor, but he didn't Pay attention to?"

Li Yunfei nodded, unexpectedly, although Bohr was not present, he fully understood what happened.

"Charlie and I were good friends when we were young. When I designed the magic pillar for him, Charlie was still very interested in alchemy. It's just that people will change after all. When his throne is stabilized, his strength will improve. , and created the method of fighting qi combined attack by himself, the prestige of the Lionheart King spread far and wide, and his views on alchemy have also quietly changed." Bohr said slowly, as if he had seen everything that had happened, "But it's nothing, after all, the human race To be able to survive, the main thing is fighting spirit and magic.”

Then his eyes flashed again, and he looked at Li Yunfei and said excitedly: "It doesn't matter if they like it or not, as long as we do it ourselves, after we have enough strength, we can change the rules and force others to accept alchemy." Alchemy, hahaha, they don't understand, just because they are too stupid, the power of battle qi and magic can only be mastered by those who have talent, not necessarily one person in thousands, and the power of this alchemy, if you continue to deepen Research, it is likely that everyone can master it!"

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, and he told Bohr about the magnifying ring of spiritual power and the goblin's spiritual power collar.

Hearing that such a heaven-defying thing still exists, Bohr was so excited that he almost jumped up.

He understands that if these two things can really be done and mass-produced, the final result will be truly revolutionary!

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Sol, it's a great fortune for the human race to have you as a treasure, but unfortunately many people don't understand your importance..."

At that moment, Bohr opened the "Jade Records" in his hand, found out some incomprehensible parts, and asked Li Yunfei for advice.

"How is the skeleton of this airship constructed? Is it necessary to use criminal bamboo as the keel? Why does the internal alchemy circuit of the thruster have this cycle?"

Li Yunfei immediately began to explain in detail. He has read this "Jade Record" countless times. At this time, he not only fully understands the devices and drawings in it, but also improves some of the structures that are not refined enough. It seemed easy to understand and integrated, and Bohr quickly understood the problem.

All of a sudden, two top alchemists, one old and one young, began to discuss "Jade Records" in this room.

Although Bohr was asking questions, but his own solid alchemy foundation, many of the questions he raised also aroused Li Yunfei's thinking, and gave him another way of thinking, which also benefited a lot.

The two were eagerly discussing and researching the theory of alchemy, while Jiujiu sat aside and carefully gnawed on a roast suckling pig, listening to the two of them discussing there.

An afternoon passed quickly, and it was late at night in a blink of an eye.

Bohr's stomach let out a "cuckoo" sound, and he realized that he had discussed with Li Yunfei for a long time.

Looking again, Jiujiu, who was sitting next to him, had already eaten and drank enough, fell asleep on the chair, and there was still a trace of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Bohr couldn't help but smiled embarrassedly and said: "Ah, the old man was so happy chatting that he forgot the time. I'm really sorry... There will be an award ceremony tomorrow, Sol, go and rest."

Li Yunfei smiled and nodded, and said: "When you arrive in Luoxue City, let's chat for three days and three nights."

Bohr's face suddenly turned serious, and he said: "Sol, tomorrow's award ceremony may not be that simple. I heard that an elder from the Holy City of the Sky came to the Lion Heart Emperor City a few days ago. The elder's name is Rosa, seems to be an elder of the Sky Holy City Presbyterian House, you have to be more careful."

Sky Holy City Presbyterian Home?The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, but he didn't take it seriously.Before this sky holy city was extremely mysterious, even the name was kept secret from the outside world, but now that he has grown to this point, he feels that this sky holy city is completely out of the ordinary, nothing special.Otherwise, why hide your head and show your tail?
Moreover, both Bass and Ella came from the Holy City in the sky, and they all left a bad impression on Li Yunfei.

"You can rest in the research institute tonight. I have someone arrange a room for you. Let's see you at the honor ceremony tomorrow." Bohr said with a smile, and then walked out.

Li Yunfei nodded, gently picked up Jiujiu who was sleeping soundly, came to the tidy guest room, put Jiujiu on the bed, and he also lay on the bed himself.

Soon, there was a slight snoring sound in the room, and it seemed that everyone in the room had fallen asleep.

Li Yunfei lay quietly on the bed, snoring, but stared at the roof with his eyes wide open. After silently counting fifty breaths, the power of the stars felt by running the stars and iron bones, the whole person was like a marionette. Little by little, I propped myself up and floated gently towards the window.

Then, like a flash, his figure rose up from the ground in an instant, appeared on the roof, and grabbed the two men in black who were releasing monitoring magic!

(End of this chapter)

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