super giant clone

Chapter 541 Tempest

Chapter 541 Tempest

The two of them didn't expect that Li Yunfei, who was supposed to be sleeping in the room, would suddenly appear here, and immediately panicked, but then calmed down in an instant, a light blue light flashed, and a water curtain appeared around their bodies. Cover them inside.

Li Yunfei's hand slipped the moment he caught the water curtain, but he didn't catch them.

Two pairs of ice-blue wings spread out from behind the two of them, and they flew towards the air like arrows leaving the strings. At the same time, they released thousands of sharp ice cones and stabbed at Li Yunfei!
They all wore masks on their faces, so they couldn't see their real appearance clearly, but at this time the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, showing a look of disdain.Those ice cones were extremely fast and sharp, and the opponent couldn't dodge them at all.

"Space monster flower." A crisp voice sounded in the sky, and the smiles on the faces of the two people had not faded away. Suddenly, a cluster of monstrous huge flowers appeared in the midair. Each petal was covered with sharp teeth. A flower bit off at the same time, wrapping them inside and falling from mid-air.

And Li Yunfei didn't move at all, letting those ice picks pierce his body, the ice picks that were sharp enough to pierce steel were smashed against his body at this moment!
Then a girl with a pair of ice crystal wings dancing behind her back slowly fell from the air, it was Chiu Chiu!

The moment Li Yunfei appeared in the room holding Jiujiu in his arms, both of them felt the movement outside the room at the same time.

It's just that Jiujiu uses mental strength, while Li Yunfei uses hearing.

The two had a tacit understanding. First they pretended to be asleep, and then launched an attack immediately after they almost paralyzed each other, capturing the two of them in one fell swoop.

Li Yunfei grabbed two men in black who were wrapped in petals and looked like zongzi, and asked solemnly: "Who are you?" Before he felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him in the dark, and now he finally caught the master .

Moreover, these two men in black are not simple minions, they are all black iron mages!

Black iron swordsmen may not be considered anything in Lionheart Emperor City, but black iron mages are still extremely rare, and their fighting power is not weaker than some low-level silver swordsmen.These two black iron mages actually came to monitor him, which is enough to show the strength of each other.

"Boy, you'd better let us go, otherwise..." One of the black iron mages ignored Li Yunfei's question, but opened his mouth to let out harsh words.

It's just that before he could finish his sentence, a powerful fist hit him hard on the face, directly denting his entire face deeply, and nosebleeds gushed out like a fountain.

As black iron mages, although their combat power is strong, their physical strength cannot compare with those swordsmen. Li Yunfei's light punch almost knocked him out!

"Ah... um..." The black iron mage just wanted to scream, but Jiujiu had instantly released a silence spell to cover him, and no one would hear him even if he yelled out his throat.

I saw the black iron mage struggling and screaming, but he couldn't make a sound at all. It looked like a silent movie. With his miserable expression, he looked even more terrifying.

The fellow next to him immediately felt his hair stand on end. He is a black iron mage, but he has never been beaten like this before.

Li Yunfei had already turned his head to look at him at this time, and asked, "Who are you?"

The No.2 black iron mage hesitated for a moment, Li Yunfei had already punched out again, and this punch hit the No.1 man in black directly on the ribs, causing him to roll to the ground in pain, panting and moaning, but he couldn't utter a word. sound.

The No.2 black iron mage immediately turned pale. Although he himself was not beaten, he could clearly see the plight of his companions.

"I said, I said... I am a personal guard of the Elder Rosa's personal guard group in the sky holy city, and I am here to monitor you in the name of Elder Rosa." The black iron mage said hastily.

But Li Yunfei didn't stop at all, and slapped No.1 man in black on the face again, directly slapping his face with a palm print.

"I said, I said! Don't hit me!" The black iron mage who confessed was so frightened that he burst into tears, and said quickly: "Master Roger asked us to come, today you injured Master Roger, so he made us come Let's find out your details..."

It turned out to be that trash... Li Yunfei instantly thought of the playboy who was beaten up by him today.Unexpectedly, the other party came to the door.

But that's just a clown, not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, he casually picked up the two mages who were completely wrapped in petals and could not move, and said, "You can go."

Then the giant's power was mobilized in both arms in an instant, and the two zongzi mages were thrown out like stones!
Seeing that the two black images in the night were like two missiles, they pierced the night sky in an instant, passed hundreds of houses, and flew directly thousands of meters before landing.

It's a pity that these two people were all released at the last moment by the silence technique, and they couldn't even shout, so they just fell down with a bang...

After cleaning up the two of them, Li Yunfei turned his head and scanned the street outside, then returned to the house with Jiujiu and began to rest.

Just as they entered the house, in a shadow on the corner of the street, a barefooted man in a shabby temple robe slowly turned his head.

This person is Kaguya, the deputy chief referee of the Temple Tribunal!
"The two trash... almost exposed my existence." Kaguya said to himself expressionlessly, while looking at another corner not far away, and then looked at several other corners.

From time to time, a black figure moved around in these corners, and someone was there!
Apparently, it is definitely not just one faction that is monitoring Li Yunfei at midnight...

At the same time, in many places in the entire Lion Heart Emperor City, many people are secretly gathering to discuss something.Some of these people are dignitaries from other countries, some are from the aristocratic families of the Lion Heart Emperor City, and some are from the Holy City of the Sky.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually gathered, and finally lightning began to appear, large raindrops fell, and a storm came.

The entire city of Lionheart Emperor seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, but in fact it is undercurrents surging, like a brook that is accumulating rainwater, and it will turn into a mountain torrent at some point...


In the early morning of the next day, the rain that had been raining all night stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and a clear sky appeared, and the entire Lion Heart Emperor City was sunny.

After Li Yunfei and Jiujiu bid farewell to Bohr, they drove the car of wind again and headed towards the central square of Lionheart Emperor City.

Along the way, many people already knew him, and they all rushed to say hello, and Li Yunfei smiled and waved.

Soon, the central square appeared in front of him, and Li Yunfei had a playful look on his face.He has already made up his mind that after this shit awarding ceremony, he will immediately leave Lionheart Emperor City and return to Luoxue City to conduct alchemy research. Xindi City is a bargaining chip, nothing else.

Just as he was thinking wildly, a familiar voice suddenly came: "Haha, Your Majesty Sol!"

(End of this chapter)

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