super giant clone

Chapter 547 Red Star

Chapter 547 Red Star
Why did the storm appear here... Li Yunfei frowned.Although this storm was born in the Lion Heart Emperor City, he is also a soldier of the Sky Holy City, and his combat power is extremely powerful.

He sneered, and suddenly turned his head to look at the corner of the stand beside him.

He saw a man in a hood looking at him furtively there, and when Li Yunfei turned his head, the man immediately lowered his head, pretending to be looking for something.

There are enough watchers in the Lionheart Battlefield... Li Yunfei snorted coldly in his heart.

"Your Majesty Sol, I feel that something is wrong in this battle field. I found out five spies from the imperial palace just now. What does this mean, my lord? Is there something big going to happen?" Mage Lan whispered in Li Yunfei's ear .

At this time, the elite fighters sitting in the honor area all noticed something unusual. There seemed to be too many spies in the battle field.

For a moment, everyone was a little vigilant.

But after all, this is in the city of Lionheart Emperor, and it is reasonable to be heavily guarded, so everyone was only a little vigilant and didn't think much about it.

At this moment, there was an angry roar from the ring, and the roar stopped abruptly as soon as it appeared, as if someone had choked the throat.

Immediately afterwards, stormy cheers came, and all the audience present applauded.

I saw Mojik standing in the center of the ring with a blank face at this time, and beside him, the corpses of ten black iron giants were thrown there like a pile of broken copper and iron.

At this time, he had already killed all the black iron giants, which caused cheers from the audience.

These elite fighters in the awarding area watched this scene and did not make a sound, but looked accustomed to it.After all, Mojik himself is a silver swordsman, and he probably has mastered the application of the law, so being able to kill ten black iron giants is really nothing.

With a look of arrogance on his face, Mojik casually threw the black iron giant's black iron heart to the ground, and in a blink of an eye he had already left the ring and appeared in an area in front of Elder Rosa.

Li Yunfei turned his head and saw the people sitting in this area. Except for Mojik and Roger, he knew him, and he didn't have the slightest impression of the other 20 young fighters.

Obviously, these people are guards from the Holy City in the sky, and they belong to Rosa.

These people are all wearing black battle armor, the dress is extremely uniform, and at the same time, their faces are expressionless like a statue.Judging from the movement and breathing rhythm of these people, they are also black iron-level fighters at worst!

"Father God is above, only Father God is the greatest. The awarding ceremony, officially begins!" As the host of the ceremony, Connor's voice sounded again, with excitement, "In the name of Father God, let us accept the glory of Father God Behold, respectfully invite the eyes of God the Father."

As soon as his words fell, waves of soft spiritual power covered the entire ring area of ​​the battle field.

Afterwards, all the arenas in the battle field sank towards the ground, and soon they were level with the ground, and the existence of the arenas could not be seen at all.

There was a sound of rumbling earth and stone fluctuations, and a high platform rose in the center of the flat ground. On this high platform were two stern warriors wearing silver battle robes with expressionless faces, carrying an oval silver metal plate one person high.

This oval silver plate looks like a silver eye, and there are some mysterious patterns on the surface, emitting a faint soft white light.

The moment everyone saw the silver plate, a sense of awe rose in their hearts.The difference is that the stronger the power, the weaker the influence will be. At this time, some ordinary people were so excited that they wept bitterly, knelt down and bowed to the silver plate.

This silver plate is exactly the sacred artifact that Li Yunfei has seen once, the Eye of the Father God!
It is said that this thing is made of the tears of the father god, and it has a powerful function, which is to detect the number of giants hunted by each human warrior.

"Father God above!"

"God is above, and the glory of God is everywhere!"



At this time, many devout believers began to shout loudly to God the Father, knelt down on the ground, and saluted the "Eye of God the Father".

Seeing this scene, Li Yunfei couldn't help frowning.Before this giant frenzy, although the worship of the Father God was equally common, there were not many particularly devout believers. Under the huge blow of this giant frenzy, many people completely transferred their spiritual sustenance to the Father God.

It is precisely because of this that the power of the temple has risen again, and it has faintly surpassed the secular kingship.

Speaking of which, the function of the "Eye of the Father God" is really weak. It has no other function except to measure the number of giants hunted by each person. I really don't know what the tears of the Father God used to make this thing.However, it is very useful to add fun to festivals.

Thinking of the magic circle formed by those huge cities that were slaughtered and attacked by giants, Li Yunfei became extremely vigilant about the Father God hiding behind the scenes.

The two silver swordsmen who controlled the "Godfather's Eye" swelled with vindictiveness on their bodies, and poured it into the "Godfather's Eye", and the entire "Godfather's Eye" immediately emitted a soft light, making anyone who saw the light My heart was filled with inexplicable joy.

Several gold-ranked powerhouses on the emperor's throne also stood up at this time and bowed to the "Godfather's Eye" to show their respect.

Then Connor's voice sounded again: "General Cedar City, Dardani Etra, turned the tide in the Battle of Parallel Valley, bravely killed the enemy, rescued 53 people in his team, and awarded the Red Star Medal."

On the stand of the awarding area, an excited soldier stood up instantly, followed the passage into the battlefield, and came under the high platform.

This warrior is Dardani Etra.The surface of his body shone with gray grudge, and he was only a solid rock-level fighter, but because of his outstanding military exploits, he could also come to Lionheart Emperor City to receive the Red Star Medal this time.

The light from the "Eye of God the Father" shone on him, and immediately numbers began to appear on the smooth mirror.

One, two, three... The number rose rapidly, and within a few breaths, it was already frozen above 24.This rock-level warrior had actually killed 24 giants!
The audience who watched the ceremony cheered loudly, expressing their recognition for his record.

Then I saw a red star falling from the high platform, slowly attaching to Dardani's collar, shining brightly.

Although the Red Star Medal is only a low-level military merit medal, but to obtain this level of medal, you also need a military exploit that is enough to cause a sensation in a black iron general city.After receiving the medal, not only has honor in the entire human territory, but also represents the promotion of officials and fame after returning to one's own country.

Most importantly, this is the affirmation of a warrior by the entire human race.

A teardrop of excitement fell down Dardani Etra's face, he took a deep breath, saluted the people around him, and then returned to the awarding area of ​​the stands.The few friends around him who had made good friends with him immediately congratulated him.

"Red Gold Mall, Dobby, during the giant siege, desperately escorted supplies to support the three black iron general cities, played an extremely critical role, awarded the Red Star Medal..."

(End of this chapter)

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