super giant clone

Chapter 548 Human Heart

Chapter 548 Human Heart
The names were read out one by one, and the Red Star Medals were awarded to those soldiers from the remote Black Iron General City.

Among these fighters, the strongest are only a few bronze-ranked fighters.Their own talents are not outstanding, and their strength in this life may stop here, but they have made some achievements beyond their own abilities, so they were awarded the Red Star Medal.

"...Black Tower King City, Guerra, in the Battle of the Black Tower Plain, hunted down three bronze giants and thirty lower giants, and awarded the Order of the Orange Star." Another name was chanted throughout the audience, but this time it was already It's time for the award of the Orange Star.

According to Li Yunfei's previous knowledge, the military merit medals in the entire human territory are divided into five grades according to the grades of red, orange, green, blue and purple.Each level represents a stronger record.

Before the giant frenzy appeared, the ordinary Red Star Medal was considered a very high honor, but after the giant frenzy appeared, a large number of experienced and elite fighters emerged in the frenzied and cruel battles, and many of them had already obtained extremely high honors. High exploits.

Thousands of Red Star Medals have been awarded to many fighters, but only a few hundred people have received Orange Star Medals.Among them were a few warriors who came back alive from the steel soul demiplane with Li Yunfei and others.After all, although they are the elite among fighters, they still need a chance to make achievements in battle.

For every soldier who has been awarded a medal, it is a supreme honor to receive a medal of military merit under the eyes of millions of people in this lion heart battle battlefield.In the future, their deeds will definitely spread throughout the entire human territory.Therefore, almost every soldier who stepped forward seemed extremely excited.

Seeing these true warriors among the human race gain such honor, Li Yunfei was also filled with sighs and emotions, and was also a little excited in his heart.Although his alchemy revolution plan was rejected by the Lionheart Great, but seeing the vigorous vitality exuded by these warriors in front of him, hope rose again in his heart.As long as there are these real human backbones, then everything is not a dream.These warriors who fight the giants at the forefront are the support of the entire human race.

Soon, the Orange Star Medal was conferred, followed by the Green Star Medal, but this time only more than 100 people received the Green Star Medal, and all of them made great contributions, at least they killed hundreds of giants , or obtained certain precious resources, and even saved tens of thousands of people.When the light of the Father God's Eye shone on them, the numbers displayed also did not disappoint.In it, many people are warriors who have returned from the half-plane of Steel Soul, and many of their achievements were made after returning from the half-plane of Steel Soul.

Then there's the Blue Star.This time, there were only a dozen people who received honors, and all of them were long-established fighters, including Mage Lan who was beside Li Yunfei, and several silver kings.After the name was read, Master Lan smiled shyly at Li Yunfei and walked up to the front desk.

It's just that Li Yunfei didn't look very happy at this time, but looked at the "big men" sitting on the emperor's throne blankly, with an extremely gloomy expression.

He has already discovered that none of the people who were honored just now are soldiers from the Bone King City!
In other words, those experienced fighters under his command have not been recognized by the three imperial cities!How can this make him not angry!
You must know that these giant cities within the territory of the Bone King City, as the westernmost city-state in the entire human territory, have definitely suffered more attacks from giant frenzy than other areas.Since Luoxue City was built, he had repelled countless giant attacks. Among his generals, there were many who hunted and killed more than a thousand giants.

Especially the operators of the war colossi were always at the forefront of the battle. Many of them killed several black iron giants as magic apprentices.This kind of military exploits can already be called against the sky.Moreover, these related battles and the corresponding military achievements, after each battle, Luoxue City and other city-states will carefully count the achievements of each person, and then report them to the Lion Heart Emperor City, so it is impossible for the Lion Heart Emperor City not to Know this situation.

But among the honors, I didn't see any warrior from Bone King City, which is obviously completely unreasonable.

Li Yunfei couldn't help but secretly blamed himself, he had been a hands-off shopkeeper all this time, and he didn't care enough about the soldiers under him, so he didn't find out about this matter in advance.

After more than a dozen Blue Star Medals were awarded, it was already afternoon, followed by the Purple Star Medal, which was once the highest honor.

"Holy Emperor City, Adam, fought on the Chidi Grassland, killed three silver giants, ten black iron giants, twenty-one bronze giants, hundreds of low-level giants, turned the tide, and awarded the Purple Star Medal!" Connor's voice continued. Before it dissipated, there was already an uproar in the entire Lion Heart Battlefield.

He actually beheaded three silver giants!For many people, a high-ranking noble giant like the Silver Giant is definitely a nightmare existence, and this Lord Adam is definitely a real hero for making such military exploits.

I saw Adam with a smile on his face, and the silver fighting spirit flashed on the surface of his body, and he saw circles of light ripples blooming under his feet, rippling around, and he himself stepped into the air step by step, falling towards the center of the battlefield .

During the whole process, he was wearing a silver temple robe, with a warm smile on his face, coupled with the rippling flashes of light, he was full of style and caused a burst of screams.

Li Yunfei couldn't help curling his lips. This Adam himself was a priest in the temple, so he didn't expect to be so pushy.

Afterwards, the number on the Eye of Godfather stayed at 6000 two hundred and 82, which shocked the entire audience on the Lionheart Battlefield.However, the people of Lionheart Emperor City are residents of Golden Emperor City after all, and they are all people who have seen the world, so they are not too surprised.After all, Li Yunfei's 290 seven data was still vivid in his mind during the last King of the Brave Conference.

After Adam, the No.2 recipient of the Purple Heart Medal was Stormwind, a warrior from Lionheart Imperial City who sat not far from Li Yunfei.

Baofeng's expressionless figure flashed, and he appeared under the high platform like a ray of light. The number of giants he hunted was less than Adam's, a total of 250 giants, but Li Yunfei felt that the number of giants hunted by Baofeng Giants are likely to be some high-level existence.

Immediately afterwards, the No.3 soldier who won the Purple Heart Medal.This time, it was a mage named Tiger from the Demon Emperor City.This person was wearing a silver robe with a hood covering his face, looking very mysterious. He just flew to the front of the award platform, and then flew back.And the number of giants he hunted and killed reached 310 giants!

Seeing this person, Jiujiu whispered in Li Yunfei's ear, "Sol, this person is a student of the Natural Dharma King, one of the several Dharma Kings in the Demon Emperor City. He has a withdrawn personality. I haven't seen him much."

Li Yunfei nodded, staring at the sorcerer named Tiger, he only felt some familiar aura, but couldn't figure out where it was familiar.

After Tiger, the three Purple Star Medals have been awarded, and the entire Lionheart Battlefield is in awe. Although many people already know what the award ceremony will be like next, they are also staring with bated breath, a little nervous , and at the same time looked towards the center of the awarding area of ​​the stand.

"Sol Yunfei Lee!" Connor also looked at Li Yunfei and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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