super giant clone

Chapter 549 Revolution

Chapter 549 Revolution
As Connor's voice fell, everyone present turned their attention to where Li Yunfei was.

Most of the people and soldiers who came to watch the ceremony already knew the news that the Bone King was about to be awarded the "Human Heart" medal. At this time, the news was confirmed, and they were immediately excited.

You must know that this is the human heart!The lofty honor far higher than the Purple Heart Medal, it is said that no one has received it for hundreds of years.Moreover, several warriors who had won the hearts of humans in human history had all fallen at that time, which was completely a kind of posthumous honor, but now the bone king can get this honor while alive.

As for his achievements, many versions have been circulated, and even many troubadours have written completely different epics and spread them everywhere. Now they can know the truth.

And most of the fighters who returned from the steel soul demiplane were also very excited at this time, and they were also happy for Li Yunfei.After all, their lives were saved by Li Yunfei, and everyone hoped that the person who saved them was a hero, not some unknown person.

Li Yunfei squeezed Jiujiu's little hand, stood up, and walked down the steps of the stand.

His footsteps were not fast, and he didn't use any fancy tricks, but in the eyes of the people around him, he seemed more calm and relaxed, and instead of showing off, he won the favor of many soldiers.

Li Yunfei's face was expressionless. If one looked carefully, it seemed that there was still a faint hint of anger, and he didn't mean to be half happy.

Soon, he had come to the high platform, allowing the light of the Father God's Eye to shine on him.

At this time, the phantom of the huge sword that Lao Fen transformed into his body immediately firmly suppressed that divine sense of the Father God again, so as not to make any mistakes.

On the silver mirror of the Father God's Eye, each number began to flash rapidly, rising continuously.

At the beginning, there were hundreds of flickers, but after that, each flicker was about a thousand.

Two thousand... five thousand... eight thousand... ten thousand... the number quickly exceeded ten thousand, but it was still rising, and soon, fifteen thousand... sixteen thousand... eighteen thousand... two Ten thousand... Twenty-five thousand... Thirty thousand...

Finally, when the number exceeded 720, it was fixed at [-].

This is Li Yunfei's record, killing 720 eight giants!
The entire Lionheart Battlefield fell into a deadly silence at this moment, everyone was staring at this number, with their mouths open as if they had completely fallen into a state of dementia.

Even a few gold-level powerhouses on the thrones of several emperors, such as Emperor Lionheart and Elder Narosa, were slightly absent-minded at this time.

Killing more than 3 giants alone is simply a great feat that has never been seen in human history, and it is enough to be recorded in the annals of history forever.

"Too...too powerful..." After a few seconds, someone subconsciously said something.

The people around immediately came to their senses and began to shout crazily: "Sol Lee! Sol Lee! Sol Lee! Sol Lee..."

"Bone King! Bone King! Bone King..." "Human Heart! Human Heart! Human Heart..."

Many people and nobles of Lionheart Emperor City present have personally experienced the previous King of the Brave Conference, and all saw the number 290 displayed by the Eye of the Father God at that time. Who would have thought that it was only a short year In less than two years, this Sol Lee actually beheaded more than 2 giants again, which is simply insane!

All the fighters present who had just received medals were full of fanaticism at this time, especially those low-level fighters who had received Red Star Medals and Orange Star Medals. The record of the giants, they only have one idea of ​​worshiping.

Li Yunfei looked at the numbers on the glasses of the Father God, and was a little surprised, but then he was relieved after thinking about it.During the year when the giant frenzy attacked the human territory, he had been stationed in Snowfall City, and Snowfall City had fought many siege battles at the level of [-], so he had accumulated so much without knowing it. record.

Looking at the astronomical figures on the metal plate, the corner of Li Yunfei's mouth twitched, revealing a self-deprecating smile.

Then he suddenly raised his hand, signaling that all the people present were quiet.

For the people present, he was already a well-deserved hero at this time, so seeing Li Yunfei's gesture, everyone stopped cheering, looking at him and wanting to hear what he had to say.

This scene immediately frowned slightly on the Lionheart Emperor and others on the throne of the emperor. The influence of such a record is really too great.

Seeing that all the people around became quiet, Li Yunfei walked into a loudspeaker array next to him, looked around like lightning, and then said loudly: "All brave fighters, brave compatriots, may you achieve the same record as this one?" ?” As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to the number on it.

"Of course I want to!" "How could I not want to!" "God, I dream about it, but unfortunately I can't practice fighting qi, and I can't practice magic." "Who doesn't want to be a hero..."

The people present shouted loudly.For many people, they are just ordinary people with no talent for grudges or magic, so it is basically a dream to achieve such a feat.

"As long as you think, you can do it!" Li Yunfei looked around, his eyes widened, and he said decisively, "Do you know alchemy?"

"Of course I know." "The magic energy pillar in our Lionheart Emperor City is made by alchemy." "It is said that the War Academy in Snowfall City specializes in teaching alchemy..." "Even the spiritual power of the apprentice level can manipulate alchemy equipment." ..."

"I, Saul Yunfei Lee, will initiate an alchemy revolution, making the power of alchemy available to all, and making all people warriors with power! One day in the future, the power of mankind It will increase dozens of times, hundreds of times! Everyone can become a hero! Human beings will no longer be oppressed by any race! Everyone can control their own destiny! I, Saul Yunfei Lee , hereby assure you, in the name of mankind!" Li Yunfei raised his arms and shouted loudly.

revolution!He will start a real revolution!Since the Lionheart Emperor is not optimistic about this and is not going to support him, then he will directly disclose his plan to the public and mobilize the power of all ordinary people!At the very least, plant a fire in their hearts.

This is also the reason why he came to participate in the award ceremony. Under the eyes of millions of people in the entire Lion Heart Emperor City, he preached the alchemy revolution and planted the seeds for the real development in the future!

"What alchemy revolution? Is he crazy?" "It's completely nonsense!" "No... Maybe it's really possible, I have seen the magic gold warrior..." "It is said that there is a monster called the Colossus of War in the War College The weapon..." "If it is true, I want to have this power..." "So, there is still hope for a cripple like me? It's great!" "..."

For a while, most of the people, including the nobles present, began to discuss, while those fighters who possessed fighting spirit and magic were either surprised, or sneered, or looked forward to it, with different reactions.After all, Li Yunfei's words were a bit too bizarre for everyone, but it made people feel that it should be true.

On the throne of the emperor, some of the gold rank fighters were expressionless at this moment, they didn't know what they were thinking, as if they didn't hear what they just said at all.Rosa, on the other hand, had an angry face, looking extremely displeased.The Lionheart King squinted his eyes at Li Yunfei. He never expected that this kid would be so bold. He took the opportunity of the Honors Conference to announce his idea of ​​"Alchemy Revolution" to the public.

While everyone was still immersed in the shock of Li Yunfei's words, a flame-like gemstone appeared on the awarding platform, and then floated towards Li Yunfei. The shape of this gemstone kept changing, and it looked like a living flower. The flames danced in the air, and it was the medal made of the gem called "Human Heart"!
In the blink of an eye, the "Heart of Humanity" has come to Li Yunfei, and the next step is for him to take the medal and wear it on his body.

Even though they were shocked by Li Yunfei's words, everyone was still extremely excited to see the "Human Heart" medal appearing at this time.

Just at this moment, Li Yunfei raised his hand with a trace of fighting spirit, and threw the "human heart" in mid-air back onto the awarding platform.

"I reject!"

(End of this chapter)

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