super giant clone

Chapter 556 Eight sides of bloody battle!

Chapter 556 Bloody Battle!
"Stop!" "You bastards!" Adam and the others roared angrily at the same time, but they couldn't break Rosa's vindictive chains at all.After all, this Elder Rosa is a gold-ranked fighter, the level difference between each other is too much, and it contains the power of binding laws!
Li Yunfei held the Baibi Saber in front of him, and said with a big smile: "Hahaha, four roommates, brother Adam, and brothers who have returned from the half-plane of Steel Soul, I appreciate your kindness, it's just I won’t bother you to take action for some youngsters!”

As soon as the words fell, his right arm suddenly stretched forward, the whole arm was stretched like a spring, and he threw the Baipi knife, and instantly drew an arc around, passing dozens of enemies' bodies!
Those people had already retreated 50 meters away, and they thought they were far enough away, but they didn't expect that Li Yunfei's silver giant's body could transform at will, and was instantly slashed by the blade of Baipi Dao!
"Puff puff puff..." The sound of blood spurting wildly came, and dozens of enemies, together with the weapons in their hands, were cut into two pieces, forming a circular arc of blood!
"Run! Run!" "His body can transform!" "What kind of knife is that..."

The enemies that formed the encirclement immediately huffed and retreated tens of meters. They all forgot that since the opponent was a silver giant, they naturally possessed the ability of the silver giant to alienate its limbs.

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised. After he transformed into the silver giant, he rarely used the alienation skills of the silver giant.

For a moment, Li Yunfei stood on the spot holding Baipi Dao, and standing on the shoulder was Jiujiu holding a magic staff, which made thousands of soldiers around dare not act rashly, with unparalleled power.

"...these trash!" Rosa yelled angrily, and then said with a stern look on his face, "The Holy City Law Enforcement Team is temporarily under the command of Vinny and Bass. Anyone who dares to retreat before the battle will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of people from the Holy City Law Enforcement Team organized their formation again. Vinny sneered, and walked to the front of the line with a long sword like a feather in his hand.Bass, on the other hand, held a long sword as thin as an awl and stood beside Vinny with an expression of resentment and pleasure.

At this moment, the Lionheart Pope, who had been silent on the sidelines, suddenly said, "The Knights of the Temple, assist the Holy City Law Enforcement Team to capture the giant spies!"

"Decree!" In a corner of the battle field, three hundred warriors wearing temple armor suddenly took orders, stood up instantly, entered the battle field, and formed formation on the other side.

These temple warriors are strictly disciplined, and the person in the front is Kaguya, the deputy chief referee of the Inquisition of Lionheart Emperor City!After seeing Li Yunfei's giant body and the battle just now, Pope Lionheart has concluded in his heart that Li Yunfei must be controlled by the evil Dharma God, and the divine sense of the Dao Father God has probably been swallowed up, and he must take down the other party. God the Father has an explanation!
"Lionheart Iron Guard, assist the Holy City Law Enforcement Team." The Lionheart Emperor ordered again.

"Take orders!" More than 200 warriors wearing the armor of the Lionheart Imperial City leaped into the Lionheart battle field at the same time, and formed formations on the other side under the leadership of the storm.

The Holy City Law Enforcement Team, the Knights of the Temple, and the Lionheart Iron Guard, these three forces surrounded three directions, immediately changing the atmosphere of the entire battlefield.The appearance of these fighters was completely different from the mob who were tempted by the rewards, and there was an atmosphere of chilling and iron blood in an instant!
Originally, the dragons had no leader, but now they have a backbone!A total of more than 800 soldiers surrounded Li Yunfei.Among them, there are more than 50 silver warriors alone!

Stormwind, Kaguya, Vinny, and Bass are the leaders of the three parties, standing at the forefront, and behind them are a group of elite fighters.

"Sol, this sword is called the Storm Sword, and it is the Ten Holy Swords of the Imperial City." The silver-haired storm stepped forward and raised a swirling long sword in his hand and said.Although the emperor's order is difficult to disobey, he also respects the other party as a strong man.

"Ten Holy Swords of the Imperial City, Meteor." Hui Ye said coldly, in his hand was a three-pointed double-edged sword.

"Sol Lee, it's too late even if you want to surrender now, I'm going to make your life worse than death, hahahaha——" Vinny laughed loudly, and raised the long sword in his hand, "Just use this ling in my hand feather!"

"Hmph, you ruined my stabbing spirit long sword, today I will use your death as a sacrifice!" Bass said viciously with a crazy face.

Li Yunfei took a deep breath, his legs were instantly twisted into the shape of a spring, and he shouted: "If you want to fight, then fight!" As soon as the words fell, he turned into a silver figure and rushed into the enemy group, and even launched the first attack!

"Roar—those who stand in my way will die!" Li Yunfei's legs twisted into the shape of springs, his speed was several times faster, and he rushed directly into a defensive area composed of mobs.

These warriors came here for rewards, and there was no way to fight on their own. They only saw Li Yunfei's crimson sword like a cloud of blood, bringing more blood as it passed by!
"Crazy vine thorns!" A silver swordsman roared, and instantly released his silver domain, seeing thorny vines as thick as buckets rising from the ground.Go towards Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei snorted coldly, held the knife in both hands, and without dodging or dodging, he suddenly rushed into the opponent's fighting spirit like a bull.With the Baipi Dao in his hand standing in front of him, the blade was facing outwards, and all the vindictive vines that passed by were cut off. In just an instant, he broke through the opponent's vindictive domain and came in front of the silver warrior!

"Ivy Battle Armor!" The silver swordsman flashed a huge battle qi blade on the long sword in his hand, blocking in front of him, and at the same time he was about to take back the domain.

At this moment, Jiujiu waved his staff and shouted: "Ice Fire Dragon Spinning!" A huge tornado composed of flames and ice cones appeared in the air, and the tail of the tornado pierced the silver swordsman like a sharp blade. .

The other party roared loudly, and swung the long sword in his hand to block the ice and fire dragon spin, but unexpectedly, Li Yunfei's Baipi knife suddenly turned, and the back of the blade ruthlessly hit the real ice and fire dragon spin, directly killing the dragon made of violent ice and fire elements. The roll was "nailed" into the opponent's heart!

"Boom!" The silver swordsman was directly blown into pieces. At this time, his battle energy domain had just dissipated, and he was about to condense into a battle armor around him, which immediately caused another explosion.

The fragments produced by the explosion of all the battle energy of a silver warrior blasted towards the surroundings like a storm, and the surrounding human warriors screamed again and again, but Li Yunfei had already jumped into another crowd in a flash.

"Fire Meteor and Thunderbolt!" With a roar, hundreds of watermelon-sized fire meteorites and hundreds of arm-thin thunderbolts instantly appeared above Li Yunfei's head.

He snorted coldly, and regardless of his disregard, Baipi Dao danced into a mass of blood-colored shadows and kept rushing to kill. Just when the meteorites and thunderbolts were about to fall on top of his head, a five-color energy shield suddenly flashed, directly bouncing those meteorites and thunderbolts away, towards Falling into the surrounding crowd.

"Ah—" "Get out of the way!" "Who released the lightning!" Everyone was attacking Li Yunfei with all their strength, but they didn't expect so many meteorites and lightning to fall in an instant, and they immediately screamed.

Jiujiu put away the energy shield expressionlessly, waved the staff, and immediately several large-scale attack spells fell.With her standing on Li Yunfei's shoulders, any magic attack will never get close!

"Pfft..." Li Yunfei stomped a black iron warrior into a pulp, and then resisted the spear bombardment of a silver warrior, and the Baipi knife fell heavily, directly cutting off one arm of the silver warrior.

At the same time, more than a dozen Dou Qi weapons attacked at the same time, and Jiujiu instantly released an earth magic shield to block these Dou Qi weapons.Immediately afterwards, hundreds of sharp metal thorns suddenly appeared on the surface of Li Yunfei's body, and they shot out at the same time, falling towards hundreds of surrounding enemies.

"Bah bah bah bah..." The sound of weapons colliding with metal thorns was heard endlessly, and immediately several fresh troops appeared, rushing towards Li Yunfei.

It's just that these swordsmen were still in the air, and a few lightning bolts appeared, directly connecting them into one body in the air, and instantly paralyzed them.Although there was only a pause of less than a second, it attracted Li Yunfei's saber!

Several people screamed and were chopped down from the air by Baipi Dao!
"Happy, happy!" Li Yunfei resisted another blow, slashing an enemy regardless of physical damage, and shouted loudly.

At this moment, a silver light flashed, Li Yunfei's expression froze, and Baipi Dao suddenly swung out to meet the light.

Hearing the sound of "ding", his blade directly slashed on the tip of a long sword, and a ray of light rippled towards the surroundings.It's just that although he blocked the long sword, a burst of strength rushed directly into his arm along the Baipi knife, causing his tiger's mouth to burst instantly!

It is the power of law!

(End of this chapter)

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