Chapter 557
"Boom!" Just now, the rippling light exploded a gust of wind directly in the air, forming countless wind blades, and went in all directions, immediately stopping everyone's offensive.

Li Yunfei's eyes were fixed, and his left hand was pressed on the handle of the knife for an instant. With the knife in both hands, he rose into the air with his strength, and then fell heavily, raising a piece of sand and stone.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Baofeng stood there holding the swirling long sword of Baofeng, looking at Li Yunfei expressionlessly.Half of his body was blasted into the ground at this time, but it was the result of Li Yunfei's blow just now.

It's just that his body wasn't injured at all. He stepped out of the deep pit, looked at Li Yunfei and said, "My law is the spiral."

Li Yunfei looked at the right hand holding the knife, and saw a crack extending from his tiger's mouth to his elbow. If he hadn't made a quick decision to jump away with both hands holding the knife, one arm might have been useless now.The spinning force penetrated directly into the body, making it impossible to guard against.

"Good rules." Li Yunfei praised sincerely.At this time, all his mental power and battle energy were restrained, especially the restraint of mental power, which made him unable to use the law.However, the law of the storm is indeed one of the strongest he has ever encountered.

At this moment, Hui Ye walked up to Li Yunfei with his sword in hand, raised the long sword high, and said in a deep voice, "My law is called tearing."

In the next moment, he swung his long sword suddenly, and a thick sword light blasted towards Li Yunfei.

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, the Baipi Saber in his hand trembled like ripples, and instantly collided with the sword glow.

Hearing a buzzing sound, Hui Ye's sword light slowly disappeared into nothingness!

Seeing this scene, Hui Ye couldn't help but widen his eyes, and said with disbelief: "You actually dispelled my law!"

Li Yunfei smiled and didn't say anything.This tearing of Kaguya's law can be said to be a function of his replacement law.In other words, Kaguya's tearing law is the primary version of his replacement law.Although he can't use the law now, he understands the principle of the replacement law, so he can dispel Kaguya's tearing law from the root.

It's just that he completely relied on his strength to dispel the opponent's power of law. Under the high-speed vibration, his right wrist almost broke off completely.

These two opponents deserve him to take them seriously!
At this moment, a chill suddenly came from behind him, and then he heard Jiujiu's staff waving, and shouted: "Elemental Spear!" An elemental spear as thick as a bucket emerged in the void and stabbed backward.

Li Yunfei twisted his legs at the same time, his whole body twisted like a twist, and the Baipi knife also slashed forward.

Vinny and Bass didn't know when they came around behind him, and at the same time, they attacked him with fighting spirit.

The vindictiveness and laws flashing on Nabas' long sword are his "piercing" laws!On the other hand, Vinny's winged sword had a soft light, like a ball of cotton, but it gave Li Yunfei a more dangerous feeling.

In the next instant, Jiujiu's Elemental Spear had already stabbed Bass' long sword together, while Li Yunfei's Baipi Saber had intersected with Vinny's long sword.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, Jiujiu's elemental gun burst into pieces, and Bath's "piercing" law was temporarily stopped.

It's just that Li Yunfei's Baipi Saber was wrapped in the light of Wen Ni's long sword, and he couldn't withdraw it for a while!

He snorted coldly, turned his arm suddenly, and used the force of the rotation to snatch the Baipi knife back.Looking carefully, the originally indestructible body of the blade has now become pitted, and even the blade has several holes!He couldn't help being shocked.You must know that this Baipi knife uses a variety of precious materials. It was first forged by a dwarf master craftsman, and then it was nurtured by Lao Fen, an artifact. It can be said that it completely surpassed the Ten Holy Swords of the Imperial City. .He no longer knew how many giants he had killed with this saber, and now it was damaged again!
It's just that Wen Ni was even more shocked than him. Under the attack of his law, it stands to reason that the saber should have completely disappeared, but there were only some damages.What kind of knife is this!

"Saul Rollin, today I will let you die under my law of ablation!" Vinny said loudly with a crazy smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes and asked.

The other party actually called him Saul Rollin, and it is likely that he has something to do with the Rollin family, but he couldn't remember what the relationship between the other party and the Rollin family was.

"I'm..." Wen Ni laughed loudly, winked at Bass, left and right, and attacked Li Yunfei again. The next moment, he was in front of Li Yunfei, and said in a voice full of resentment : "Luther Rollins!"

"So it's you!" Li Yunfei squinted his eyes, and instantly understood why the other party hated him so much!It turns out that Luther Rollins is not dead!

Behind them, those soldiers from the Holy City Law Enforcement Team also lined up and rushed towards Li Yunfei.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the hundreds of mobs around shouted and swarmed up again.

"Good time!" Li Yunfei smiled ferociously, the silver giant's body twisted continuously, and Baipi Dao danced, fighting with Vinny and Bass.

Although he couldn't use the law, the silver giant's great strength and physical characteristics made him barely able to resist the attacks of these two people.After all, their laws are only used in the initial stage.

As for those miscellaneous fish, they were completely handed over to Jiujiu to defend.The staff in the little girl's hand was waving into a ball of light and shadow, and the magic was released without any interruption, just like fireworks in full bloom!The magicians around were all stunned. They never thought that one day they would be able to see this way of releasing magic!

How strong is the opponent's spiritual power and magical affinity!
For a moment, I saw a small figure standing on the shoulders of that huge figure, and the two kept moving around, fighting among hundreds of enemies.

Baofeng and Huiye looked at each other, and they both saw hesitation in each other's eyes.After all, they are fighters with their own pride, and at this moment they also understand that if they make another move, they will be defeated.

It's just that Rosa obviously wouldn't let them stay out of it, and shouted loudly: "Storm! Kaguya! Are you going to betray your identity as a human? Go and kill this giant spy!"

The two took a deep breath and stopped hesitating. No matter what, each other was an enemy.

"Lionheart Iron Guard, join forces!" Stormwind ordered with a wave of the long sword in his hand.Then three hundred Lionheart Iron Guards quickly dispersed, and nine formed a battle formation, rushing towards Li Yunfei.The nine Lionheart Iron Guards were either bronze swordsmen, or black iron swordsmen, and even three silver swordsmen formed a battle formation, and their fighting spirits were connected to each other, quickly forming a huge fighting spirit sword. Pierce through the air.

"The Knights of the Temple, the brilliance of divine art!" As soon as Kaguya's voice fell, the swords in the hands of hundreds of warriors in the Knights of the Temple shone with dazzling brilliance at the same time, forming a series of magical lights and shadows, which also shot away.

At the same time, Bao Feng and Hui Ye stirred up their fighting spirit and rushed towards Li Yunfei with the power of law.

not good!Seeing these amazingly powerful attacks launched at the same time, Li Yunfei bent his legs slightly, jumped up with all his strength, and jumped up to a height of [-] meters, trying to avoid the attack.

It's just that he just jumped up, when hundreds of rays of divine magic light had already arrived in front of him, forming a cage of light in front of him, pulling him down.

Immediately afterwards, the Lion Heart Iron Guard's dozens of dou qi giant swords came in front of him, and Li Yunfei danced wildly with Baipi Dao in his hand, and heard a series of loud bangs, and the crack in Li Yunfei's right hand was shaken. It expanded again, covering the entire arm like a spider web.

"Spiral!" Bao Feng let out a low voice, and a sword intersected with Li Yunfei's Baipi Saber, and the power of the spiral law immediately invaded Li Yunfei's body.

Hearing a crisp sound of "哗啦", his right arm shattered, and finally he couldn't hold it anymore!
Li Yunfei swung his sword with his left hand in an instant and blocked Hui Ye's blow, but at this moment, a black swamp appeared under Li Yunfei's feet, sinking his feet into it.

"Sol!" Jiujiu was in a hurry, she had been defending against the attacking magic, and almost achieved a perfect defense, but she was taken advantage of when she was mentally exhausted!
Seeing Li Yunfei reveal such a big flaw, Vinny roared and said, "Suppress it with all your strength!"

Immediately, dozens of silver swordsmen at the front released their own domains at the same time, or huge palaces, or berserk monsters, or sharp weapons, etc., pressing towards Li Yunfei!
"Elemental Storm Purgatory!" Jiujiu shouted angrily, and finally released the last Elemental Storm Purgatory.It's just that although this elemental storm purgatory is powerful, it has little effect in front of dozens of silver fields, and is quickly melted.

In the next instant, dozens of huge silver domains crashed down, pressing towards Li Yunfei.

"Jiujiu!" Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Li Yunfei stuck the Baipi knife on the ground, held the little maid in his hand to protect his heart, bowed his head, and was ready to resist the blow.

"Boom boom boom!" There was a loud noise, and the huge silver domains pressed down on Li Yunfei's body like hills, driving him into the ground like a nail!
Every time a blow landed, a crack appeared on the surface of his body, and a piece of silver flesh and blood collapsed. In a blink of an eye, his body was covered with cuts and bruises, revealing the silver components inside his body, and he turned into a silver skeleton!The flame on the surface of the body was completely extinguished, as if it had already died.

Half of his body was smashed into the ground, looking extremely miserable!

Li Yunfei only felt that his body was about to fall apart completely. Even though he had already reached the level of a high-level silver giant, he almost completely disintegrated in the face of such a high-intensity attack.The violent shock at this time made his consciousness blur for a while, and he almost fell asleep completely.

Am I dying...

"...Sol...Sol! Wake up! Sol...I protect you! I want to protect you! Let me protect you!" In a daze, Li Yunfei seemed to hear an urgent and familiar voice echoed in his ears.Afterwards, he only felt that his heart began to become hot, as if something was burning.It's just that he understands that this is not his giant heart, but something else.He could feel that it was a force, with anger, becoming stronger and stronger...

"Haha, hahahaha, Saul Lee, you have today too! It's a pity that Rukia was deceived by you, but since she likes you, she will die with you..." Bass held a long sword and slowly moved towards Baiyin. Li Yunfei, who was suppressed by the domain, walked over, with a ferocious smile on his face, "I'll tear you to pieces!" Then he jumped up and was about to cut Li Yunfei down.

At this moment, Li Yunfei's silver body, which seemed to be dead, suddenly trembled slightly, shaking the silver domain pressing on it.

Just when everyone was surprised, a sharp and long whistle came: "Chirp——"

The suppressed silver giant soared into the sky, tore through many domains, and went straight to the sky. Under him, a giant white dragon nearly 50 meters in size suddenly appeared!
"Chirp——" the breath of the five-color dragon spewed out, descending from the sky with deadly destructive power!

(End of this chapter)

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