super giant clone

Chapter 558 Law, Devour!

Chapter 558 Law, Devour!
The five-color dragon's breath reached the ground in an instant, and the violent elements collided with each other to produce an astonishingly powerful explosion, like several elemental storm purgatory spells released at the same time, covering dozens of silver warriors including Bass!

"Ah - my eyes!" "What the hell is this!"Bass burst out with smoke all over his body, tore off the almost melted armor, and looked up into the sky.

In the sky hundreds of meters high, a giant milky white dragon was carrying Li Yunfei and emitting a clear dragon chant. The whole body of this giant dragon was streamlined and exuded a faint silver brilliance, giving people a sense of inviolability.This dragon is completely different from other giant dragons. Not only is the scale armor on the surface of the body extremely delicate, which looks like gleaming silver sand, but there is also a single horn on its head, which is like a sharp sword piercing into the sky. , looking carefully, it looks like a wonderful work of art.

But just by taking a look at it, one can feel the real dragon power, which makes people suffocate!
With the appearance of this giant dragon, most of the people in the entire Lion Heart Battlefield stood up in an instant, including the Lion Heart Emperor and others on the throne of several emperors!
"It turned out to be a sacred dragon!" Rosa stared dumbfounded at the flying dragon in the sky, and murmured, "Hasn't the sacred dragon clan been killed by the black dragon clan? They actually appeared here!"

Lionheart Emperor frowned and said, "It's a young dragon."

In the sky, Li Yunfei rode on the dragon's back in surprise, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Sol, it's me." At this moment, the giant dragon spoke in a familiar and well-behaved voice of Li Yunfei.

"Jiujiu! It's you!" Li Yunfei said pleasantly, "Hahaha, so you are from the Dragon Clan! No wonder you are so powerful! I said my family Jiujiu is the most powerful! Hahaha..." Jiujiu is from the Dragon Clan!In this way, everything makes sense. No wonder the little girl has such a perverted talent for magic, and she also likes shiny things such as gold coins and magic crystals. No wonder she can eat and sleep so well. It turns out that the little maid at home is a dragon at all!

" don't hate me? You won't drive me away?" Jiujiu said timidly. She awakened the memory of the Dragon Clan when she was in the Half-Plane of Steel Soul, but she was still in doubt. I don't know if Li Yunfei would accept it. Her dragon identity, "So I'm not human..."

Li Yunfei laughed loudly, stretched out his hand and flicked Jiujiu's head, and said, "What nonsense, am I a human being now?"

Jiujiu turned to look at Li Yunfei's broken giant body, first smiled, then showed a worried look, and said, "Sol, they have blocked the space of the Lionheart Battlefield, and I can't break the magic barrier."

A bolt of lightning shot out from her horn in an instant, blasting towards the front not far away.Just when he reached the edge space of the Lion Heart Battlefield, he heard a "squeak", and a nearly transparent wall of light appeared instantly. It was a magic barrier that surrounded the entire Lionheart Battlefield!This magic barrier obviously used the alchemy circle set up in the Lion Heart Emperor City to completely surround the battle area, the purpose was to prevent Li Yunfei from escaping.

With a flash of white light, Li Yunfei took out the last silver heart from the interspatial ring, opened his mouth to swallow it, and healed about [-]% of the scars on his body, and his body fell slightly.

Jiujiu understood immediately, flapped his wings, accelerated instantly, and came to the front of the magic barrier in a blink of an eye.Li Yunfei swung the Baipi Dao in his hand suddenly, and there was a loud "buzz", and an energy film appeared instantly, and the Baipi Dao seemed to be cut into a piece of cotton, it was so soft that it couldn't bear the force, and it couldn't break the energy film at all.

Judging from the energy fluctuations of this magic barrier, at least gold-level combat power is required to break through it!

Li Yunfei smiled casually, shouldered the Baipi Saber, and said to Jiujiu: "That's fine, since you can't leave, then let's have a good kill."

"Okay." Jiujiu nodded, already understood what he meant, his wings were suddenly folded by his side, and one man and one dragon swooped down from the air like a fighter jet, rushing towards the enemies on the ground!
"Form formation! Stop them!" "Release the Silver Domain!" "How could there be a dragon!" "..."

Seeing Li Yunfei and Jiujiu swooping down, there was chaos below, and then immediately gathered again, ready to completely suppress Li Yunfei.After the scene just now, those silver warriors are already confident that they can definitely suppress this silver giant completely!

"Stop..." A silver giant released his Silver Castle domain, staring at Li Yunfei who was about to say something in the sky, but suddenly found that one person and one dragon had disappeared!

In the next moment, he only saw a flash of red light, and the Baipi knife had already passed by his center, directly splitting his domain and body in half!

And that one person and one dragon seemed to have never appeared before, and they had once again flashed in front of another silver giant!

At the same time, a mysterious sound sounded, followed by a storm-like magic attack erupting from the core of the battlefield and rushing in all directions.The power of these magics is dozens of times greater than ordinary magic, and erupting at the same time is like a terrifying volcanic eruption!

Dragon language magic!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, one person and one dragon fell from the sky, splitting the three silver warriors with irresistible power, blasting more than a dozen black iron warriors into pieces, and slashing a deep hole on the ground. A trench of more than ten meters!
In the next moment, Jiujiu flapped his wings again and took Li Yunfei into the sky.

"Where are you going!" A silver swordsman yelled and stopped in front of him. His silver domain was a huge scorpion. At this time, the scorpion's tail condensed the power of thunder and stabbed towards Li Yunfei.

"Chirp—" There was another Qingyue dragon's chant, and dozens of silver-level magic burst out from around Jiu Jiu's side, blasting towards the silver warrior like a torrential rain.

The silver domain of the silver warrior was directly blasted into pieces by the berserk magic. The next moment, the giant dragon's claws protruded from the magic storm and passed in front of him suddenly.The body of the silver warrior was instantly torn into several pieces!
"Explosive thrust!" Bass roared, the long sword in his hand radiated light of law, and took the opportunity to stab one man and one dragon from behind, "You two damned monsters, go to hell!"

"Jiujiu, be careful." Li Yunfei frowned, and the Baipi knife slashed backwards.

At this moment, Jiujiu's wings flapped, he turned around in an instant, and suddenly opened his mouth to inhale. The blow that Bas stabbed and the long sword in his hand instantly entered Jiujiu's mouth and disappeared without a trace!

Just when Bass was shocked, Jiujiu murmured, and another storm-like magic bombarded Bass, directly blasting his whole body covered in flames and frost, and flew out like a stone!
Li Yunfei showed excitement, his right arm suddenly stretched out instantly, and the Baipi Saber slashed diagonally downward with unparalleled power.

With a loud noise, Luther appeared in a cloud of smoke and dust, with a ferocious expression, blocking Li Yunfei's Baipi Saber.Seeing his figure flash suddenly, he missed Baipi Dao, and the "Ling Yu" long sword in his hand showed a ball of chaotic light and stabbed straight at Li Yunfei.

The law of ablation!No matter how the other party resists, it will be completely melted!Luther had a ferocious smile on his face. His goal was Li Yunfei's Silver Heart.

At the same time, Hui Ye also charged at Li Yunfei with his sword expressionlessly, and instantly swung a few "tearing" laws.

Suddenly, there was a huge suction force, which actually sucked the bodies of the two of them completely deviated from the direction, and there was a strong wind.

Luther turned pale in shock, only to realize that Jiujiu opened her mouth again, and saw a black hole appear in her mouth, sucking them in with great suction!

He could feel that the gravitational force on his long sword attached to the law of ablation was the strongest!And he tried his best to break free from this gravitational force!Kaguya also felt this way, and the grudge in his body was constantly dissipating!

Luther made a decisive decision, his whole body was agitated, and he suddenly threw out Ling Yu's long sword in his hand, and the whole person retreated.Kaguya fell to the ground instantly, then inserted the long sword into the ground, and firmly grasped the hilt.

Seeing that Ling Yu's long sword with the law of ablation disappeared into Jiujiu's mouth in an instant, together with a large amount of battle energy in the two of them!
After swallowing the opponent's sword and fighting spirit, Jiujiu smiled at Li Yunfei with satisfaction: "How about it, my law, swallow!"

"Haha, my Jiujiu is amazing!" Li Yunfei laughed happily, then his face became serious, he raised his Baipi knife in his hand, looked at the shocked enemies around him, and smiled ferociously, "Just swallow these brazen people! "

(End of this chapter)

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