super giant clone

Chapter 576 Grandpa

Chapter 576 Grandpa

The Tiger Roaring Plain, the commander camp.

As the commander-in-chief camp of the entire crusade against the coalition forces, this black tent is located in the center of the entire Tiger Roaring Plain like a mountain, surrounded by more than a dozen temporary simple magic towers, which can be used as watchtowers and at the same time guard tower.

There is a black iron mage sitting on each magic tower, and it can be connected to form a magic circle, which can be attacked and defended, and is extremely powerful.

The reason why the magic tower is used as a defense is because the commander of the conquest of the coalition forces this time is the Thunder King Wright of the Black Tower King City!
At this time, the magicians on these magic towers are on full alert as if they are facing a big enemy.In the range under the magic tower, there are dozens of black iron swordsmen patrolling back and forth.

These black iron swordsmen have sharp eyes, and they are all warriors of hundreds of battles. The battle armors on their bodies are decorated with various patterns, such as thunder, wolf head, maple leaf, gold coin, etc. They are the elite fighters of various countries participating in the war.

Everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and their whole body was full of fighting spirit, not allowing a fly to fly in.

At this time, in the commander's tent, all the commanders of the participating countries who conquered the coalition forces were present, including Lei Wang Wright, White Wolf King Wolf, Grand Duke Longshan, Grand Duke Chijin, and some leading generals of the principality army.

It's just that these people who were originally high-ranking and powerful people were all pale at this moment, staring at something in the middle of the big tent.

That thing is the size of a saddle, with a crystal light curtain on it. It is the video recorder that has been circulating in secret these days!

When Li Yunfei shouted "revolution", many people's eyes became fanatical.

When Li Yunfei's giant body and Jiujiu's sacred dragon form appeared, everyone's eyes widened.

When the Dharma Soul Envoy was summoned, everyone opened their mouths.

When they saw Li Yunfei tearing up the two gold warriors, the dukes and generals all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

In the end, the picture freezes on the scene where Li Yunfei controls the magic soul to fly into the sky, and the crystal screen goes dark, and no more pictures appear.

There was silence in the entire coach's tent, only heavy breathing and the slight chatter of teeth could be heard.

After a while, Lei Wang Wright let out a long sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice, "Can you all see clearly?"

"Your Majesty Lei Wang, that... the person in that picture is Suo... His Majesty the Bone King?" A general from the Longshan Principality said tremblingly, his back was already wet with sweat.

Lei Wang Wright took a deep breath, as if he was going to use all his strength, and said, "It's him..."

"Is everything in here real!?" asked another.

Hearing this, Thunder King Wright and White Wolf King Wolf looked at the Chijin Grand Duke at the same time.What kind of video recorder they got from Chijin Grand Duke, when they saw the scene inside for the first time, they were even more shocked than now.

Grand Duke Chijin smiled and said slowly: "This thing is just the goods from the black market in my Chijin Principality, and I don't know if it is true or not."

Although Grand Duke Chijin said so, none of the people present were fools, and they could naturally see that what was in it was absolutely true!
Just the use of those laws, as well as the amazing battles, and the existence of gold-level fighters, it is impossible to fake, not to mention the existence of the sacred dragon and the terrifying magic soul!You must know that this thing just flowed from a low-level black iron giant city. Although the Chijin Mall is a commercial capital, it absolutely does not have this ability.

Even the three major golden imperial cities cannot "create" the existence of semi-holy power on their own, so this thing must be real.

It seems that although the Bone King has gained great power and has the mysterious magic to transform into a giant, he is not a giant spy.Otherwise, he could have completely wiped out the entire Lion Heart Emperor City, but he chose to leave in the end.From beginning to end, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

However, the orders jointly issued by Sky Holy City and Lion Heart Emperor City are quite different from this...
Why did they hide the truth and let the coalition formed by these low-level city-states attack the Bone King's territory?
Thinking of this, many people just feel horrified that they are actually involved in this level of battle, and there is obviously a conspiracy in it, and if they are a little careless, they will be doomed.

"Hey, I called you here today mainly to discuss matters related to the conquest of the Bone King City. I have also discussed the issues raised by you. The commander-in-chief and I have also discussed the so-called soldiers and horses before they reach the food and grass. Without sufficient preparations, it is impossible to support the battle." Yes, this is also the condition for victory, I hope everyone will prepare actively, prepare your troops hard, and enter the battle state as soon as possible." The white wolf king Worf said a lot of words meaningfully. He himself is the deputy commander of the coalition army this time. Immediately after he was done, he squinted his eyes and looked at the others.

"Yes, yes, His Majesty Worf is right. Only with sufficient preparation can we win the battle. We must not disappoint the trust of the Holy City of the Sky. We must prepare well," Winterfell said. The Grand Duke hurriedly said, "We still have a batch of ordnance in Donglin City. I hope the two commanders will give me ten days... no, one month to deploy the supplies."

Hearing the words of Grand Duke Donglin, the other people present immediately came to their senses and hurriedly put forward their own demands.

"The soldiers in our country are not acclimatized and have diarrhea all the time. It is best to rest for a month, maybe two months..."

"Our country's Harvest Festival is approaching, and the soldiers are very homesick, and they are planning to hold a celebration event for a week to relieve the pain of homesickness..."

"The meeting held by the two commanders today is thought-provoking and inspiring. It is really a blessing for our coalition forces. After the meeting, we must let the soldiers learn the spirit of the meeting..."


All the people present were human beings, and instantly understood what to do now, and they all began to scramble to agree.

After seeing the content of the video recorder, they already understood that the Bone King Sol was probably not a giant spy, but was completely framed by the Holy City of the Sky.As for the reason, they each have their own guesses, but it is not the most important.The most important thing is that this Bone King is so powerful that even the Lion Heart Emperor City and the Sky Holy City are afraid. How can they, people from the Black Iron General City and the Bone King City, win?It is completely the cannon fodder of the holy city in the sky!
After trying to understand this point, many people scolded the Holy City of the Sky countless times in their hearts, it is too sinister!

For the current plan, there is only one way, and that is - procrastination!

You asked me to gather, and I also gathered, but I still need a while to prepare, and I can't directly send troops now...

At the moment, these generals present came up with a bunch of strange reasons to delay the army's advance, and some even moved out because their own cats had just given birth to kittens.

In the end, everyone unanimously decided to temporarily postpone the battle to a month later, and wait until the preparations are fully prepared...

After making this decision, all the generals breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that a catastrophe could be avoided for the time being.

"Everyone, this council meeting has come to a successful conclusion. If you have any requests, feel free to ask." Lei Wang Wright said with a satisfied smile.He had fought side by side with Li Yunfei before, and he didn't believe that he was a giant spy. After seeing the image in the video recorder, he understood what was going on.

"This..." A general from Black Iron General City rubbed his nose and said what everyone was thinking, "Can you read it again..."

In the first few days, video recorders were only circulated among the city lords of various giant cities and various top dignitaries. This batch of video recorders was extremely well-made, with exquisite patterns carved on them, and the price of each set was [-] pieces. gold.Ten days later, a second batch of larger video recorders appeared in the underground business of Chijin Mall.

The production of this batch of video recorders is much rougher. Not only do they have no patterns, but the materials are not made of precious metals, but steel as the main frame. The images played are also slightly blurred, but they can still be seen clearly.

Although there are many deficiencies, the price of this batch of video recorders is [-] gold coins each!
At this price, many small nobles, mercenary groups, magic guilds, and business groups can buy a few as long as they grit their teeth.The secrets that were originally only circulated among high-level nobles began to enter among ordinary people.

What's more, the content of the video is directly adapted into stories and poems, and the troubadours sing and praise...
All of a sudden, in the human world, an undercurrent began to surge slowly and become even bigger...


I only want human beings to no longer live on meddles all day long, to no longer be food in the mouth of giants, and no longer to be slaughtered by others, yet you treat me like this!

God the Father, the God of Law, the holy city of the sky, you bastards who are high above you, you only regard hundreds of millions of living beings as livestock, kill them!

I want to overthrow the holy city in the sky and trample you hypocritical gods on the ground!

kill kill kill!

"Kill!" Li Yunfei roared, opened his eyes instantly, and woke up.

It's just that he found that his whole body was weak and weak, and he couldn't even sit up. The imaginary shout just now was just a slight hoarseness.

Looking up, he was lying in a small wooden house, covered with a thin blanket, although worn out, it was washed clean.

At this moment, the door curtain woven with dry seaweed was lifted, and a pretty little girl with slightly dark skin walked in. When she saw Li Yunfei opened her eyes, she immediately said pleasantly, "Grandpa, wake up!" Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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