Chapter 577
Grandpa?Li Yunfei was slightly surprised, and then felt that his vitality and spiritual power were all exhausted to the verge of exhaustion at this time, and then looked at his arms, which had become dry and rough, covered with wrinkles, and raised his hands to touch them with all his strength. As expected, his face was full of wrinkles as he had imagined.

There was even a white hair on his hand.

I must be looking like a dry white-haired old man now, and he is the kind who will die at any time... Li Yunfei smiled wryly in his heart.

"Where is this?" He asked softly in a hoarse voice, exactly the voice of a dying old man.

Seeing that Li Yunfei was able to speak by himself, the little girl cheered immediately, and ran over with a bowl of porridge, and said, "Grandpa, you can talk now. This is the untouchable fishing village in Hailan City. You have been in a coma for a month. Everyone said that you couldn't wake up at all, but Xiaoyu didn't believe it! Since the God of the Sea let me meet you, he wanted me to save you." Xiaoyu stared at Li Yunfei with big eyes flashing, and his eyes were full of happy.

Li Yunfei nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Thank you for saving me, Xiaoyu... What a good name..."

"Grandpa, you don't need to be so polite, drink the porridge quickly, or it will be cold." Xiaoyu said, scooped up a spoonful of blood-red porridge with a spoon, blew it and handed it to Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei gently opened his mouth and swallowed the red gruel, only feeling a bloody smell in his mouth, he swallowed it directly, and then his eyes lit up.After eating the blood-red gruel, he actually faintly felt a trace of anger entering his body.

Although there was only a trace of this anger, it injected a little vitality into his body. This insignificant vitality was extremely important to his dying body!
"What kind of porridge is this?" He looked at the little fish and asked.

"This's black blood coral porridge..." Xiaoyu said shyly, "I...we don't have money, we can't afford medicine, so we can only pick some blood coral to make herbal medicine for you to eat... "It seems that Li Yunfei's current state is her cause.For these fishermen by the sea, black blood coral is one of the most common herbal medicines.

Li Yunfei couldn't help feeling warm, and said, "I feel much better after eating porridge, thank you so much."

"Really? Then eat more!" Xiaoyu said with his eyes wide open, overjoyed, and then began to feed Li Yunfei porridge one bite at a time.

Soon after eating a bowl of black blood coral porridge, a little bit of strength finally appeared in Li Yunfei's cold and feeble body.

Although it was still not enough to support his activities, it gave him a glimmer of hope.

At this moment, a heroic laugh came from outside: "Little fish, look what I caught today."

As soon as the words were finished, a dark man walked in from the outside with the grass curtains aside, carrying a big fish half a person's height on his shoulders.

This man was naked on the upper body, and a pair of fish skin pants on the lower body. He was barefoot and had a big beard. He looked like a standard fisherman.

"Daddy is back!" Xiaoyu shouted happily and ran over, saying, "Daddy, grandpa is awake."

The man looked at Li Yunfei, saw Li Yunfei opened his eyes, immediately smiled and said: "That's great, old man, you've woken up, it looks like you'll be fine as long as you rest for a while, that's great, that's great." His smile was sincere, obviously he was really happy for Li Yunfei.

"Thank you..." Li Yunfei said weakly, "I will thank you when I recover."

"Hey, we men at sea, we should save people. Don't think too much about it, you should have a good rest." The man waved his hand and said, "By the way, my name is Hassan, what do you call the old man?"

Li Yunfei nodded and said: "My name is Jack. I was in a shipwreck when I went out to sea. Thanks to you for saving me."

Immediately, the three of them began to chat.

Only then did Li Yunfei know that the place he was in belonged to the sphere of influence of Hai Lan City.This Hailan city itself is a city facing the sea, with a port on one side, so it is also called the country of thousands of sails.And Hassan and Xiaoyu belong to fishermen who have lived on fishing boats for generations. According to the regulations of Hailan City, they can never get off the boat and can only live on the boat for a lifetime.Therefore, their ethnic group is also called "untouchables".

Xiaoyu's mother fell ill and died early, and the father and daughter depended on this boat for their survival. When they went fishing that day, they happened to see Li Yunfei drifting in the sea, so they rescued him.

During this period of time, Li Yunfei could only hang his life by drinking fish soup every day. He thought he couldn't make it through, but he didn't expect to wake up today.

Hassan casually opened the window on the side, and Li Yunfei realized that there was a vast ocean outside, and he was on a small boat at this time.I think it's because I've been lying here for a month, so I'm used to the feeling of being on a boat.

After talking for a while, seeing that Li Yunfei looked a little tired, Hassan and Xiaoyu let him have a good rest, turned around and went to work, leaving Li Yunfei here by himself.

Seeing that the two of them had already left, Li Yunfei lightly raised a finger, trying to mobilize his fighting spirit, but found that his body seemed to have become an empty shell, and there was no fighting spirit flowing at all!There was nothing in his sea of ​​qi right now, nothing!

Then he used his mental power to search his whole body, but found that his mental power was so weak that it was not even as good as an old man, and he couldn't radiate it at all.He can't even check the specific situation in his body.

And the giant avatar also has no connection at this time, as if it never existed at all!

At this moment, an equally weak voice came from my mind: "Sol, you're awake, old man, I'm dying of anxiety..."

"Old Fen!?"

"It's me, but this time I was injured quite seriously, and the energy I had accumulated before was basically used up." Lao Fen's voice was full of helplessness, "You are really too courageous, that Dharma Soul Messenger Is the spiritual core of the spirit used in this way? Do you know that you really almost died this time."

"Haha, I'm still alive." Li Yunfei chuckled in his heart.As long as you are alive, the possibilities are endless!
"It's alive, but it's not far from death." Lao Fen sighed, "If you hadn't drank some fountain of life before, otherwise, the deprivation of vitality alone would make you die of old age! "

"Stop talking nonsense, how can I restore it to its original state? Is the Fountain of Life effective?" Li Yunfei asked in his mind.

"In your current situation, you need almost three drops of the pure fountain of life to recover, and you can't swallow it directly, you need to absorb it a little bit, otherwise, your current vitality is already dying, and it is easy to be unable to stand the stimulation directly. Hang up." Lao Fen said in a helpless tone.

"I do have the fountain of life, but it's all in the space ring..." Li Yunfei frowned and said.

With his current state, if he wants to restore his mental strength to the level where he can use the space ring, he may have no hope in this life...

"It looks like it's going to take a while to recuperate slowly this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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