super giant clone

Chapter 597 Town Ruins Stone

Chapter 597 Town Ruins Stone

Seeing the appearance of the giant dragon whale ship, most of the people present gasped.

I had also vaguely heard that Hailan Wangcheng has the ability to tame giant beasts in the sea before. I thought it was just a rumor, but now it seems that this is not the case!

This giant whale is so huge that it can definitely be called the king of whales in the sea. It was actually domesticated into a cart-drawing livestock, which is simply amazing!

"Om—" the giant whale uttered a melodious whale song, and a thick water column spewed out from its back, floating directly in the sky, forming a rainbow under the sunlight.

The soldiers and the retainers recruited by Huo De immediately boarded the big ship with shocked expressions, and began to express their admiration in a large number.

Huo De was proud of himself, and a contemptuous smile flashed across his face.

These country bumpkins, the behemoth warships of Hailan King City really shocked them completely.How did these people know that this giant dragon whale ship was bought by him after a few months of hard work with his grandfather.

The flagship of Duke Swordfish's fleet is this mighty giant dragon whale ship. I don't know how many military exploits it has made, and how many enemies and pirates it has wiped out.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Li Yunfei's figure, and saw Li Yunfei, who was wearing a black robe to completely cover his face, was slowly walking onto the Dragon Whale giant ship, without the slightest expression of shock.Huo De couldn't help but praise in his heart, just for this calmness, the other party is worthy of Black Jack's reputation!
But even if he was killed, Li Yunfei was more excited than anyone else on the deck of the Dragon Whale.

He had been fighting inland before, and rarely came to the seaside, and he rarely took a battleship.At this time, seeing this giant ship completely dragged by giant beasts, the alchemist's research addiction fell again. He wished he could untie the chain of the dragon whale immediately, and then install a set of alchemy engines on this giant ship.

After seeing this huge dragon whale ship, Li Yunfei couldn't help but admire in his heart that the person who built this huge ship is definitely a person with quick thinking and quick thinking, which can be called a wonderful workmanship.

Although the entire giant ship has sixteen thick chains locked on the giant whale, there are still a large number of alchemy circles on the side and stern of the ship. Most of the magic contained in these alchemy circles are wind and water. It is rough, and consumes a lot of energy, but once it runs at full speed, it will make the entire giant ship [-]% lighter, and the wind force from those wind arrays can form a layer of air between the hull and the sea water, maximizing Reducing the friction between the warship and sea water is simply an alchemy version of a ground-effect aircraft.

There are capable people everywhere!

Seeing the structure of the alchemy circle of this huge ship, Li Yunfei couldn't help but feel itchy, and walked up to Huo De for the first time and asked, "Who made this ship?... Your Highness?"

"Why, Mr. Jack is interested in this dragon whale giant ship? What a good eye!" Huo De raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.Originally, I thought that Black Jack would always be so indifferent, but I didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to ask him a question now, which is really great: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Jack, this giant dragon whale ship belongs to my grandfather, the Duke of Swordfish. The flagship, as for the hull of the battleship, should be made by a young mage in the grandfather's army. Speaking of which, these things consume too much energy and have limited effects. They are just some beautiful decorations. What is really useful is this powerful dragon whale. "

Huo De talked eloquently, as if he regarded Li Yunfei as one of his own: "This alien dragon whale was tamed by my grandfather when he was young, and it has the combat power of a silver swordsman, and it is extremely powerful. Pulling the giant dragon whale ship is extremely easy. During a sea battle, this dragon whale alone sank more than 40 warships!"

In the end, Huo De looked proud, obviously very satisfied with this giant dragon whale ship.

Li Yunfei nodded lightly and didn't say anything more.In his opinion, no matter how powerful this dragon whale is, it is nothing more than an animal without intelligence, not even as good as a finger of the mage who helped the dragon whale giant ship describe the alchemy circuit.

Temporarily recording the mage's information, Li Yunfei fell into silence again.

Seeing that the other party stopped talking, Huode cursed a few words in his heart, still with a smile on his face, turned and left.

The giant whale uttered a melodious whale song, and dragged the huge ship to ride the wind and waves to move forward quickly. In the blink of an eye, it had left the small island and swam towards the depths of the sea.

Li Yunfei was standing at a corner of the deck, silently cultivating the Burning Flames and mental power in his body, and in the eyes of others, he was just in a daze.

It's just that after killing Hei Ling Liwei before, no one will trouble him again.After seeing him killing Hei Ling in seconds, the black iron-level powerhouses knew that Li Yunfei was definitely a formidable opponent, and those bronze-level and rock-level fighters couldn't wait to walk around him, for fear of touching his bad luck.

With that powerful dragon whale leading the way, this giant ship can be said to be unimpeded along the way. Due to the powerful deterrent force of the dragon whale, the people on board can't even catch fish.It can be said that wherever the dragon whale giant ship passed, all the fish and shrimps on the bottom of the sea were cleared.

At the beginning, the giant dragon whale ship could still see some small islands along the way, as well as some fishing boats.Those untouchables were all shocked when they saw the dragon whale giant ship, and could hardly believe that there would be such a huge ship.

Four or five days later, looking around from the boat, there was nothing but the vast sea, not to mention small islands, and even the shadow of the fishing boat had disappeared.

Another seven or eight days later, the color of the sea water has become darker, and occasionally some strange creatures can be fished out of the sea, and they have never been seen on weekdays.Obviously, they have left the offshore and entered the deep sea area.

Huo De held a star-tracking instrument used to measure the distance and direction of travel and kept calculating the direction and changing the course, appearing extra cautious.

At the same time, one of the two silver guards following Huo De took out a bagpipe, jumped directly to the head of the dragon whale, blew the bagpipe, and played a melodious tune, which made the dragon whale speed up again.

According to Huo De's knowledge, there is not much time left for him. The Dragon Ruins may open at any time. If you don't arrive at the designated opening sea area before the opening, you will definitely miss it.

Finally, after another three days, when everyone on board felt a little bored, a small black spot faintly appeared on the sea level ahead.

Then the small black spot gradually grew bigger, and finally turned into a semicircular island.

The moment they saw the small island, everyone on the boat cheered.

Driving in the sea with nothing for a long time, human beings are prone to depression, so they need land and green plants to heal them.

And a small island is right in front of you, nothing is more exciting than this!
"Hahahaha, that's great! It's the Zhenxu Stone of Longxu! It turns out that there really is a Zhenxu Stone!" Looking at the small island in front of him, Huo De laughed loudly.

"Roar——" At this moment, a roar came from the small island, causing everyone on the boat to look at each other in dismay.

This is... the roar of the dragon!
There are dragons on the island! ?
(End of this chapter)

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