super giant clone

Chapter 598 The Waking Island

Chapter 598 The Waking Island

Li Yunfei frowned, and jumped up to a height of [-] meters, heading far towards Zhenxu Island.

This small island is oval in shape and is only 200 meters long in total. There are no other plants on it except for some moss and seaweed. It looks a bit bare, and it is impossible for any dragons to exist.

Just what happened to the dragon roar just now?Moreover, he also felt a vague dragon power, which could not be an illusion.

What exactly is going on?

At this time, other people on the Dragon Whale giant ship also began to observe the small island, but also did not see the existence of the Dragon Clan, and couldn't help being confused for a while.

Huo De was a little nervous at first, but after a long time, he found that there was no movement, and immediately said with a smile: "Hahaha, don't worry, everyone, it's normal to have these visions in this kind of place. I think many people don't know what this place is , I must be very confused these days, so I will tell you all about the secret of this place!"

Huo De said, walked to the high place on the side of the ship, looked at the group of men recruited by him and said excitedly: "Here is the Dragon Ruins, which is the mass burial place of the dragon clan in ancient times! According to only our Hailan family The secret that I just mastered, this Dragon Market will be opened every few decades, and only our Hailan royal family will be able to enter it. Soon the Dragon Market will be opened again, and I will lead everyone into the Dragon Market. Think about those Follow the buried treasure of the Dragon Clan! Warriors, it will be yours soon!"

"What!? This is the legendary Dragon Market?"

"My God, the treasure of the Dragon Clan! How many good things must there be!"

"Get rich, get rich!"

"The third prince is so generous! The subordinates are so grateful!"

The soldiers recruited by Huo De were stunned for a moment, and then cheered loudly. Only the two silver guards and Li Yunfei beside Huo De kept their expressions, as if they didn't hear them.

Feeling Li Yunfei's calmness, the corners of Huo De's eyes twitched slightly, and then he smiled again and said: "But the ugly thing is first, it is not easy to get such a large amount of wealth, as far as I know , my second brother Lanson wants to take action to snatch the treasure. If we meet him, I hope everyone will not take my feelings into consideration, just go to him. Lanson was naughty since he was a child, although he was my second brother, he always wanted to kill him. For me, my father was so angry that he became seriously ill, it is really..."

After talking about it, Huo De's complexion darkened, looking a little sad, and he didn't continue talking.

The mercenaries who heard this were immediately filled with righteous indignation and shouted loudly, expressing their loyalty to Huo De and their anger towards Lanson. Many even drew their long swords on the spot, saying that if they met Lanson, they would definitely kill him. he.

Seeing this scene, Li Yunfei couldn't help sneering in his heart.Although this Hodder is young, he has a way of playing tricks on people's hearts.

First use the secret of the Dragon Ruins to seduce the greed in these people's hearts, then use Lanson's desire to "rob" the treasure to arouse the hatred in their hearts, and then pretend to be pitiful to let these people find a justification for their killing.After such a series of provocations, even if these mercenaries didn't want to work hard, they became filled with righteous indignation at this time.

It's just that the secret of the Dragon Ruins is too great. The royal family of Hailan King City doesn't know what price it will pay to keep this secret. It's really incomprehensible for these people to know it now.

Murphy... Li Yunfei frowned, and instantly thought of a possibility.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a thunder in the sky, and a huge dark cloud had covered half of the sky, and in a blink of an eye, the sea area was also covered in it.

The wind howled, the rainstorm fell in a blink of an eye, and the originally quiet sea was instantly shrouded in turbulent waves!

There was darkness everywhere, and only the lightning flashed across the sky to illuminate everything around it, which looked extremely weird.

Fortunately, this giant dragon whale ship is extremely huge, and there are many magic circles that can stabilize the ship, and the dragon whale is used as a traction, so it is very stable even in such strong winds and waves.

Huo De took out a compass and a sea viewer, stared at the scale on it, his eyes shone with excitement, and murmured: "This astronomical... Could it be that the Dragon Market has been opened in advance? It's too early Two days, but it’s about the same. Hahahaha, Lanson hasn’t arrived here yet! This idiot is about to miss the opening of the Dragon Market! Hahahahaha, it’s really great, God help me, God help me too!”

For him, the biggest obstacle to the opening of the Dragon Ruins is not these natural phenomena, but his elder brother, the second prince Lanson!
The other party is the crown prince, who has much more power than him. Even if he has the support of his own grandfather, it is difficult to have any chance of winning against Lan Sen, who has been the crown prince for a long time.

The reason why he set off early and came to the place where Zhenxu Stone was located was because he wanted to arrange it in advance, and Yin Lansen would give it a try.Unexpectedly, just after arriving here, the opening of the Dragon Ruins has already begun!

Soon, the legendary Dragon Market will be opened, and he will be the first to enter it!

Thinking of this, Hodder pulled out a chain made of mithril from his neck, and lightly stroked a piece of blue crystal that exuded a faint moonlight on the chain.The blue crystal is constantly exuding the breath of life, soothing the pain on Hodder's body, and at the same time making his energy more vigorous.

This thing is the key to opening the Dragon Ruins this time, Earth Sea Dragon Crystal!

Li Yunfei on the side immediately stared at him the moment he took out the Sea Dragon Crystal, but after seeing the size of the Sea Dragon Crystal, he couldn't help but a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

The sea dragon crystal in Huo De's hands is a bit small, judging from the life energy contained in it, it is not enough for Li Yunfei to completely restore his original vitality.

However, something is better than nothing, let's see what the Dragon Market looks like first...

He just glanced at it briefly, then turned his head again and looked at the Zhenxu Stone in front of him.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky have formed a huge vortex, spinning above the Zhenxu Stone, with a diameter of a thousand meters, which looks like a huge eye in the sky.

Afterwards, thick bolts of lightning fell from the vortex of the clouds, and struck directly on the town ruins stone!
I saw lightning bolts like chains connecting the sky and Zhenxu Stone together. Although the distance was hundreds of meters, everyone on the Dragon Whale giant ship was still stunned to see the lightning fall at such a close distance. , Many even started to tremble, no one knew whether the lightning would hit their heads next.

Even the dragon whale pulling the boat let out a low growl in awe at this time, and did not dare to move forward.

Hundreds of bolts of lightning kept falling on the town ruins stones as if they had eyes.Originally, there were still some small flowers and plants on the island, but now most of them were scorched by lightning.

The vortex in the sky turned faster and faster, and at this moment, a bucket-thick lightning fell from the clouds and directly bombarded Zhenxu Island.

"Roar—" A roar came from the direction of Zhenxu Island, as if something had been awakened helplessly.

Just when everyone was confused, the 200-meter-long Zhenxu Island suddenly began to move slowly, drifting to the side.

It was only then that everyone on the Dragon Whale giant ship saw clearly what kind of small island this was, it was clearly a huge sea turtle hundreds of meters long!

(End of this chapter)

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