super giant clone

Chapter 599 The Ripper

Chapter 599 The Ripper

"Roar——" lightning kept bombarding the turtle's back, and the huge turtle raised its head and roared angrily into the sky, which was almost exactly the same as the dragon clan's cry.

His head is covered with huge scales, and there are two curved horns, which looks like a dragon.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the sea area, and it seemed to illuminate Li Yunfei's mind. He instantly thought of a species he had seen in "General History of the Continent".

This is a dragon turtle!
It is said that there is a huge sea turtle in the depths of the sea, even when it was young, it was more than ten meters long.This kind of sea turtle has the blood of the dragon family, and the number is very small. It was regarded as a kind of sea dragon in ancient times.The news of the appearance of the dragon turtle can only be heard almost every few hundred years. Many people even think that this powerful sea monster has become extinct.

Who would have thought that a dragon turtle could be seen here!
"This is... this is the dragon turtle..." Looking at the huge monster that broke through the wind, waves and lightning, Huo De looked dull, and murmured: "No wonder the entrance to the ruins has been changing positions. It turns out that it is because Guarded by a dragon turtle... Father God, I thought it was a small island just now!"

At this moment, the huge dragon turtle roared again, and turned to look at the giant dragon whale ship beside it.

The dragon whale that pulled the boat felt the hostility of the dragon turtle, and immediately uttered a whale cry like a sharp sword, piercing the sky, corresponding to the roar of the dragon turtle.

Although the dragon whale is not as huge as the dragon tortoise, it also has a monstrous fighting spirit.

For a moment, the tense atmosphere between the two behemoths made the people on board even more tense.

"Open the gun position, ready to attack at any time!" Huo De waved his arms again and again, commanding loudly.

The gun windows around the Dragon Whale giant ship opened one by one, revealing exquisitely crafted magic cannons on the gun emplacements.

On this huge dragon whale ship, there are twenty magic cannons, ten on each side, which look extremely powerful.

Just the black hole in the muzzle gives people a captivating feeling.It can be said that with these twenty magical cannons, the combat effectiveness of the entire Dragon Whale ship has doubled several times.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, but Hodder did not give the order to fire.Not to mention that the dragon turtle's scales are so thick, the sharp claws alone can make them drink a pot.

Everyone on the boat was terrified, and the silver guard with bagpipes tried his best to blow the bagpipes, trying to calm the dragon whale down.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and a huge lightning bolt as thick as a bucket hit the dragon turtle's back again.

With a roar, the dragon turtle finally stopped looking at the dragon whale, and swam forward for hundreds of meters again, then got into the sea water and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

It doesn't know how long it has been sleeping, and with the lightning bombardment, it must go to rest now, at least to find some food.

Seeing the giant tortoise leave, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This is... the entrance of the Dragon Ruins! The entrance of the Dragon Ruins has been opened! God helped me too!" Huo De looked up at the place where the Dragon Turtle was originally, and was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

At the place where the Dragon Turtle was just now, a huge sea vortex with a diameter of [-] meters appeared there, and the surrounding sea water crazily poured into the center of the vortex, but there was no intention of stopping at all, and the scope of the vortex was still within [-] meters. growing.

In the blink of an eye, the diameter of this huge vortex has reached 200 meters.Li Yunfei dissipated his mental power, and only then did he feel that there was a hollow lava column thousands of meters long, with a diameter of a hundred meters.

Just now the dragon turtle was lying on such a huge hollow lava column.

Obviously, the interior of this hollow lava column is the entrance to the Dragon Market!

A huge dragon's power emanated from the huge vortex, giving the impression that thousands of dragons appeared at the same time.

Huo De looked at the hollow in the center of the huge vortex excitedly, and ordered loudly: "Heighten the anchor and prepare to enter the Dragon Market! Everyone, seek wealth and wealth, and wait for the next step!"

"Obey!" A group of sailors and soldiers agreed one after another, gearing up, ready to follow the Dragon Whale giant ship into the Dragon Market.

"Hahaha, if that idiot Lanson knew that the Dragon Market opened a few days earlier, and he was not here, he would definitely vomit blood." Huo De laughed loudly, biting a fishbone in his mouth, looking at the Said at the entrance of the Dragon Ruins.

But just as he finished his sentence, a huge black shadow suddenly passed by in the sea below the giant dragon whale ship.

The next moment, the dragon whale suddenly let out a scream, and then saw a huge black shadow rising from the bottom of the sea. Crushed, blood spurted wildly!

"Boom!" The black shadow rushing up from the bottom of the sea was twice bigger than the Dragon Whale giant ship, and fell heavily into the water from midair, revealing its true face.

A battleship even bigger than the giant dragon whale appeared there. A huge octopus with a length of [-] meters lay on the hull of this battleship, firmly protecting the whole battleship.

And the portholes and decks of this warship are covered with extremely airtight crystal panels, obviously to deal with the underground sneaking operations.

"This is...the Ripper!" Seeing the battleship guarded by a huge octopus, Hodder finally showed complete panic on his originally calm face.

Li Yunfei frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "What is a Ripper?"

"The Ripper Battleship is the ace battleship of our Hailan King City fleet, why did it appear here!?" Huo De's face was pale, and he said again and again: "The huge octopus is named Kraken, and it is the strongest war beast in our Hailan King City , Impossible, impossible, this battleship can only be commanded by the father, why does it appear here..."

At this moment, the big octopus suddenly opened its mouth, preparing for the giant dragon whale ship.

"Defend, defend quickly!" Hodder shouted.

In the next moment, balls of fiery fireballs spewed out from the mouth of the big octopus, blasting towards the giant dragon whale ship.These fireballs are also powerfully toxic, exuding a scorching smell, and they are amazingly powerful at first glance!

The magic circle on the dragon whale giant lighted up slightly, and then steel walls were erected on the side of the ship, protecting the entire deck and most of the watchtowers.

In the next moment, these fireballs bombarded heavily on the steel armor. After the explosion, there were bursts of hissing sounds and billowing smoke, obviously extremely corrosive.

"Counterattack, this must be Lanson! Fire me!" After recovering from the initial panic, Huo De said viciously, "All these magic cannons of my father were smuggled from Luoxue City. They are of high quality and amazing power. Let me see how you defend!"

While speaking, the dragon whale giant ship aimed its broadside at the Ripper that appeared from the bottom of the sea, and the ten magic cannons on one side lit up at the same time, blasting out ten white rays of light.

The sound of "boom boom boom" can be heard endlessly, and every cannonball bombards the huge octopus, but it seems to be hitting cotton, unable to cause damage at all.

At this moment, the hatch of the Ripper battleship opened, and a young man in armor came out slowly, looked at Huoder and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, my dear brother, Lord Jianyu really dotes on you, why don't you Even the dragon whale giant ship is willing to give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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