Chapter 600

"Lanson!" Seeing the man appearing from the Ripper battleship, Hodder couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

The person in front of him is his second brother, the crown prince of Hailan King City, the second prince Lanson!

Originally, he thought that Lanson hadn't come, and he grabbed the first spot, but he didn't expect that the other party had come here and hid for a long time.

The battle beast of this Ripper warship is the sea monster Kraken, which can sneak into the bottom of the sea with the Ripper battleship. Lanson has definitely come to this sea area long ago, but he has been quietly hiding until the dragon turtle leaves. , the entrance to the Dragon Ruins opened, and then they took advantage of the moment when the Dragon Whale battleship was unprepared to attack!
In the blow just now, the ramming angle of the Ripper battleship had already torn one of the dragon whale's fins. Without a few years of training, the dragon whale was definitely seriously injured, and it was difficult to recover its previous speed.Moreover, under such serious injuries, Dragon Whale's mood became extremely irritable, and he had to keep blowing the bagpipes to appease it.

This Dragon Whale battleship is the heart of Grandpa Duke Swordfish, and now the Dragon Whale has been severely damaged, it will definitely make Grandpa dissatisfied.

It's just that it's not this that ignites Huo De's heart the most, but the Ripper battleship!
"Why is the Ripper warship here? Could it be that you secretly seized the Ripper warship without telling your father? You are not worthy of being called the crown prince of King Hailan. You have failed your father's new appointment!" This Ripper warship can be said It is the top warship of the Hailan King City Navy, and no one else can command it except for Hailan King himself.

"Hahaha, my dear brother, you are still as naive as before, or are you pretending to be stupid?" Lanson laughed loudly, then his face suddenly became ferocious, and he said viciously, "Only the father of the Ripper battleship Only then can he command, and Kraken only obeys the orders of his father, and now he is under my control, don't you understand what's going on?"

"Impossible, impossible! You must have bewitched my father!" Huo De said hastily, his face turning pale.

"Impossible? Hmph, my father, Wang Xiong, has a rough idea. He already knew Duke Jianyu's thoughts like the palm of his hand. When he handed over the Ripper warship to me, he once said that he told me to play by ear, and I don't need to deal with rebellious officials and thieves." Do you understand what kindness you want to show?" Lanson said proudly, the Ripper warship was originally much taller than the Dragon Whale warship, and looking down from a high place at this time, it was quite imposing.

Hearing this, Li Yunfei couldn't help curling his lips.This King Hailan is really a ruthless character!

Others may not have understood, but Li Yunfei, who had experienced this kind of battle for the throne, completely understood the meaning of the conversation between Lanson and Huo De.

Since Hailan King handed over the Ripper warship, which symbolizes the strongest sea power in the entire Hailan King City, to Lan Sen, it means that he has acknowledged Lan Sen's succession to the throne of Hailan King.Moreover, he obviously already knew the Duke of Swordfish's secret support for his third son, but still handed over the Ripper battleship to Lanson, which meant that Lanson could kill Hodder in battle by default!
Allowing his second son to kill the third son, this can only be said to be the emperor's mind, with a heart of stone.

And Huo De obviously understood this meaning, but he couldn't believe it at all for a while, so his body and voice trembled a little.

"Huo De, since you are determined to rebel, don't blame me for being rude. Hey, I don't want brothers to fight each other. I just need to give an explanation to my father." With a trace of forced sadness on Lanson's face, he slowly Said, and then ordered loudly: "Tearer, prepare to attack! Crack the sea cannon and prepare!"

As soon as the words fell, four thick staff-like things protruded from the front of the battleship, and the giant monster octopus moved its head to the front of the battleship.

Seeing this scene, Hodder almost exploded with anger.Although they were originally in a hostile position, they were still brothers after all. If Lanson asked him to surrender, he could consider it when the situation was extremely unfavorable.It's just that Lanson insisted on treason as soon as he opened his mouth, and made it clear that he was going to put him to death!
"Armor defense! The magic cannon is ready to attack!" Huo De drew out the long sword at his waist and roared loudly.Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!Is this magic cannon that I smuggled from Luoxue City a vegetarian? ?

Although the dragon whale was severely injured, it was still able to drag the dragon whale ship to turn. In almost a few seconds, the dragon whale ship had turned again, aiming the magic cannon on the other side not far away. The Ripper battleship, the muzzle gleamed with white light.

At the same time, the opponent's four energy pillars lit up with green light at the same time, forming an energy green. The giant monster octopus opened its mouth and let out a crazy roar, and the sound wave passed through the energy green.

Immediately, more than a dozen white energy pillars shot out from the Dragon Whale giant ship, heading towards the Ripper battleship, and the roar of the giant octopus was instantly amplified dozens of times after passing through the energy Lumu, becoming It turned into a sound wave like a huge sword, split a ravine tens of meters deep on the sea, and blasted towards the dragon whale giant ship!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, the sound wave and the energy beam met in mid-air, and then exploded in mid-air like a substance, making a huge roar, and a deep pit instantly appeared on the sea surface between the two battleships, followed by The turbulent waves are rushing in all directions!

Even the dark clouds above were blown away a little, and a hole appeared.

The two warships shook at the same time, but there was nothing serious about it.

"Shua!" A silver guard beside Huo De pulled out his long sword and shouted loudly: "Warriors, it's time to be loyal to His Royal Highness Huo De! Eliminate the traitors and help His Majesty Huo De become Hailan King, everyone All will be rewarded! Prepare to take over the ship!"

Huo De's eyes were red, and he continued: "After this battle, everyone will be rewarded with titles. The person who kills Lanson will become a duke, and he will get half of the treasures in the Dragon Ruins! Give it to me!"

Hearing this, the mercenaries couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then pulled out their long swords and staffs, screaming and preparing to rush to the Ripper battleship.

They have already seen that there are no mercenaries on the Ripper battleship, but only some soldiers from Hailan King City wearing battle robes.No matter how elite these people are, it is impossible to compare with them mercenaries in close combat. Therefore, in their view, the opponent is only a powerful battleship, and they are not their opponents in close combat!

The magic circle around the Dragon Whale giant ship suddenly lit up, and then arm-thick vines suddenly grew on one side of the ship, shooting out like a rope with arrows, flying hundreds of meters in an instant, Nailed to the Ripper battleship!

Hundreds of vines immediately connected the two battleships firmly!
At this time, the huge vortex at the entrance of the Dragon Ruins has expanded several times again, reaching a diameter of thousands of meters, and all the Dragon Whale giant ship and the Ripper warship were involved.

I saw Dragon Whale and Kraken struggling to drag their warships to swim along the edge of the vortex at a very fast speed, and the people on the two warships were already preparing for a boarding battle.

Different from the boarding battles on the earth that Li Yunfei knew, these swordsmen and mages did not use any ropes to jump on the enemy ships, but directly jumped vertically, like projectiles, which fell on the enemy ships in a blink of an eye. On deck!

"Boom!" A black iron swordsman was in front of a phantom of a huge black iron sword tens of meters long. As soon as it landed, he immediately shouted: "Kill!" The long sword swung, and the phantom of the giant sword tore The mast of the warship fell off!

(End of this chapter)

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