Chapter 113

She knew that Ye Beicheng had paid attention to her, but she didn't know if he would see her words, whether he saw it or not, it was what she wanted to say to him.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the cell phone beside Jingya's desk rang, and she hurriedly picked it up to take a look, and was immediately pleasantly surprised!

"Beicheng? Why is your phone turned off?"

Ye Beicheng on the other end of the phone replied flatly: "I was on the plane in the morning, so I turned off the phone."

"Why didn't you tell me when you went on a business trip? I didn't see you at the company today. I'm very disappointed..."

"I think taking care of Zhai Tengyu is the most important thing to you. Besides, I'm on a business trip for a few days, and you won't feel pressure if you stay there to take care of him. Of course, I don't have to guard the cold bedroom alone."

"Beicheng... are you still blaming me? There is really nothing between me and Tengyu. I feel very sorry for you."

"Calling you is to tell you, don't be sad, I understand how you feel about him now, just like me at the beginning, I just hope that you don't do any overstepping behavior."

Jingya's excited voice changed: "Don't worry, I will never do it!" She answered very firmly.

With Ye Beicheng's understanding, her heart finally stopped being so heavy, and when she went to Zhai Tengyu's place at night, she also had more smiles on her face.

"You stayed here for two consecutive nights, does Ye Beicheng have any objections?"

Zhai Tengyu asked curiously.

"He is on a business trip, he understands me, Tengyu, I found a good man..."

Jingya looked at him happily, and swore in her heart that she would love Ye Beicheng for the rest of her life.

"As long as you are happy."

Zhai Tengyu nodded calmly, and changed the subject: "How is your family doing?"

"Just like that."

Mentioning her family, Jingya is furious. I only found out a few days ago that they asked Ye Beicheng for money again, and then took the money he gave to travel around the world. For this matter, she even had a fight with him. In the end, he just said, "Isn't it better to travel than to gamble?"

Every time her parents reached out to Ye Beicheng behind her back, because they knew it was much easier to reach out to their son-in-law than to their daughter, so after the first time, they reached out one after another. She thought her parents had found out. If she hadn't found out about it by accident a few days ago, she really didn't know that they had ignored her and went straight to find her son-in-law!

"Your brother has approached me many times before and wanted to follow me, but I refused."


"I've already walked a road that I can't go back. Do I still want to drag your brother into the water?"

Jingya nodded: "Thank you for thinking about him, but if he doesn't live up to his expectations, he won't be able to do good things if he doesn't follow the underworld."

"As long as life is safe, that's all. It doesn't matter what you do. As long as you live safely, it's more important than anything else."

"Okay, okay, don't talk to me like that."

As long as Jingya hears such sensitive words as life and living, Jingya will feel that Tengyu is announcing that her life is not long, so she resolutely resists talking about these topics.

"By the way, I'm going out to buy something, do you want to bring anything?"

"no need."

"Then wait for me to come back and call me if you need anything."


She hurried out with her bag. In fact, what she wanted to buy was sanitary napkins. She hadn't been home for two days, so there was no spare in her bag.

She took a taxi to a nearby shopping mall, and she wanted to buy a set of clean clothes, but to her surprise, as soon as she got out of the taxi, she saw a familiar figure.

After paying the fare, she immediately caught up with the familiar figure and shouted, "Li Da!!"

When the man turned his head, he saw that the person calling him was Yu Jingya, so he turned his back and ran forward in a panic.

How could Jingya let him run away like this, and chased after him: "Li Da, stop for me, if you don't stop, if my old lady catches you, you will have to pluck your skin!"

"I've seen you, do you think I can pretend not to see you if you run away?!"

Li Da didn't expect Jingya to be so good at running, he couldn't even run as a big man, but she still kept chasing after her. In the end, he had no choice but to stop and wipe the sweat on his forehead with his arm and skirt.

"Ma'am, did you practice sports before?" He asked pantingly.

"Stop fucking nonsense, tell me, why are you here? Didn't you go on a business trip with Ye Beicheng?!"

Li Da swallowed hard, and said in embarrassment: "Actually..."

"Say it?"

"Actually, we didn't go..."

Jingya's eyes widened: "What? You didn't go on a business trip? What about Mr. Ye?"

"Boss Ye is at home. He said you won't go home anyway, so you won't know he's at home."

Jingya was shocked, she never expected that Ye Beicheng was not on a business trip, but at home...


Li Da coughed twice, and said nonchalantly: "Actually, madam, I don't think it's right for you to do this. I used to think that Mr. Ye betrayed you, so I always stood by you, but now I decide to stand back." Mr. Ye is over there, because you stay with your childhood sweetheart every night, no matter how generous Mr. Ye is, it is impossible for him to have no ideas..."

Jingya lowered her head and said nothing, Li Da said again: "You don't understand us men, men just feel unhappy, and they won't say it unless it is absolutely necessary. Mr. Ye said that she doesn't want to restrain you too much, and she is afraid You are too embarrassing, so try to let yourself accept the fact that you don’t go home at night. He told you that you are on a business trip just hoping that you don’t have too much pressure. He knows that you are stubborn. The relationship has become stagnant. He cherishes the relationship between you, so he wronged himself to stay at home. I won't say anything else. Just imagine, if Mr. Ye stayed at the house of that woman surnamed Yang every night, would you What does it feel like?"

"There's a reason I didn't go home, my friend was badly injured and no one was looking after him, and he's in danger right now."

"No matter what the reason is, in view of the intimacy between men and women, we should avoid suspicion in moderation."

Jingya bit her lower lip tightly, turned around and left without looking back.

She wasn't in the mood to buy what she wanted to buy, so she took a taxi back to Tengyu's place. Along the way, she was thinking over and over again what Li Da said. It was the same feeling that Ye Beicheng ignored her before.

Returning to Tengyu's residence in despair, he asked suspiciously, "Hey, why did you come back so soon?"

"En." Jingya nodded and said softly, "I'll go prepare dinner for you."

"Hey, didn't you just eat it?"

"Ah, oh, so I ate it."

Her absent-mindedness failed to escape Teng Yu's probing eyes, he hooked his hands: "Come here."

"Why?" Jingya walked over.

"What's the matter? Going out for a trip and coming back is weird?"

"It's okay, I'll go get some water."

She was afraid that Tengyu would see the contradiction in her heart, so she turned and left his room quickly.

Sitting on the sofa alone, thinking about the little things between Ye Beicheng and their agreement that night, he would not be with Yang Qianxue, and she would no longer be entangled with Zhai Tengyu, so now, it is her Did you break the rules?
She called Ye Beicheng, his voice was not very angry, but it felt very depressed, was it because he suppressed all his emotions?So now, what is he doing?Are you angry, or are you sad?

She couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked back to Tengyu's room, and said with flickering eyes: "Ayu, you can call Sanpi to come over, I...I may not be able to stay here tonight to take care of you."

Zhai Tengyu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said: "Oh, it's okay, you go back, I can't bear to see you unable to eat or sleep here, it's rare that you can communicate with yourself."

"Then you call a few people over, you definitely can't do it alone!"

"Okay." In order to reassure her, Zhai Tengyu took out the mobile phone next to the bed and made a call, and hung up after explaining a few words.

When Jingya heard that he had asked someone to come over, she was immediately relieved, she gave a few instructions, and left in a hurry.

It was windy at night, and it seemed that a heavy rain was inevitable. The weather changed drastically, and there were fewer taxis. She stood by the road and looked around anxiously.

"Jingya, Jingya."

Someone behind her called her name, and when she turned around, it turned out to be Zhai Tengyu. He dragged his wounded body and walked towards her step by step, holding a coat of hers in his hand.

"What are you doing? Why did you run out!" She looked at him in shock.

"I think it's windy, and you forgot to take your coat, so I brought it to you."

"I'm not cold, you can't make a phone call, you're not in good health, how can you get up casually, besides..." She lowered her voice and looked around vigilantly: "It's dangerous for you to come out now, if you are caught by those gangs What do you do when the person who harmed you sees it?!"

She pushed him very angrily, and Teng Yu let out an ouch and grinned in pain.

Jingya was startled, and quickly supported him: "What's wrong? Did I touch your wound?"

"It's okay, it's okay, take your coat, I'll go back first."

Zhai Tengyu clutched his shoulders, turned around and walked back, Jingya stared at his back, feeling unspeakable sadness in his heart, he was so seriously injured, and still worried about her not freezing, how could she repay such affection...

A ghost-like figure came into her sight. Jingya recognized that person, the bald man who was sneaking around Tengyu's house that night. He obviously hadn't seen Zhai Tengyu yet, but if Tengyu walked forward for a while, He will definitely be discovered.

In desperation, she rushed over, grabbed Teng Yu's hand, put the coat on his head, and kissed him without hesitation.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see the bald head walking towards this side, her heart was about to jump into her throat, she reached out and hugged Tengyu's neck, and said quietly: "Don't move, someone is staring at you... "

(End of this chapter)

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