Chapter 114

Zhai Tengyu was so shocked by her actions that he couldn't speak. He didn't understand why Jingya put the clothes on his head, and her lips fell on his mouth. At that moment, his heartbeat seemed to be still , everything in the world has disappeared...

When he heard Jingya's words, he finally woke up from the shock, and realized that she was trying to protect him. His heart felt warm, and he couldn't help hugging her, changing the state of pretending to be kissing into real kissing .

Jingya wanted to push him away in a panic, but the bald head was watching them suspiciously, as if judging whether the figure from behind was the person he was looking for.

If she pushes him away now, then Tengyu is really in danger, but how can Tengyu kiss her, her body and her person belong to Ye Beicheng alone!
"Tengyu, don't do this, I beg you..." She begged the man who kissed her in her heart, and tears fell.

Zhai Tengyu felt her tears, he moved his lips, and said softly: "Jingya, I have loved you for so long, I never thought of taking advantage of you, just now I couldn't help myself, but don't worry, this It's the only time in my life to kiss you, from now on, never again..."

He let go of her, and wanted to reach out to take off the clothes on his head, but Jingya suppressed his hand with pain: "Don't move, that person hasn't left yet!"

Zhai Tengyu no longer violated her, just clinging to her, listening to her breathing, eyes full of pain, kissed her, it was just an accident, but he didn't regret it.

Jingya's gaze never left the bald head. When a car stopped in front of him, the bald head jumped into it, and after the car drove away, her hanging heart finally fell.

"Okay, he's gone." Jingya took two steps back, keeping a distance from him.

Zhai Tengyu tore off the coat on his head, put it on her body, and said: "I won't say sorry to you, even if you gave it to me, the only memory worth remembering."

Jingya nodded, turned and left.

It was already eleven o'clock at night when she returned to Ye's house, the bedroom was pitch black, and there was a cold strangeness, she went to the switch, turned on the switch, there was no one on Nuo Da's double bed, Ye Beicheng was not at home, she was at a loss again Did Li Da lie to her?

She quickly took out her mobile phone, and she dialed his number. After connecting, there was a commotion from inside.

"Beicheng, where are you? Why aren't you at home?"

"Don't you know? I'm on a business trip." Ye Beicheng replied in a deep voice.

"Don't lie to me, I already know, I met Li Da today!"

He froze for a few seconds, then asked casually, "So, if you hadn't met Li Da, you wouldn't be going home tonight?"

Jingya didn't know how to answer. In fact, it was true. She originally planned to accompany Tengyu for three nights. If nothing happened during the three nights, then he would be safe.

"Where are you now?" She changed the subject.

Ye Beicheng didn't continue to ask. In fact, they all knew the answers, so there was no need to ask further.

"Ouyang had a conflict with her wife tonight, and now he has drunk a lot of wine. I am here to watch him, and I won't go back tonight."

"……Oh, okay."

Jingya hangs up the phone in frustration, and sits by the bed alone, sighing.

She thought it would be the same as every night in the past. After dawn, the sun would rise, the birds would sing, and life would continue as before, but her life started this morning, and everything deviated from the original track.

Jingya got up early, tidied herself up and refreshed, she hadn't seen Ye Beicheng for three days, she missed him so much, she wished she could see him as soon as she went out.

When she came to the company, Ye Beicheng hadn't arrived yet, so she sent him a text message: "Are you coming to the company today?"

Five minutes later, he replied: "Yes."

She was very happy to receive his affirmative answer. At 09:30 in the morning, the door of her office was suddenly pushed open. Ye Beicheng walked in with a sullen face. Jingya got up quickly and said, "Beicheng, you are here."

Her heart suddenly became tense, because Ye Beicheng's expression looked so angry, she had a premonition that something must have happened, when a pinched and crumpled newspaper fell in front of her, her eyes were caught by the headlines on the front page. The title was shocked, and his face turned pale.

"Yip's Young Mistress Kissed a Strange Man for Several Minutes on the Street Corner" comes with an enlarged picture. In the picture, Zhai Tengyu is wearing her coat on her head, and she has her arms around his neck. From the shooting point of view, The two are kissing passionately.

"Beicheng, listen to my explanation, it's not like this!" Jingya walked up to him in a panic and grabbed his arm: "We encountered a special situation last night, so..."

"Yu Jingya! I don't want to listen to any more words from you. I have tolerated you. I have tolerated you staying with him overnight. I have tolerated you not coming home for three days. How did I explain to you? I told you not to do any transgressive behavior, but what about you? You put my arms around him and kissed me on the street, what do you think of me? You are afraid that the whole world will not know that my wife is with other people. Do men have adultery?"

"There's a reason why I didn't have an affair with him! Can you listen to my explanation..."

Jingya burst into tears all of a sudden, she felt extremely wronged, why did things develop like this, why did someone pass this kind of photo to the newspaper, could it be that there is really a turmoil between her and Ye Beicheng Up again!

"There are always so many reasons for you! I can't stand you anymore! You know that I, Ye Beicheng, have a reputation in XY City, but you still don't know how to avoid suspicion outside, so what can you do in the house? Why don't you run to the street and tell me?" Do such a shameful thing? This picture is everywhere on the Internet, on TV, in newspapers, Yu Jingya, you really put on me a cuckold that weighs more than any other man!"

He turned around and left angrily. Jingya stepped forward and grabbed his hand firmly, pleading: "Beicheng, you believe me, I didn't wear a hat for you, I only have you in my heart, I didn't do anything I'm sorry about you, what was said in that newspaper is not true, you trust me just once, okay?"

She was holding on to his hand, crying helplessly, she didn't dare to let go of his hand, it seemed that as soon as she let go, the relationship between her and him would really be over...

"Remember what you once said to me? I can't believe you again and again. I believe that if you stay at Zhai Tengyu's house, you will have nothing. The result is that I saw with my own eyes in the newspaper that you are not It’s nothing, the matter has come to this point, you still let me believe you, do you realize the seriousness of the problem? I am now everyone’s joke, do you know that?!”

Ye Beicheng shook off her hand angrily, and left without looking back.

Jingya cried and fell to the ground. Her heart had never been so painful. She felt that this time, she and Ye Beicheng might really be over.

The mobile phone on the table kept ringing, and even if she didn't answer it at this time, she knew it must be about a scandal.

Everyone came to check with her, to question her, but after one night, she became an adulterous woman who did not obey women's morals.

The facts are in front of her, others don't know the inside story, others only believe their own eyes, including Ye Beicheng, her closest person, refuses to believe her, who else can she expect to believe...

She turned off the phone, and the QQ on the computer kept flashing. She mustered up the courage to open it, and it was Yin Mo's message: "Honey, why didn't you answer the phone? How could this happen? Who is the man in the clothes? Is there some misunderstanding? You can't have an affair with another man!"

The only luck in despair is that there is still one person who believes in her...

She canceled QQ and didn't reply to Yin Mo with a single word. In this situation, if she can explain one person, can she explain tens of thousands of people?
Li Da walked in, without the usual hippie smile, but with a serious expression: "Madam, there is an important meeting in the morning, but Mr. Ye is gone, and the phone can't be reached, please host it." Bar."

Jingya nodded sadly, and asked softly, "Li Da, did you see the morning news?"

"...Well, I saw it." He admitted truthfully.

"Then what do you think? Do you think I will do something that I'm sorry to Mr. Ye?"

Li Da bowed his head and remained silent for a long time before he said, "I don't think so."

No way?

This is a very questionable sentence, but it is not entirely possible. Jingya waved her hand sadly. It turns out that even Li Da who knows her so well is not sure. It can be seen that public opinion is a terrible thing.

She sat in the office for several hours and didn't go out. Now the whole company must know about this matter, and there must be a lot of discussion, which may have distorted the facts even more outrageously.

Jingya walked to the window, after thinking for a long time, she decided to raise her head and be a human being.

She had done nothing wrong, why should she feel wronged?The more she dared not face the facts, the more people would think she was guilty. If she could face it calmly, then don't expect others to believe that she is innocent. At least, she would feel that she has a clear conscience!
At ten o'clock, she took the relevant documents needed for the meeting and walked into the meeting room. The atmosphere in the whole meeting room was weird. Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at her, and everyone seemed to want to strip her naked. Examining, such complicated gazes, even if Jingya doesn't look, she knows what the deep meaning is.

She greeted the high-level people calmly, spread out the folder, and began to enter the meeting state with concentration. I have to say that her calmness is indeed very confusing in the eyes of those high-level people who want to see something. Tong, making scandals all over the sky, but still not blushing and heartbeat, facing the scrutiny of everyone like nothing happened?
They were puzzled, really puzzled.

The meeting lasted for an hour. After the end, Jingya still had a calm expression and a calm expression. She left the meeting room with her head upright, because she knew that there were pairs of malicious eyes behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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