Chapter 171

"Okay, next one."

"Hey, aren't you sure? Why are you asking?"

"What you're sure about is that the woman played mahjong all night. Have you ever asked who she played with?"


When we arrived at the second house, the lady was about to go out. In order to save time, Yin Mo exaggeratedly ran over and shouted enthusiastically: "Auntie, wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" The lady looked at her suspiciously.

"I want to ask, when my aunt was playing mahjong with you a few days ago, she dropped a gold earring, did you see it?"

"Your aunt? Who is your aunt?" The lady was at a loss.

"It's Dou Huayue."

Jingya was not very far away this time, so she could hear their conversation clearly. When Yin Mo said that Dou Huayue was her aunt, she almost fainted from laughing...

"I didn't see it, but why would Mrs. Dou ask someone to come out to look for an earring? It's been a few days, and I can't find it anymore."

Yin Mo nodded: "Oh, forget it, the main earring has a special meaning, and my aunt played mahjong with you that night and didn't go anywhere else, so I asked me to ask."

The noble lady got into the car and walked away, Jingya walked up to Yin Mo, laughed and teased: "Shall we go to your aunt's house for dinner tonight?"

"Go to the side of death!"

Damn angrily, he stuffed the address in his hand to her: "It's okay, I've confirmed that your mother-in-law did play mahjong with them all night on the night of the 15th, are you satisfied?!"

Jingya nodded: "Satisfied, thank you very much..."

"Is it all right? I'll go to work if it's all right!"

"Okay." Jingya waved her hand: "I'll treat you to dinner another day."

As soon as Yin Mo left, she took a taxi to the magazine office. She couldn't cheer up all day. Now that her mother-in-law was not present, it can only show that her father-in-law's death was indeed an accident...

Before getting off work in the afternoon, Jingya received a call from Ye Beicheng, saying that she would come to pick her up, and she agreed with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, a male colleague sitting next to him came over and asked, "Xiao Yu, who are you talking on the phone with, smiling so sweetly?"

She said casually, "My husband."

"your husband??"

As soon as her words fell, the originally small office was boiling. Looking at the faces of heartbroken and desperate idiots, she nodded numbly: "Yes, I have a husband..."

"Then why did you say you were single?" one of the female colleagues asked curiously.

"It was a bit of a misunderstanding at that time, so I didn't tell you the truth, sorry."

Jingya glanced at everyone guiltily, and several men beat their chests and stamped their feet: "My God, this is still making people live..."

At a quarter past five, Ye Beicheng's car had already parked downstairs. Jingya waved goodbye to everyone and rushed out of the office. When she got outside, Ye Beicheng stretched out her arms, and she snuggled up like a bird clinging to someone. past.

"Let's go." He let go of his arms and opened the car door for her. As soon as Jingya sat in, Ye Beicheng looked up at the sky in surprise and said, "Hey, what are they doing?"

Following his line of sight, I was really speechless. The three windows of the office on the fourth floor were all full of people, showing mournful expressions like watching a sad movie...

"Hehe, those are my colleagues. They heard that I have a husband, and they all clamored to become a monk."

"Oh, so my wife is quite popular."

"Of course, you have to cherish me in the future, otherwise, hum..."

Staring at her smirk, Ye Beicheng smiled angrily and said, "What else?"

"Otherwise, I'll let you wear cassocks with them..."

"Smug you, talk like you are the only woman left in the world."

When she arrived at Ye's house, Song Qiulian walked over to Jingya as soon as she entered the living room and asked, "Daughter, are you tired?"

"Not tired, mom, what did you do today?"

Song Qiulian said nonchalantly: "The son-in-law gave me a card when he went out in the morning, and asked me to swipe it casually, so I went to do maintenance, and then bought some gifts, planning to give one to each of the Ye family. After all, I’m a borrower, so I have to please them.”

Jingya retorted displeasedly: "Who said you are borrowing? You live in your daughter's house as a matter of course, how can you have that kind of inferiority complex!"

Dou Huayue, who was sitting on the sofa, could hear their conversation clearly.

"The in-laws are right. They are just borrowing. No matter how close the daughter is, she can't treat her home as her own."

Jingya angrily shifted her gaze to the fake mother-in-law, provoking meaningfully: "My home is my mother's home, how about it?"

"Yu Jingya, don't go too far, this family is not yours alone."

"Is that yours?" She raised an eyebrow.

Dou Huayue didn't dare to brazenly say that it was hers, after all, she now had a handle in Jingya's hands, no matter how angry she was, she could only endure it, and if she made things worse, it would only be herself.

"It's not mine, it's from Beicheng."

"The ones in Beicheng are mine!"

Jingya put her arms around her chest, and said firmly: "Everything in the Ye family belongs to Beicheng. I am Beicheng's wife, so it's all mine. Others may live a good life for a few days if they keep their own. if……"

She smiled: "You understand."

Seeing the back of her leaving triumphantly, Dou Huayue trembled with anger, Song Qiulian kindly stepped forward to comfort her: "Don't be angry, my in-laws, my daughter speaks straighter, I'm used to it as a mother, you should be used to it too .”

"Get used to it! You still have the nerve to say, look what you gave birth to!"

Song Qiulian's good intentions were not rewarded, and she finally believed what her daughter said. This crazy woman is simply a pervert. She snorted angrily: "Cut, my daughter is nothing, so what are you? Old monster..."

"You!!!" Dou Huayue was driven mad by this mother and daughter: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

As soon as Jingya arrived upstairs, Ye Beicheng parked his car and followed him. He took off his coat, pulled his tie, and took out a cigarette from the table beside the bed. Seeing that there was no lighter on the table, he opened the drawer. After searching a few times, I couldn't find it, but saw a box of contraceptive pills.

"Jingya, where did this come from?" He held up Yuting in his hand in doubt, and asked in surprise.

Yu Jingya put down the magazine in her hand, stared at the contraceptive pill in his hand and said embarrassingly: "I bought it..."

"You buy contraceptives? You don't want to have my baby?"

He was a little displeased, and Jingya hurried over to explain: "No, because the abortion doctor said last time, for the sake of physical recovery, it's best to get pregnant again every other year."

"Is that so?" Ye Beicheng didn't seem to believe it.

"Of course, I like children the most, otherwise you would think so!"

He hugged her distressedly: "It was my fault last time, next time I get pregnant again, I promise I won't touch you."

Jingya leaned against his face: "Your guarantees have always been unreliable, so I don't believe you."

"Actually, to be honest, I don't really believe it." Ye Beicheng smiled ambiguously: "The main reason is that I can't control myself when I'm with you."

Jingya raised her chin proudly: "So, she is really attractive."


"Next time you get pregnant, I'll send you to America."

"Why?" She was shocked, she was a person who was about to be appointed by heaven, how could she leave!
"Because only in this way can we guarantee your smooth production."

Jingya looked up to the sky and sighed, and lamented in her heart: Beicheng, I didn't blame you last time, the real reason why I dare not have children now is that I can't see or touch the evil forces hidden in the Ye family..."

"I don't want it, you sent me away, what should you do if you are here with another woman?"

"No, don't you believe me? Yang Qianxue has lived in our house for so long, and I didn't even look her in the face."

"Okay, okay, what are we talking about so far away now, we'll talk about it later."

"Things that far away?" Ye Beicheng was unhappy: "Yu Jingya, I'm already in my thirties, when do you plan on letting me become a father?"

"Don't worry, I will make you grow old!"


Dong dong, the door knocked, and she stood up: "What's the matter?"

"Young Mistress, dinner is ready, please go downstairs to eat."

"okay, got it!"

Turn around and pull Ye Beicheng up: "Let's go, let's go eat."

Going downstairs to sit at the dining table, Ye Beicheng picked up a crab and prepared it for his mother-in-law: "Mom, try this, authentic hairy crab."

As soon as he lifted his chopsticks, he suddenly saw his mother-in-law and mother holding out the bowl together.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"Give this to mother-in-law first." He put the crab in Song Qiulian's bowl, and picked up another one: "Mom, this is for you." The other one was put in Dou Huayue's bowl.

"Don't eat!"

Dou Huayue was so angry that she threw her chopsticks away and ran upstairs. Seeing her mother being wronged, Ye Mengyao yelled angrily: "Brother, you've gone too far. No matter how you say it, you should pick up food for our mother first. She Who is it? It's just an outsider!"

After yelling, Miss Ye chased after her mother's room, and she saw her mother sitting by the bed crying, heartbroken.


She walked over distressedly, and hugged Dou Huayue: "Don't be angry, it's not worth being angry with them."

"Of course I know it's not worth it. I'm angry at your brother. He doesn't see me as a mother at all now. Before your father was alive, no one dared to do anything to me. Now that he is dead, I have no status in this family. The sky is being ridden by a vixen, and even the vixen's mother insults me if she wants to..."

Dou Huayue cried more and more sadly, and Ye Mengyao's heart was broken when she was crying. The mother and daughter cried for a while, and suddenly said, "Ah Yao, do you know why a vixen can bully me so unscrupulously?"

"I know, isn't it because my brother is backing her up!"

"No, actually I have something in her hands..."

"The handle?" Ye Mengyao's eyes widened in surprise, "What's the handle?"

"It's hard to explain in one word, and you don't understand, so Mom asked you, would you like to help me?"

"Of course I would, but what can I do for you, Mom..."

"Come here." She hooked her fingers, and Ye Mengyao put her ears close together. After Dou Huayue muttered a few words, Mengyao shook her head in horror: "This is impossible, I'm afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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