Chapter 172

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you secretly. As long as you help mom, mom will never be angry with that vixen again!"

Dou Huayue worked hard to do her daughter's ideological work, moving her with emotion and reason, and finally, Ye Mengyao finally compromised with her mother's tears: "Okay, I promise you, but I don't know what to do... "

"Come on, mom will teach you."

She leaned over to whisper a few words into her daughter's ear again. Ye Mengyao looked embarrassed, but she could only nod silently.

There was constant laughter at the dining table, and they did not break up because of Dou Huayue and Ye Mengyao's temper tantrum. After dinner, Ye Beicheng went into the study to work, and after a while, Jingya broke in without knocking on the door.

"Beicheng, I have to tell you a secret."

She felt that the matter of Yang Qianxue could not be delayed any longer. Fengmei Fishing Village did not have a phone, and she did not know the situation of Uncle Axiang's family. If it continued and Aunt Axiang passed away suddenly like her father-in-law, then she would really be guilty.

"Oh, what's the secret?" Ye Beicheng stopped what he was doing and asked curiously.

"It's about Yang Qianxue."

Jingya began to tell the secret she accidentally discovered in Fengmei Fishing Village with a serious expression. Ye Beicheng froze after listening...

"Hey, Beicheng, are you okay?" She pushed her husband worriedly.


It took a long time for Ye Beicheng to utter two words with difficulty, but the expression in his eyes was still dazed and heartbroken.

"Aren't you also very surprised, how could she be found in the sea, and it's still so far away from us?"

Standing up sadly, he said, "I'll go to her and ask her."

"No." Jingya hurriedly held him back: "I can't go now. Since she escaped from Fengmei Fishing Village, it means that she doesn't plan to go back. If you question her now, it is very likely that she will be forced to escape again."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to take Aunt Axiang's family over and let them take Dudu back through legal means. Although Yang Qianxue is Dudu's biological mother, what happened before makes me feel that it is not safe for Dudu to follow her."

Ye Beicheng thought for a moment: "Okay, then let's go together tomorrow."

The next day, Jingya took a day off and drove to Fengmei Fishing Village with Ye Beicheng.

There was no need to change trains halfway, so they arrived at their destination in the afternoon. Jingya went straight to A Ling's wife's house. A Ling's family expressed their surprise and welcome for her coming again.

"Hi everyone, this is my husband, Mr. Ye Beicheng." Jingya introduced to everyone.

"Hello." Ye Beicheng smiled and nodded.

"Hello, hello, welcome."

A Ling enthusiastically poured water, and asked expectantly: "Did you promise that Aunt A Xiang's business has been settled?"

Jingya nodded: "Yes."

"Really?" A Ling turned around in surprise: "Xiao Yu, from the first time I saw you, I felt that you were shining with hope like the sun."

"Don't say that, when you come to Aunt Axiang's house with us, you will know that it is actually a coincidence..."

"Really? Then let's go quickly." A Ling couldn't wait.

"it is good."

The three of them walked along the path to the house where Yang Qianxue once lived. Ye Beicheng looked at this closed land, and it was hard to imagine how Yang Qianxue spent the past three years here...

This is a small fishing village near the sea, completely different from the hustle and bustle of the city, like a paradise, if a person who has lived in a big city since childhood, it may be difficult to get used to the life here.

She suddenly recalled what Yang Qianxue had said to him back then: "In the past three years, I have been like a child with amnesia, living in a castle with amnesia, and there is nothing in that closed castle, only me sticking to it alone. "

"Beicheng, we're here."

Jingya's reminder woke him up from his memories, he nodded: "Good."

"Dongzi, come see who is coming?"

A Ling stood outside the door and yelled at the top of her voice, and a person came out of the room very quickly, but judging by his age, it should be Dongzi's father.

"Uncle Axiang, you are at home. Let me introduce you. These two are from the city..."

"I know." Uncle Ah Xiang interrupted A Ling, walked straight in front of Jingya, grabbed her arm, and choked with tears: "Miss Xiaoyu, I heard what my wife said, I really didn't expect our family I am so grateful to have met you, a noble person..."

Jingya was very embarrassed by what he said, but in fact she didn't do anything.

"Uncle Ah Xiang, you don't need to be grateful to me. I didn't do anything for any reason. Everything was predestined by heaven."

"Okay, whether it's destiny or Guanyin's reincarnation, let's talk in the room first."

Uncle Ah Xiang nodded quickly: "Yes, go in and talk, go in and talk."

Jingya and Ye Beicheng entered the main room of Uncle Axiang's house, and Aling asked casually, "Where's Dongzi?"

"He went fishing and should be back soon."

"Is Miss Xiaoyu here?" A weak inquiry came from the back room, Jingya was about to get up and go in, when Aunt Axiang came out by herself.

"Aunt Ah Xiang, can you get out of bed now?" She shouted in surprise.

"Yes, ever since you dragged A Ling to tell us that you would definitely help us, my illness has gradually improved..."

No wonder Uncle Ah Xiang was so excited just now, it turned out that what she said actually worked quite well.

"Xiaoyu, if you have any news about your visit this time, please tell us quickly." A Ling is impatient, and she has already been impatient.

"Dad, I'm back."

A deep voice came from outside the door, and Jingya knew it was Dongzi when she heard it, she quietly said to Ye Beicheng beside her, "It's Yang Qianxue's husband, Dudu's father is back."

Ye Beicheng glanced sharply at Dongzi who had already walked into the main room, and looked him up and down. Based on his experience in reading people, he should be a loyal and kind man.

"Miss Xiaoyu!" Dongzi was quite pleasantly surprised, and Jingya nodded with a smile: "Surprised, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I thought you would never come back after you left last time."

The more he spoke, the more dejected his voice was. It may be that he experienced hope again and again, but in the end he was disappointed, so he didn't dare to trust others anymore.

Jingya looked at him sympathetically: "Why, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't keep promises."

"Dongzi, sit down quickly, Jingya brought the news this time."

After everyone in the room sat down, Jingya began to tell the whole story about Yang Qianxue. When she finished speaking, the room was terribly quiet. Except for Ye Beicheng, these simple fishermen couldn't understand how complicated the love and hatred outside were... …

"So, Xiaoju's original name was Yang Qianxue? And... is your husband's old love?" A Ling asked incredulously.

"Yes." Jingya nodded: "She regained her memory and insisted on leaving because she couldn't let go of the love in her heart."

Ye Beicheng didn't want them to discuss too much about his and Qianxue's old affairs, so he changed the topic: "You should have heard the general situation clearly, Jingya and I came here this time to take your family there, and in front of Qianxue If she doesn't agree, I can help you hire the best lawyer to win the custody of the child through legal procedures."

Uncle Axiang's family looked at each other in blank dismay. For people like them who have never seen the world, they don't understand the effect of the law at all, but they are willing to do anything for their grandson.

"Yes, if you agree, we will set off tomorrow morning." Jingya proposed.

"Okay!" Dongzi was the first to agree.

"Aunt Ah Xiang, don't go if you are not in good health." A Ling kindly reminded her.

"No, I'm going, I must go!" Aunt Ah Xiang said stubbornly, her determination to see her grandson was unshirkable.

"Our whole family is going." Uncle Ah Xiang finally announced.

Ye Beicheng nodded: "Then it's settled."

In the evening, the two stayed at Uncle Ah Xiang's house overnight. After dinner, Jingya proposed to take Ye Beicheng to the beach for a walk, and he readily agreed.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, they came to the beach under the night with the sea breeze.

The silver-white moon peeked out from behind the clouds, illuminating the sea like a winding, glassy ribbon.Sparse stars, in twos and threes, hang in the air, blinking mischievously.The waves of the sea also reflected the sky, flickering, as if talking to the stars.

The sea breeze was blowing "whoosh", and the waves roared past like thousands of white war horses.The majestic voice of thousands of troops made people tremble.Listening to the turbulent waves, it seemed as if he had entered the battlefield.

"Beicheng, what are you thinking?"

Jingya sensed that the people around her were lost in thought, and asked questions curiously.

"I was thinking, how did Qianxue spend these three years?"

She smiled and didn't mind: "I knew it, you must think about this again."

“How come you see?”

"Because we all know that Qianxue did lose her memory three years ago, so there will always be some sympathy for her."

He put his arms around her shoulders: "You're right, so I can't figure out why she was rescued by people here, and what happened three years ago..."

"This is a question I'm also curious about, but it's hard for us to know unless Qianxue tells me."

"I asked her, and she seemed unwilling to talk about it."

"It's so strange, what happened, she deliberately concealed these things..."

Ye Beicheng stopped, facing the sea, and said leisurely: "I think something must have happened that she didn't want to face, maybe it was this thing that made her crazy and irrational."

"Is there any way to get her to talk?"

"We'll wait until Dongzi's family goes to Xiangyang. We don't know how Qianxue will react when he sees them."

"It seems that this is the only way..."

The sea breeze is still howling, the waves are still fierce, but the night is getting thicker, can the human heart be peaceful with the sea?

The next morning, they set off. Uncle Axiang's family was very nervous when they went out for the first time.

Jingya comforted them: "Don't be afraid, my husband and I will help you."

"Thank you, you are really good people!" Aunt Ah Xiang was grateful.

"You're welcome, it should be..."

It was already evening when we arrived in XY City, and it rained for a while on the way, and the road was difficult, which delayed some time. Ye Beicheng settled them in a bar, told them not to go out, and asked Yang Qianxue out to meet them tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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