Chapter 334

"Excuse me? Why are you saying sorry after me? You want to say sorry to your own body? Tian Feifei, this body is yours. You are tossing your own body, and you have nothing to do with anyone else. relation."

No one dared to make a sound anymore, someone had already sensed that something was wrong, the emotion expressed in Ouyang Mingchen's tone was obviously not the emotion of a president towards his secretary.

Today, Li Chen seems to have gotten into a big disaster.

Tian Feifei lowered her head and said nothing.

It doesn't matter what the whole thing is, what is important is that she already understands that Ouyang Mingchen is going to lose his temper.

She didn't know which point touched his anger point, no one knew.

She didn't even know if his words were words of concern for her?
He obviously doesn't like her, that Lin Qianqian is obviously his girlfriend, why would he say such things to himself in front of his girlfriend, in front of so many people?

Only then did Ouyang Mingchen turn to look at the people beside him.

He is not stupid, with such a circle, he naturally found the culprit at a glance.

He sneered, and walked up to Li Chen step by step.

Li Chen only felt that his heart was tightly pulled together.

Indeed, his company's business is relatively large at present, but there is no way to compare it with Ouyang Mingchen.

In City A, Ouyang Mingchen is a formidable character, and no one in City A dares not to flatter Ouyang Mingchen.

It's true that I can't understand him, but at most, I can only think about it in my heart. If I really want to fight with Ouyang Mingchen, it is absolutely impossible.

"Mr. Li."

Ouyang Mingchen smiled.

Li Chen only felt his scalp start to go numb.

Although this kind of smile is only faint, even the eyes that look at him are so faint, but Ouyang Mingchen exudes a kind of hostility all over his body, which makes him tremble with fear.

"President Ouyang, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was President Ouyang's secretary."

"is it?"

Still smiling like that, as if he really didn't care about everything, then Ouyang Mingchen turned to look at Tian Feifei.

"Tian Feifei, have you told President Li? Are you my secretary, Ouyang Mingchen?"

Tian Feifei looked up at Li Chen, and saw a pleading in his eyes at that moment.

Turning his head, all eyes are locked on himself.

Tian Feifei naturally knew how important her answer was at this time.

Her heart couldn't help but soften.

It's true that people pushed me very hard just now, but you have to be forgiving and forgiving, right?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help shaking her head slightly.

Ouyang Mingchen was not even angry, but just looked at Tian Feifei.

"What? Being my secretary, Ouyang Mingchen, makes you so ashamed?"

He said this lightly, but no one dared to breathe loudly alone, and no one could figure out what Ouyang Mingchen was thinking at the moment.

"No, I was just nervous and forgot to say."

Later, Tian Feifei remembered what happened that night, and felt that everything might be because she said that sentence wrongly.

Sure enough, Ouyang Mingchen's face immediately changed, and everyone watched his face sink in an instant.

"Nervous? Tian Feifei, what are you nervous about?"

"Because, because, it's the first time I enter such a place, and I don't know where to find you."

"Tian Feifei, to tell the truth, you should know that if you offend me, it will end badly."

He used it fiercely, which shows how angry he must be.

"I'm really nervous."

Now that it has been said, it cannot be changed, otherwise Ouyang Mingchen will be more suspicious.

"and then?"

He seemed to believe it, and his tone was calm again, then he turned to look at Li Chen.

"I want to know, what's going on between you and Mr. Li? What's going on with this wine? And are you nervous because of seeing such a scene or other reasons? Tian Feifei, tell the truth, you Don't say things that make me lose face."

Ouyang Mingchen's voice had turned into a sharp voice.

All of them were almost holding their breath.

So Ouyang Mingchen is amazing, right?He didn't believe Tian Feifei's words from the beginning to the end. He must know the truth tonight.


Tian Feifei is really nervous now, she has never been nervous before, she knows that if things go on like this, Ouyang Mingchen will easily find out the truth of the matter.

She doesn't know what the final result will be?
Ouyang Mingchen actually said it just now, and the ending was tragic. She knew that he didn't use that word to describe herself, he just told Li Chen in front of her face, and the final ending was tragic.

Things are getting bigger and bigger, aren't they?She looked up and saw that Li Chen's face had changed.

"Tian Feifei, if I ask you something, please tell me honestly."

Ouyang Mingchen pressed hard at every step, not even giving Tian Feifei a chance to breathe.

"President Ouyang."

"Do not call me."

Tian Feifei immediately silenced, she had never seen Ouyang Mingchen like this before.

Only then did she realize that she usually talked nonsense to her, and sometimes even played petty temper in front of him, but he didn't say anything.

It turned out that he just didn't say anything, just indulged himself like that.

When this word suddenly jumped out of her mind, Tian Feifei was almost frightened by her own thoughts.


How is it possible, will he indulge himself?He already has a girlfriend, how can he still indulge himself?
Must be whimsical.

"Tian Feifei, all I want is the truth."

He looked at it with bright eyes, "Let me tell you, before I get angry, you'd better be honest, word by word, and you must explain everything clearly."

His tone gradually turned cold, and he almost said through gritted teeth for the next half of the sentence.

The surroundings were completely silent, Lin Qianqian took two steps forward, then backed down.

At this time, is it useful for her to go up?

Will Ouyang Mingchen buy her account?

No, in fact, most of the time, she is just deceiving herself and others. In Ouyang Mingchen's heart, her real girlfriend is just a decoration.

Therefore, if she goes out at this time, it is tantamount to humiliating herself.

But, you can't not go out, can you?
Otherwise, how would people look at her.

It's all Tian Feifei, and it's all this woman.As long as this woman is around, I will never have anything good to do.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Tian Feifei, the hatred in her eyes gradually gathered.

"Miss Lin, go and persuade me."

Someone approached Lin Qianqian and whispered in her ear.

Lin Qianqian didn't speak, but her face was calm.

She turned to look at the person beside her. Did this person do it on purpose?
It must be on purpose, can't he see that his girlfriend's position is just a decoration.

"Tian Feifei."

Over there, Ouyang Mingchen's patience was clearly running out, he pursed his lips tightly, and stared at Tian Feifei fiercely.

Tian Feifei sighed, and she looked at Li Chen helplessly.

I'm sorry, but I can't help you, because I'm about to lose myself.

"President Ouyang, the thing is like this."

Tian Feifei explained the whole thing succinctly. She had omitted some of what Li Chen said to her just now. She really couldn't believe it. What would happen if Ouyang Mingchen knew everything?
She didn't know, she now felt that Ouyang Mingchen was like a fog, and she couldn't figure out what he was thinking at all.

Ouyang Mingchen kept looking at Tian Feifei, his face was quite calm, even waiting for Tian Feifei to finish the whole thing, he remained calm.

Tian Feifei looked at him nervously, she didn't know what he was thinking.

All eyes were on Ouyang Mingchen's face, wondering what he was thinking.

Finally, he looked up at Tian Feifei.

"All right?"

"Yes, all right."

Ouyang Mingchen nodded, and swept away the row of red wine on the table.

Such a movement came suddenly, and the sound of red wine falling to the ground was loud again, and everyone screamed.

Ouyang Mingchen turned around and walked in front of Li Chen, stretched out his hand, and grabbed his chin at once.

"Li Chen, who do you think I am, Ouyang Mingchen?"

His tone was serious, almost gnashing his teeth.

Yes, he was heartbroken, really heartbroken.

He couldn't imagine it, really couldn't imagine it.

Tian Feifei is arrogant, but she is a woman after all. When she faced such a powerful Li Chen just now, she should have been worried and afraid.

He remembered that after Tian Feifei came to Liu's, although she was a little bad for her at the beginning, after that, she seldom showed her face. Even when she slammed the door in front of him, he still smiled faintly. She even indulges a little.

Really, it seems like pampering really.

When this word jumped out of his mind, he actually felt a little bit of sweetness in his heart.

It turned out that he was indulging in her, indulging her willingly.

But this little girl who even pampered herself had to endure Li Chen's bullying.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help trembling all over, he wished he could strangle this person to death.

"Li Chen, tell me, who do you think I am?"

Even Ouyang Mingchen's people dare to bully him like this, is Li Chen impatient?
"President Ouyang, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't know she was Secretary Tian at first."

She is dressed like that, even worse than a high school student, how can I trust her.

"Then how do you believe it? Li Chen, do you have to tattoo her forehead to believe it? Well, can you believe it now? Now?"

"President Ouyang, I'm sorry, I believe it now, I believe it completely."

"Really? But, Li Chen, do you know it's too late now?"

He finally let go of him.

Li Chen staggered back a few steps, and then he didn't know if his foot stepped on the shards of glass, and he felt a sharp pain in his heel.But, dare not move, how dare, at this moment, his own life and the company's life and death are controlled by the man in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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