Chapter 335

"President Ouyang, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Li Chen kept apologizing, then turned to look at the people next to him.

No one dared to step forward, no one.

Because everyone knows that if you step forward at this time, you will definitely die a miserable death.

"Miss Lin, please tell President Ouyang, I'm really wrong."

Li Chen's eyes fell on Lin Qianqian.

All eyes turned to her.

Lin Qianqian was in a bit of a dilemma. At this point, if she was unpalatable, it would be unreasonable, wouldn't she?

She took two steps forward and just spoke. "Tomorrow morning."

"Lin Qianqian, back off for me."

The cold eyes and cold words don't give her any face at all.

Lin Qianqian was a little aggrieved, she could only back away slowly, but her eyes were sore.

I can't cry, how can I cry on such an occasion, she comforted herself, then lowered her head to hide her embarrassment.

"Miss Tian, ​​please, please intercede for me in front of President Ouyang."

Li Chen turned to look at Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei was a little helpless, Lin Qianqian had already hit a wall, what should she say?
However, since everyone has already spoken, it seems a little bit of a pity not to say it, doesn't it?
Thinking of this, she looked up at Ouyang Mingchen.

"President Ouyang."

She spoke softly, looking at Ouyang Mingchen with moist eyes.

Ouyang Mingchen only felt that a certain place in his heart was hit all of a sudden, but he didn't dare to let his emotions leak out, so he asked, "What?"

His tone was bad, very bad, but everyone knew that his tone clearly did not reject Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei didn't know what to say next.

Let him let go of that Li Chen?No, no, so many people's eyes are on Ouyang Mingchen, how could he let it go so easily?

"Grandma can't get through to your phone and has been waiting for your message. She is very anxious."

Ouyang Mingchen's face softened slightly.

Everyone let out a long sigh of relief, Li Chen is fine now, isn't he?

Then, Ouyang Mingchen turned to look at Li Chen.

"Li Chen, you are lucky today."

"Thank you, President Ouyang."

Li Chen stretched out his hand and wiped his forehead, only then did he feel that he really had a feeling of almost collapse.

"It's just that since you let my secretary drink, as a courtesy, shouldn't you also let me drink some?"

"Yes, yes, it should be, it should be."

Li Chen almost nodded and bowed his head. To be able to get away with it was a great fortune among misfortunes. What is a little wine?
"Okay, just drink all this wine, not a single drop is left."

Ouyang Mingchen made a false point with his hand, but Li Chen's face instantly turned ashen.

Ouyang Mingchen pointed at the place where he smashed the wine just now. The light amber wine flowed down from the table drop by drop, and a lot of it had flowed to the floor.

In fact, the people nearby had already seen it, but when Ouyang Mingchen was losing his temper, no one dared to step forward.

And the place where Ouyang Mingchen's finger is really the place where the wine flows down.

Don't drink the wine on the floor until there is no drop left, just thinking about drinking it is already a pain.

Li Chen looked at Ouyang Mingchen, his voice trembling slightly.

"President Ouyang, President Ouyang, please let me go."

Ouyang Mingchen didn't seem to hear it, but turned to look at Tian Feifei.

"Don't you hurry up?"

Then he strode forward without hesitation.

Tian Feifei froze for a moment, how do you drink this wine?Ouyang Mingchen meant that Li Chen really wanted to drink it?
"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen seemed impatient, but he was still waiting for her in front.

"Didn't you say that grandma is waiting at home in a hurry?"

Everyone gasped, what did Ouyang Mingchen's words mean?
Could it be that the little secretary and President Ouyang are already living together, right?So seeing Li Chen bullying her, I was very upset, it was a big upset.

But Lin Qianqian's face was even more ugly, Ouyang Mingchen's actions were like slapping her hard.

You must know that she is his girlfriend, and he brought her to this reception.

However, he was leaving and going home, so he didn't even bother to tell her, but just called the little secretary to follow him quickly.

And his words, don't they make people ambiguous?
He was obviously trembling with anger, but he still managed to control his anger, pretending that he didn't care about anything, and then chased after him.

"Tomorrow morning."

She screamed delicately, but Ouyang Mingchen's face darkened suddenly.

But he still turned his head to look at her.

"I'll take you home first."

No one dared to say a word, no one dared to move a step.

"Miss Tian."

When Li Chen watched Tian Feifei pass by him, he quickly called softly, but his face was already in pain.

He thought that only Tian Feifei could help at this time.

Tian Feifei paused slightly, then looked up at Ouyang Mingchen.

Then I saw the impatience on the man's face.

"Miss Tian."

Li Chen didn't give up.

He naturally knew Ouyang Mingchen's character, he could do whatever he wanted, even if he turned around and refused to leave, Li Chen would not dare to cheat.

"Tian Feifei, are you going or not?"

Even though he said that, he still stood there waiting for Tian Feifei.

Lin Qianqian bit her lips tightly.

She is not stupid, she is really not stupid, she has already seen that Ouyang Mingchen is in love with Tian Feifei.

If it wasn't for loving that person, how could someone like Ouyang Mingchen tolerate Tian Feifei so much? If it was him, he would have turned around and left long ago.

Maybe he just doesn't know it yet.

"President Ouyang."

Tian Feifei thought for a while, and finally called Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tian Feifei, don't intercede again this time, or Li Chen will be punished even more severely."

Ouyang Mingchen had already talked about this point, Tian Feifei had nothing to do, she looked at Li Chen, then shrugged her shoulders towards him, expressing that she couldn't do anything to help.

"Miss Tian."

Li Chen took a step forward and knelt down facing Tian Feifei.

This action stunned all the people around, and Tian Feifei was even more stunned. She stepped forward quickly, trying to reach out her hand, and pulled Li Chen up. Her eyes caught Ouyang Mingchen's cold eyes, and hurriedly Let your hands hang down.

"Hey, what are you doing? Li Chen, get up quickly, if you have anything to say, just say that, okay?"

"That's right, Mr. Li, get up quickly."

"Miss Tian, ​​it was I, Mr. Li, who did not know Mount Tai, so I offended you. I beg you to hold your hand high and forgive me, can you?"

Tian Feifei was a little embarrassed.

Li Chen, you are not a fool, now it is not my question of whether I will forgive you, but Ouyang Mingchen's question.

"Mr. Li, why don't you get up quickly? You are a big man, kneeling in front of me like this. I am very embarrassed."

"Li Chen."

Ouyang Mingchen sneered, "Do you think the accident just now was not small enough, do you want to make it more serious?"

Tian Feifei turned her head and looked at Ouyang Mingchen, his eyes were almost cruel.

She has learned a lesson today, this man really did what he said, and she was afraid that he was saying something amazing or doing something amazing, so she rushed to Ouyang Mingchen's side, and then tugged his arm .

"Tomorrow morning."

Waiting for the soft voice to sound in the hall, even Tian Feifei was stunned.

She wished she could bite off her tongue all at once.

I was in a hurry just now, and I didn't think of anything else at all.

She used to call Ouyang Mingchen like that, and such a familiar name came out before she knew it.

There was silence in the hall, Lin Qianqian's face was earthy, no, it was even worse than this.

She stood there blankly, only feeling cold hands and feet.

Seeing the corners of Ouyang Mingchen's eyes and brows gradually soften, his heart kept falling until he reached the endless abyss.

"Li Chen, I hope you can remember everything you said today, and remember that you once owed Tian Feifei a love. After leaving this door, I will forget everything, but you must not forget."

Li Chen's face was overjoyed. The turning point of the matter was naturally due to Tian Feifei's contribution. Just two simple words like that moved Ouyang Mingchen's heart, didn't they?

Perhaps even Ouyang Mingchen himself didn't realize that his heart had already fallen for that woman named Tian Feifei?

But, no matter what, from now on, I won't meddle in any nosy business. Today, I have gone to the gate of hell. It was the woman named Tian Feifei who helped me.

Therefore, what Ouyang Mingchen said is right, Tian Feifei must not be forgotten.

"Yes, I will."

Li Chen said, got up slowly, and then walked in front of Tian Feifei.

"Miss Tian, ​​how much Li has offended me today, I hope you have a lot of it, Li owes you this favor, if Miss Tian needs help in the future, Li will definitely not refuse."

There was thunderous applause all around, and the atmosphere suddenly eased down.

Among all the people, only Lin Qianqian stood there with a icy face. She already felt that the surroundings were icy, and she had fallen into the ice cellar.

She waited until Ouyang Mingchen had reached the door before she suddenly woke up, and then quickly chased after him.

There is a ball of anger burning in my heart.

If it was the past, she would definitely lose her temper, grab Ouyang Mingchen, stare at him, and ask herself who is his?Why humiliate her like this?

In front of so many people, in front of those prestigious people in City A, she was dealt such a heavy blow.

If it was the past, she would definitely give Ouyang Mingchen a look, and she would definitely not give him a little look.

But now what?

Now she no longer has any qualifications, and even after what happened tonight, she already knows that her position as a girlfriend is in jeopardy.

As long as Ouyang Mingchen said a word, and he said that we should separate, then she would have nothing to do with him.

That should be a thing that scares her so much, it is a thing that she can hardly imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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