Chapter 336

She had won her current position with great difficulty. Even if she existed in name only, even if someone threatened her, she could not give up.

As long as she doesn't give up, then she has hope, right?

Therefore, she could only swallow her anger, and she had a lot of methods for Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei has been following behind Ouyang Mingchen, feeling extremely regretful in her heart.

How I wish that time could turn back, so she wouldn't say those two words even if she was killed.

Don't care about that Li Chen anymore, it's better than throwing someone to death like that.

"Tian Feifei, can't you be faster? Do you have to dawdle behind me?"

It was obviously a complaint, but there was a hint of sweetness in his tone.

"That...that, I'll take a taxi there by myself."

Ouyang Mingchen stopped abruptly and turned to look at her.

"Tian Feifei, you are getting impatient, aren't you?"


Tian Feifei muttered softly, the tone was still gentle a second ago, but when she turned around, it was already ice-cold.

Lin Qianqian watched the two chatting like no one else, and felt that her heart was being swallowed by anger bit by bit.

Tian Feifei, Tian Feifei, I will definitely not make it easier for you.

Ouyang Mingchen sent Lin Qianqian home first, and when Lin Qianqian got out of the car, the car drove away.

Knowing that this was the result, my heart was still hurting, as I walked, I wondered what to do about this matter.

Tian Feifei has been sitting in the back seat.

In fact, she had been in the car driven by Ouyang Mingchen several times.

He drives just like his people, a little ostentatious, sometimes.

However, today he drove quite steadily, and the speed was much slower than before, so Tian Feifei felt that the road suddenly became so long.

Grandma Ouyang was already waiting at the door. In fact, Tian Feifei had already called on the way and said she came back, so she didn't have to wait.

As soon as she saw two people getting off the car, Grandma Ouyang came up to meet them.

"Stinky boy, why don't you know how to answer a phone call? Don't you know that grandma will be worried?"

"Grandma, I'm already this old."

"That's my little grandson too."

Tian Feifei suddenly laughed when she heard this sentence.

Ouyang Mingchen was obviously already embarrassed, ignored Grandma Ouyang, turned around and walked in with great strides.

"The brat is mad at grandma."

Grandma Ouyang took a narrow look at Tian Feifei, then smiled triumphantly.

Tian Feifei turned her head away, probably not because of what grandma said, but because of her own smile.

Was he embarrassed by his own laugh?

Did his own emotions affect him too?
Thinking of his performance at the banquet just now, thinking of his rage, suddenly felt a little sweet in his heart.

"Tian Feifei, are you going upstairs or not? Be careful to be late tomorrow."

It was Ouyang Mingchen's impatient voice.

Tian Feifei bent her mouth, and suddenly felt that she was in a good mood when she heard such words.

Because Ouyang Mingchen was there, the driver didn't need to deliver it to work the next day.

Afraid of hearing any gossip again, Tian Feifei insisted that Ouyang Mingchen put herself down at the intersection.

"Haven't you already told others that she is my cousin?"

Ouyang Mingchen said leisurely, but the speed of the car did not slow down. He just turned the steering wheel, and then the car drove directly into the underground garage.

"It will be gossip if they appear at the same time."

Tian Feifei muttered softly, knowing that she had no room to resist, the car had already driven into the underground garage, would he drive the car out again?

Who knew that Ouyang Mingchen turned the steering wheel again, and then the car turned around.

"what are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to get off at the intersection ahead?"

Ouyang Mingchen said lightly, and then drove the car out.

Tian Feifei was almost dumbfounded.

When did Ouyang Mingchen become so kind?
Turning to look at Ouyang Mingchen, his expression was normal, nothing unusual.

Is it just me thinking too much?
When did Ouyang Mingchen become so considerate?
Anyway, Ouyang Mingchen really put Tian Feifei down at the intersection, and put her farther away on purpose, saying that it was to take care of her emotions.

It is rare for the great President Ouyang to be so considerate, and Tian Feifei is only thankful.

Then the car turned around and went away, and then Tian Feifei started to walk forward. When her eyes accidentally glanced at the watch on her wrist, she almost jumped. On the watch, the hour hand just pointed to the number 9.

If it wasn't for such a toss, then I wouldn't be late, would I?
Ouyang Mingchen, this hateful man is really a stingy man, didn't he just say that, what about him?
He clearly knew that Liu's rules on being late were very strict.

Lateness is allowed once a month, but that also means that only half of the full attendance of 1000 yuan is left.

And today is the 29th, and there are still two days left in this month. These few minutes are really valuable.

Thinking of this, Tian Feifei couldn't help feeling aggrieved.

Pig-headed Ouyang Mingchen, bastard Ouyang Mingchen, he's already late anyway, so it's better to be later.

I looked up and saw a new women's clothing store opened on the side of the street, and it just opened at this time.

So, Tian Feifei abducted in.

She had made up her mind, she just took a few glances before exiting, she didn't expect that she forgot the time and waited until the phone in her bag was beeping wildly.

The number flashing on it was Ouyang Mingchen's number.

"Tian Feifei, where have you been?"

I don't know if Tian Feifei thought too much, but there was some worry in that tone.

It's just that this thought just flashed by, and Ouyang Mingchen's voice was heard in the next second.

"Tian Feifei, come out for me."

Tian Feifei rushed out in a hurry, and then saw Ouyang Mingchen staring at her fiercely opposite her with a mobile phone.

He was really frightened. He admitted that he wanted to scare her. Anyway, when he went in, he had already greeted people, saying that Secretary Tian was sent out by him today, and he would come here a little later.

However, what he didn't expect was that he had been sitting down for a long time, and Tian Feifei didn't come in to prepare boiled water for himself.

In fact, it's very simple, but I'm used to letting her do this every day.

So, I called the person in the secretary's office, and the answer was that Tian Feifei hadn't come back yet.

Ouyang Mingchen looked at the time and jumped up from his seat in fright.

Well, he admitted that he was a little mischievous, but anyway, it didn't take half an hour to get there.

He rushed out in a hurry, and even Linda's eyes flashed doubts.

Where did Ouyang Mingchen see her expression, all he knew was that Tian Feifei was nowhere to be seen when he walked from the company gate to the intersection.

The sun was already hot, but Ouyang Mingchen felt that his heart was cold.

He called the traffic police department and asked if there were any traffic accidents in this section from nine o'clock.

When making such a phone call, he has never felt uneasy.

After waiting for the answer that there was no more, he felt that his heart had completely returned to its place.

But where did Tian Feifei go?Was it kidnapped?
At that moment, the scene of Tian Feifei being taken away flashed through Ouyang Mingchen's mind, and he even lost his mind.

Who did it?If he finds out who did this, he will definitely tear that person into pieces.

On the busy street, there are people coming and going everywhere, but looking around, there is no such familiar figure.

At that moment, there was endless regret in my heart.

He lowered his head, glanced at the mobile phone held in his palm, and suddenly woke up.

Are you really stupid?

Didn't even call to make sure.

After dialing that familiar number, I felt more nervous than ever before.

Tian Feifei, Tian Feifei please answer the phone, please don't have anything to do.

"Tian Feifei, where have you been?"

Ouyang Mingchen almost yelled at that paragraph, and when he glanced at the boutique in front of him, his pupils immediately turned cold.

Besides Tian Feifei, who else was hanging his head down and picking up his clothes inside?
"Tian Feifei, come out for me."

At that moment, there were all kinds of emotions in my heart.

Joy, excitement, rage, all mixed together.

He wanted to hug that little woman and laugh happily, and wanted to hug that little woman and shake her violently, but after all, he still armed his face with calmness.

Tian Feifei followed Ouyang Mingchen to the company like a person who had committed a crime, and then followed into Ouyang Mingchen's office.

I vomited to death, I really vomited to death, and I can be regarded as the most unlucky person in the world.

What made Tian Feifei even more sick was that she didn't want to skip work because she was already late anyway, and the culprit who made her late was the dark-faced man in front of her.

"Tian Feifei, explain to me what happened?"

Ouyang Mingchen unconsciously tapped on the table with his fingers, looking unpredictable.

Tian Feifei didn't speak, the fact is that there is nothing to explain at all.

Hasn't he seen it all?You have to ask yourself, what is going on here?
"Say it."

I don't know what his mood is at all, and there are no ups and downs in his voice.

"I just want to go in and have a look."

"Isn't it because you're late?"

He looked at her with sharp eyes.

Bah, you know it, but you still ask around, on purpose, right?
"Are you late? I don't know."

Ouyang Mingchen nodded, and then suddenly said: "Do you like the clothes in that store?"

"Tomorrow morning."

The door was pushed open suddenly, and Lin Qianqian walked in.

Ouyang Mingchen frowned.

"Have you been busy lately?"

"Hateful, you clearly know that I'm resting at home during this time."

As Lin Qianqian spoke, she approached Ouyang Mingchen.

Are you going to be a big light bulb?Thinking of this, Tian Feifei turned around.

"where are you going?"

Ouyang Mingchen's voice came from behind.

"President, I'm out to do something."

"Tian Feifei, who allowed you to go out?"

Tian Feifei stopped in her tracks. In fact, many times, she really didn't understand Ouyang Mingchen.

Just like this time, she didn't know what he meant.

His girlfriend is by his side, isn't he in the way here?Why did he let himself stay?
(End of this chapter)

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