Chapter 348

If possible, I really hope that I have never met you in this life.

"Tian Feifei, do you feel embarrassed to say such a thing?"

Ouyang Mingchen finally let go of Tian Feifei, and his tone was sarcasm.

"Think about it first, this 100 million is not so easy to earn, I said you have to please me, and you can only get it if you please me.

He stepped back slowly step by step, then stood in the middle and looked at Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei lowered her head, her heart was already numb.

Thinking of last night's love and joy, it was the first time, and maybe the last time, that it was so harmonious, and from then on, she and him will always be the other party in the transaction.

She stepped forward slowly and walked in front of him.

Green fingers caressed Ouyang Mingchen's shirt like this.

Ouyang Mingchen only felt his heart beating rapidly in an instant.

Obviously, in his heart, she has been classified as a bad woman, and he even keeps telling himself that she is only with him because of money.

However, why his body was so disappointing, and what made him even more annoyed was that, with just such a movement, his little body began to stand proudly.

He took a few steps back, Tian Feifei's hand was empty, she looked at him, wondering what happened to him?
"Tian Feifei, are you sure you want to be here?"

There was some anger in his voice, and only he knew that half of the anger was because of himself.

"Ouyang Mingchen, you said it yourself."

Tian Feifei feels aggrieved, Ouyang Mingchen, you have plenty of money, you don't care if the 100 million is worth it, why are you pretending to be like a grandpa?
Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, just stretched out his hand, grabbed Tian Feifei's arm, and pulled her into the room.

Then he stood in front of the bed and said to Tian Feifei, "Okay, let's start."

Isn't this look a little ridiculous?

It was something that made each other happy, and even sacred to many people.

And now he was standing like that, telling her, well, let's start.

This feeling is really ridiculous.

Such a thing that makes each other happy physically and mentally is even a bit weird to be said like that.

That's not mutual pleasure anymore, that's right, between her and him, it's a deal from now on.

No pleasure, none at all.

She reached out and unbuttoned him.

In fact, like ordinary shirt buttons, it should even be a very convenient thing.But Tian Feifei's hands were trembling non-stop. After unbuttoning her clothes for a long time, she still hadn't unbuttoned her clothes.

There is pain in my heart, annoyance, and even various moods.

Her eyes started to turn red again.

It's just that the button seemed to be against her on purpose, obviously it was very hard, but it still didn't move in the keyhole.

Ouyang Mingchen finally sneered.

"Tian Feifei, what do you think you will do? You can't even unbutton your clothes. How can such a person go out and make money?"

Tian Feifei's hand paused slightly, Ouyang Mingchen, do you insist on hitting people like this?Does it make your heart happy to see me suffer?

Ouyang Mingchen, do you want to make my heart dripping with blood so that you will be happy?

Ouyang Mingchen bowed his head, not because he didn't see Tian Feifei's unbearable pain. In fact, he also knew that when he saw her appearance, her small face was full of entanglements, and her slightly trembling hands betrayed her extremely painful feelings. Inwardly, his heart was also in pain.

In fact, seeing her sad, why didn't I feel uncomfortable in my heart?
However, as soon as he thought that Tian Feifei approached him because of money, his face became gloomy again.

In fact, he only needs her to tell himself, no, even if it is to say something to deceive him, but why not say it?

So what if I love her the most, but in the end I was played by her. What she loves is not her own person, but her own money.

Over the years, my heart has been frozen.

Because of Tian Feifei's appearance, his heart gradually thawed out. He really wanted to love her well.

However, I didn't expect that it would be such a result in the end.

It's really ironic isn't it?
Tian Feifei finally unbuttoned Ouyang Mingchen's chest one by one, but she didn't dare to look up.

She has grown up so much, last night was the first time she had touched a man's body so clearly, and before, she would even blush when she saw a man's bare arms.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't allow her eyes to escape, he raised her chin with his hand, looked straight into her eyes with sword-like eyes, and saw her flustered like a deer.

Tian Feifei, is this also a means of pretending by you, Tian Feifei really wants to tear off that mask of yours.Ouyang Mingchen sneered in his heart.

"Why haven't you started?"

Fortunately, Tian Feifei is also new to human affairs, not to mention absent-minded at this time, otherwise I don't know how to laugh at myself?
Tian Feifei was a little embarrassed, do it?How should she do it?
She stretched out her finger, but just as the fingertip touched Ouyang Mingchen's chest, she snapped it back.

It was so hot, so hot, it was so hot that it was about to burn my fingers.

Tian Feifei's face blushed quickly, even her fair neck was blushing.

Ouyang Mingchen only felt that his breathing was gradually becoming urgent.If it wasn't because Tian Feifei wanted to borrow his own money, he would really stretch out his arms, wrap his arms around the person in front of him, and kiss him hard.

Tian Feifei became more and more embarrassed.I really don't know what to do next.

Mai Se's chest was exposed in front of her eyes, which was already depressing enough for her, but she still wanted to please him.

Ouyang Mingchen looked down at Tian Feifei, God knows how hard he worked to control himself.

Tian Feifei rubbed her hands, raised her head, and then saw Ouyang Mingchen's eyes full of lust, she couldn't help but took a few steps back.

At that moment, she really wanted to retreat, and she didn't want to do anything.

She wanted to tell him that she couldn't do these things, really couldn't.

"Tian Feifei, is it because you don't want money anymore?"

Ouyang Mingchen's cold voice woke Tian Feifei up.

She bit her lip lightly, then approached Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tomorrow morning."

She looked up and looked at Ouyang Mingchen for help.

Those eyes were clearly pleading, such gentle eyes had already messed up Ouyang Mingchen's heart into a mess, but Ouyang Mingchen still hardened his heart and just ignored her.

There was steam in her eyes again, and a kind of humiliation rose from her heart.

Looking at Ouyang Mingchen again, seeing his unmoved face, his fingers finally climbed up slowly, and then climbed down bit by bit.

I really don't know what to do, I think carefully about what Ouyang Mingchen did to me last night.

Then the fingers finally stopped.

His lips were bitten tightly again.

Ouyang Mingchen only felt that there were thousands of ants crawling in his heart, his eyes darkened for a while, his tall body immediately squatted down, then he hugged Tian Feifei horizontally, and threw her onto the bed fiercely.

Tian Feifei was caught off guard, and she didn't know where she hit her back, she just felt a sharp pain.

Tears were almost on the verge of falling, but seeing his ashen face, he could only force them back.

Don't cry, you can't cry, you have to endure the biggest grievance, right?

She didn't dare to struggle, she just shouted, that kind of pain, it's a pain like hell.

She was almost shouting at the top of her lungs, but the person on her body seemed to have never heard of it, just seemed to be mad.

Tian Feifei only felt that she had no strength in her whole body. At that moment, she even wondered if she would just die like that.Faintly felt that the person on top of her was shouting, finally lying on top of her, and gasping for breath.

She slowly closed her eyes, a teardrop fell down, and then dripped onto the bed sheet, smudged away.

The room was silent, only the sound of breathing between two people was heard.

The lights were not turned on, but with the help of some light from outside, the faces of both of them were cast in the darkness.

Ouyang Mingchen finally got up, stepped out of the bed with his slender legs, and then took out his mobile phone to call someone, as if asking someone to bring clothes over.

After that, he never looked at Tian Feifei again, his eyes were always serious.

Tian Feifei lay on the bed, motionless, she just felt as if she had been run over by thousands of horses, as if every part of her body did not belong to her.

He raised his hand, although the light was not very bright, he could still see a circle of black and blue on it.

There was the sound of running water from inside. He must be taking a bath inside. At that moment, Tian Feifei really wanted to get up and run away from him.

It's just, no, she needs money.

She stood up slowly, only feeling sore all over her body.

I don't know how long it took, but Ouyang Mingchen finally came out. Drops of water slowly flowed down from his chest, which turned out to be an extreme temptation.

He stood still in front of the bed, looking down at her condescendingly.

"Are you going to spend the night here?"

Tian Feifei didn't speak, and finally got up.

Then he heard a knock on the door, Ouyang Mingchen approved the bathrobe and went out.

When he came in again, he already had a clothes bag in his hand. He handed the bag to Tian Feifei, and turned to the outside room.

After that, he never came in again.

Tian Feifei took a shower, and when she went out again, Ouyang Mingchen was answering the phone, and the 100 million check was on the table.

"Grandma, I have something to do now. Don't come over to eat. Tell her yourself."

After speaking, he handed the phone to Tian Feifei.

No one can clearly explain Tian Feifei's complicated mood at the moment.

After what happened just now, she understood that there was already an insurmountable gap between herself and Ouyang Mingchen.

Maybe, in his eyes, he has become a bad woman who loves vanity and only likes his money?
(End of this chapter)

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