Chapter 349

Thinking of this, her heart ached again.

At that time, I even resented my sister a little in my heart. If it wasn't because of her, maybe all of this would have a completely different ending.

Even if she can't be with him, at least she won't be someone he despises.

However, everything has happened, and everything cannot be saved.

Bitter in her heart, she took the mobile phone that Ouyang Mingchen handed over.

Even though he was in such a bad mood, he still pretended to be indifferent, and then forced a smile on his face.

"Grandma, I'm not coming. What? Is there something? Let President Ouyang come with you?"

Tian Feifei looked up at Ouyang Mingchen, not knowing how to follow the people over there.

"Girl, you don't need to say anything. Since the two of you are together, it will be even better. I have something important to ask you two. I must see you in half an hour."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Tian Feifei to say anything, she hung up the phone.

Tian Feifei raised her head and looked at Ouyang Mingchen.

"Grandma told us to show up in front of her in half an hour."

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, but handed over the check on the table.

Tian Feifei didn't move, she deeply understood what kind of money it was.

If you apply Ouyang Mingchen's words, is it the money you got after pleasing him?

Really don't want to, tears of humiliation welled up, and I tried to suck my nose.

"What? Don't you want it?"

he asked coldly.

I don't know if Tian Feifei is careless, she even saw a look of disdain on Ouyang Mingchen's face.

My heart seemed to be hit hard by some blunt instrument, and it started to hurt again, but my face still looked indifferent, and then I accepted the check handed over by Ouyang Mingchen.

"Why don't you want it? This is what I worked hard to get."

"Tian Feifei, you really make me sick."

"is it?"

Tian Feifei flicked the check lightly, then smiled sadly.

"Sorry, not next time."

Then he turned around and left, thought about it and turned around again.

"Are you going together?"

A heart seems to have been gnawed and riddled with holes. Maybe this is fate. My life is doomed to be so miserable, and there is no way to change it.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't answer her either. He just opened the curtains and looked out the window.

Liu's building is the tallest in City A. Standing on the 52nd floor and looking down, everything is so small.

Grandma has always said that she can't make mistakes in judging people. This Tian Feifei is also her favorite, right?Just grandma, if you knew that this woman was such a person, what would you think?

"Okay, let's go together."

Maybe it was because grandma would not make such a call easily, or maybe it was because she owed grandma about Lin Qianqian, Ouyang Mingchen nodded in agreement.

At that moment, Tian Feifei felt a faint joy in her heart. She lowered her head, concealed the smile on the corners of her eyes, and waited quietly outside the door for Ouyang Mingchen.

When the two arrived at the old house, Grandma Ouyang was waiting in the living room.

When he saw two people, he stood up.

"Haven't you eaten yet?"


Tian Feifei nodded obediently.

"I left food for the two of you, and then I want you to do something for me."

As Grandma Ouyang said, she asked someone to bring out the food that had been hot there.

I don't know if grandma Ouyang knew something, but Tian Feifei just felt that grandma Ouyang's eyes kept looking back and forth between the two of them during the meal.

It seems to be thoughtful, but it seems not.

I really don't know the taste of this meal, do I?

Obviously there are several small dishes that I like to eat, but they are tasteless.

I don't know if Ouyang Mingchen is the same as himself, anyway, he eats very fast.

Then grandma Ouyang let the two of them sit on the sofa.

"Brat, grandma wants to tell you something."

"Grandma, tell me."

"Grandma's 70th birthday is a week away."


Ouyang Mingchen jumped up suddenly, "Grandma."

He yelled, but he didn't know how to go on, did he not fulfill his responsibilities as a junior?
"It's okay, grandma doesn't blame you. You have forgotten grandma all these years."


Ouyang Mingchen felt guilty. After Lin Qianqian's incident happened, he really seemed to have lost contact with his grandma. The only thing he could do was order someone to send money to grandma every once in a while.

Now when grandma says that, I really wish I could find a hole in the ground and get into it.

"Grandma has worked hard all her life, so grandma wants to spend her 70th birthday well."

"Grandma, it should be."

Tian Feifei said, she just didn't know that this was also Grandma Ouyang's private matter, why did she call herself?

"Girl, the reason why I called you is because grandma thinks that you are also a friend of grandma's. Besides, you are a girl, and your thoughts must be more careful than that of a brat. So, I want you to help me and figure out a solution with the brat."


Tian Feifei glanced at Ouyang Mingchen, her tone was nervous.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"


Tian Feifei didn't know what to say?Say you go find someone else, say that only Ouyang Mingchen can figure out a way by himself.

However, grandma was so kind to him, those words swirled on the tip of his tongue, and finally swallowed them again.

"Grandma, it doesn't matter. I can think about it by myself. Secretary Tian has been busy with work recently."

"Busy? Girl likes me very much. Even if I'm the busiest, as long as it's about me, I will definitely make time for it. Girl, don't you think so?"


"Grandma, there's really no need."

Ouyang Mingchen wanted to have an attack, but he still tried his best to hold back.

"Stinky boy, what's wrong with you? What happened between you and the girl?"

Grandma Ouyang's sharp eyes scanned the faces of the two of them back and forth.

"No no."

The two spoke almost in unison.

"I want to cover up."

He just spit out four words lightly, and then slowly got up.

"I don't care what happened between the two of you. Anyway, this matter must be done by the two of you. Brat, grandma is so old, she has never raised her head at you. Girl, grandma is not bad for you if you ask yourself. Yes, besides, such a little thing is not a big deal, so you two must finish it for me well."

After Grandma Ouyang finished speaking, she turned around.

"I'll go to sleep in it first, you two discuss it with me carefully, and we must have a result tonight."


Just as Ouyang Mingchen opened his mouth and wanted to say something, Grandma Ouyang's face darkened.

"Brat, next week is grandma's birthday. Is such a request too much?"

"No, grandma, I will definitely make your birthday grand for you, but I am enough alone."

Grandma Ouyang stopped abruptly, and then looked at Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tell me, what happened between the two of you?"

In fact, since the two of them came in, I felt that something was wrong. The girl's eyes were red, as if there were traces of crying, and she walked in a strange way, as if she couldn't move her feet.

Besides, don't you think it's weird that two people are together so late?
"Girl, don't lie, tell me honestly what's wrong? Is the brat bullying you?"

"No, grandma, President Ouyang is very kind to me, how could he bully me?"

Grandma Ouyang didn't believe it, she turned to look at Ouyang Mingchen.

"Girl, I know that brat has had a bad temper since he was a child, so you should take it easy. Tell me, with me here, no matter what wrongs you have suffered, grandma will get it back for you."

"Grandma, she is obviously at fault? Grandma, why do you always think she is a good person? How could you not know that she is actually a vain person too. "

Maybe it was because of Tian Feifei's matter that made him feel angry, Ouyang Mingchen was so excited that he said such a sentence.

Waiting to say this sentence, but I regret it in my heart.

Do things by yourself, when did you become like this?

I always think before and after, think about it before I say it, and then do it again. Never once, I blurted out uncontrollably like today.

Waiting for such a sentence to be uttered, Tian Feifei's face was immediately blushed, and she lowered her head without saying a word.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking nonsense about? The girl is not such a person."

Your eyesight will definitely not be bad.

"Grandma, do you want to say that you won't be mistaken? Do you want to say that Tian Feifei is a good girl?"

Grandma Ouyang no longer looked at Ouyang Mingchen, but turned to look at Tian Feifei.

"Girl, tell me, what happened?"

Tian Feifei didn't speak, just shook her head, but she couldn't help but shed tears.

"Smelly boy, tell me, what happened?"

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, just looked at Tian Feifei with cold eyes, got up and went out.

"Stinky boy."

Grandma Ouyang yelled loudly, but there was nowhere to be seen Ouyang Mingchen.

She sighed softly, and then sat down beside Tian Feifei.

"Girl, tell me, what happened?"

Tian Feifei didn't speak, but just shook her head.

"Girl, are you trying to kill grandma in a hurry?"


That was the most painful thing in my heart, let me tell grandma Ouyang what to say.

"I can only thank grandma for being so kind to me. Maybe grandma's kindness to me can only be repaid in the future."

Get up after speaking.

"sit down."

Grandma Ouyang stopped drinking, "It's like this in one or two places. If you know anything, you can hide it from me. Why can't you tell it and discuss it?"


(End of this chapter)

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