Chapter 370

But, Tian Xiaoxiao, haven't you ever thought that what you have done has gone beyond human morality.

Thinking of this, Tian Feifei finally raised her head, she looked at her, and said almost word for word: "Okay, Tian Xiaoxiao, since you want your parents to hear these words, and since you want them to be under the spring No peace, then let's go. Don't worry, if you say these things in front of you, I will still say the same things in front of my parents."

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't expect Tian Feifei to say that, she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

She turned to look outside.

According to the plan, there is another scene that will be staged, but why hasn't this moment come yet?

She turned her head and looked outside, feeling anxious in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it on her face, she could only think about how to hold Tian Feifei back.

"Sister, you really have no conscience. You actually have the heart to let my parents have no peace under the spring."

Tian Feifei laughed miserably.

Tian Xiaoxiao, do you think I want to?If I hadn't been cornered by you, would I have said something like this?
"Tian Xiaoxiao, I believe that my parents will understand me, and if they know the cause and effect of the whole thing, they will definitely support me. As for you, if you did something wrong, you should bear it yourself. "

After Tian Feifei finished speaking, she wanted to leave.

"Tian Feifei."

Tian Xiaoxiao shouted with all his strength.

Tian Feifei turned her head slowly and looked at the person a few meters away.

There was a light projected on her face, and only her pale face could be seen.

It wasn't that there were cars whizzing by, and under the glare of the lights, I even saw her slightly trembling lips.

Tian Feifei opened her mouth.

"Tian Feifei, I really want to cut open your chest to see what color is your heart?"

Tian Feifei laughed miserably, but turned around slowly without answering.

Then something suddenly felt wrong.

A few men in colorful shirts came from the opposite side, and when they walked up to them, they realized that their arms were covered with tattoos.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, I found it, she is Tian Xiaoxiao."

At that moment, Tian Feifei only felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest. She stepped forward quickly and walked in front of Tian Xiaoxiao.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do?"

She raised her voice.

Tian Xiaoxiao was already petrified, she leaned towards Tian Feifei, and then snuggled up to Tian Feifei's side.

"Sister, sister."

Now even his voice was trembling, and his face was even paler.

Tian Feifei tightly grasped Tian Xiaoxiao's hand and patted the back of her hand.

"It's okay, I'm here."

"Who are you?"

"Tian Feifei, you can't even recognize us, can you? You are really a noble person who forgets things."

The person at the beginning smiled grimly at Tian Feifei.

Then with the light of the street lamp, Tian Feifei saw the fierceness on that person's face.

No, not the man who came to find me the last two times.

It's just that this person knows me, maybe he came here the last two times, but I didn't notice it.

"Didn't you say there are five days left? How can you not count your words? Don't come here, don't come here, or I will call the police."

There is Chen Shaojun's number on my mobile phone, so I just need to call him when the time comes.

"Yes, five days."

The person at the head spoke casually.

"But, Tian Feifei, you also know that we finally saw Tian Xiaoxiao. Anyway, there is only one day left. If you have money, you can take it out now. If you don't have money, even if I give you another ten days. Useless."

"who said it."

Tian Feifei glared at the man fiercely, "Whoever said that tomorrow will be useless, don't worry, anyway, we will definitely hand over 100 million to you tomorrow."

After saying this, Tian Feifei closed her eyes and found sadly that no matter what she said, when the matter really related to Tian Xiaoxiao's safety, those words had already been forgotten by herself.

What do you still remember? At this moment, the only thing I remember in my heart is not to hurt Tian Xiaoxiao, even a little bit.

Is there any way, after all, she and Tian Xiaoxiao are two people of the same blood, so they can't be separated.

"Don't worry? Tian Feifei, am I familiar with you? How can I guarantee that your words will be useful?"

"It's only one day anyway, and you don't care about one day anymore, do you?"

Tian Feifei almost begged the man.

"No, we must take out some, otherwise, today we will take away Tian Xiaoxiao's hand, who asked her to borrow money back then."

After the man finished speaking, he walked over step by step with a smirk.

"No, you can't."

Tian Feifei hurriedly opened her hands, like an eagle guarding a chick, she shielded Tian Xiaoxiao on her body.

"You can't touch her, and no one can touch her hair."

Tian Feifei's eyes were already red, and she stared fiercely at the man in front of her.

"Tian Feifei, this is not up to you. What we want to do is our business. Of course, if you have money, then we won't have to meet each other with blood."

"Sister, save me, sister, I can't bear not having one hand. Sister, if that's the case, I can't imagine how I will live."

Tian Xiaoxiao hugged Tian Feifei's arm tightly, crying loudly.

Tian Feifei turned her head and looked at her. At this moment, she really wanted to say, Tian Xiaoxiao, are you scared?Tian Xiaoxiao, now you know the seriousness of the matter, don't you?
However, seeing Tian Xiaoxiao crying in pain beside him, he swallowed all his words.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, I regret to tell you that this is beyond your control. As long as you pay the money obediently, then nothing will happen. If you don't pay, hum, hum, hum. "

The man sneered and looked at Tian Feifei coldly.

"If that's the case, I really can't guarantee anything."

He looked at Tian Xiaoxiao, and then suddenly laughed wantonly.

"Look at you, you also have thin skin and tender flesh. It's really pitiful to bloom on your face."

Tian Xiaoxiao was almost petrified, although she also knew that this time it was just a show called by Lin Qianqian, but she knew that those loan sharks were ruthless and could do anything.

Not to mention a hand, it is normal to bloom on the face.

Thinking of this, I panic.

"Sister, please, please."

She was really terrified, her body was trembling, and tears were streaming down her face.

Tian Feifei turned her head to look at her appearance, and sighed deeply in her heart.

Tian Xiaoxiao, Tian Xiaoxiao, if I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place?

It's just that I can't say any words of blame, I just look at her.

"Okay, sister will help you, sister will definitely help you."

She turned to look at the man.

"Since you have agreed that tomorrow is tomorrow, then it will be tomorrow. Don't be dishonest. We will contact you tomorrow. So now you leave and disappear from our sight. Get out immediately."

She raised her voice, and there was naturally an aura of calm and prestige inside.

The man saw that it was almost the same, so he smiled.

"Okay, in this case, let's see you tomorrow, Tian Xiaoxiao, I hope we can see 100 million tomorrow, otherwise there is nothing we can do. Let's go."

After speaking, he beckoned to the people behind him.

Then, all the people disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Tian Feifei stood blankly, if Tian Xiaoxiao beside her was not still trembling, she really suspected that nothing had happened just now.

She turned to look at Tian Xiaoxiao, just sighed.

"elder sister."

Tian Xiaoxiao cried pitifully.

Tian Feifei didn't speak, but let her go.

"elder sister."

Tian Xiaoxiao seemed timid, and called out again, but the voice was obviously much lower.


Suppressing the disturbing thoughts in her heart, Tian Feifei finally asked.


Sorry is it helpful?Really want to say this.

However, after all, he still said softly: "I'm going to borrow money from Ouyang Mingchen, you wait for my news."

God knows how difficult it was for her to say this.

It's just today, the 100 million thing last time is still fresh in her memory, and now she wants to borrow money from him again, she doesn't know how she opened the mouth.

Also, the last time I exchanged my body for 100 million, but this time, what should I use this time?
She stood blankly on the side of the street, staring blankly at the cars speeding past her.

Tian Xiaoxiao, tell me, what excuse should I use this time to ask Ouyang Mingchen to borrow money again.

"elder sister."

Tian Xiaoxiao leaned forward again.

"How much of that 100 million is left?"

she said bitterly.

Tian Xiaoxiao glanced at Tian Feifei nervously, then raised a finger tremblingly.

"One hundred thousand?"

That is already the maximum psychological capacity that I can bear.

Thinking that it took only two days for me to hand over such a check to her.

Unexpectedly, Tian Xiaoxiao shook his head and looked into Tian Feifei's eyes with panic.

"Ten thousand?"

Tian Feifei only felt that her heart had fallen into an ice cellar.

Who knew that Tian Xiaoxiao shook his head again.

Tian Feifei didn't dare to ask anymore, she couldn't bear such a number, she turned her head and closed her eyes in pain, Tian Xiaoxiao, what did I owe you in my previous life?So I will be tortured by you in this life.

Tian Feifei didn't see it. At that moment, a smug smile flashed in Tian Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Naturally, there are more than that. In fact, I still have a worst plan in my heart, that is, if Tian Feifei really refuses to help, I have to figure out a way by myself, right?
So after spending in Jue Se yesterday, I never dared to touch that money again.

(End of this chapter)

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