Chapter 371

I never expected to receive a call from Lin Qianqian today, and all the steps were instructed by her.

To be honest, at that time, I was still a little nervous, afraid that it would backfire.

However, I didn't expect Tian Feifei to actually reach out her hand.

Naturally, all the money was swallowed into his bag.

She is not stupid, he, Ouyang Mingchen, took out 100 million yuan, which is equivalent to a drop in the bucket, no, even worse than this, but to him, that 70 is such a huge number.

"elder sister."

"Don't say anything, I want to be quiet for a while."

What to do next?what to do?
Tomorrow is the deadline, and the situation just now frightened Tian Xiaoxiao, and in fact frightened himself too.

Even if you are dissatisfied with Tian Xiaoxiao in every way, you still have to reach out, right?
"it is good."

Tian Xiaoxiao turned around slightly, "Sister, then I'm leaving, I'm going back, I'll wait for your call tomorrow, okay?"

How could he not see Tian Feifei's entanglement, how could he not know Tian Feifei's struggle?

I just feel strange, isn't the relationship between my sister and Ouyang Mingchen very good?Why is my sister in such pain?

"it is good."

Tian Feifei nodded, then looked at the time.

"I went too."

That matter has to be done tonight, otherwise Ouyang Mingchen will be busy tomorrow, it will be bad.

"it is good."

Tian Xiaoxiao nodded obediently, watching Tian Feifei get into a car.

Tian Feifei was full of worries along the way, but seeing Ouyang Mingchen's residence, she still didn't know what to do.

All I could think of was to take one step at a time.

Ouyang Mingchen was sitting in the living room, and when he saw her coming in, he just asked lightly, "Are you back?"

Just these four words, just such a sentence, Tian Feifei noticed something strange.

Thinking back to when I went to see Tian Xiaoxiao just now, Ouyang Mingchen was so enthusiastic. When he pulled his neck down, he even had a feeling that he was going to rub himself into his bones.

However, now, his tone is not only flat, but there is even a hint of indifference in the flat.

Why the sudden indifference?

She suddenly thought of Tian Xiaoxiao's phone call. Because of the interruption of those loan sharks, she still didn't ask what Tian Xiaoxiao said to Ouyang Mingchen in the end.

She walked over step by step, and then sat down beside Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tomorrow morning."


Ouyang Mingchen responded casually, but his eyes were still on the TV screen.

Tian Feifei couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, but more nervous.

When she came over on the way, she already had a preliminary plan, so she spoke directly to Ouyang Mingchen.

But now, looking at him in such a nonchalant manner, how can I open my mouth?
Tian Feifei didn't know that at this moment, Ouyang Mingchen seemed to have a fire burning in his heart.

According to his personality, knowing Tian Feifei's motive for approaching him, he would never allow her to enter his house again.

However, when he watched her come in step by step, he didn't know what to do.

He could only sigh secretly in his heart, he has always acted vigorously and decisively, and he has never been so indecisive like today, he doesn't know how to make a decision.

So, he could only keep his eyes on the TV screen, but only he knew that he didn't see what was playing on the TV.

"Tomorrow morning, I'm hungry."

Thinking of what he told her just now that she wanted to eat cakes from Liu's Hotel, Tian Feifei opened her mouth.

It was just such a sentence that made the fire in Ouyang Mingchen's heart almost burst out.

He stood up abruptly, his face turning ashen.

"Mingchen, what's the matter with you?"

Tian Feifei asked softly, but her heart kept sinking.

Ouyang Mingchen clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

"Mingchen, are you feeling unwell? Mingchen, what's wrong with you?"

Tian Feifei was nervous.

Ouyang Mingchen slowly closed his eyes.

Tian Feifei, why are you approaching me?Why are my motives so impure?

Tian Feifei, you are really stupid, aren't you?If you harvest my heart, won't all my money be yours?

No, she's not stupid, she really came here step by step like this, if it wasn't for Tian Xiaoxiao's phone call today, maybe she would be kept in the dark forever, and she didn't even know if she would understand such a thing until she died matter.

Tian Feifei, you are amazing, you are really amazing.

"Tomorrow morning."

Tian Feifei looked at Ouyang Mingchen's face so terrifyingly, her heart was like a drum beating.

What's up with him?What happened?

Ouyang Mingchen finally let out a long sigh and sat down.

So, the two of them fell silent all of a sudden, only the sound of the TV echoed in the huge living room.

Tian Feifei bit her lip.

If she could, she really didn't want to talk to Ouyang Mingchen about money, but there was nothing she could do.

She finally opened her mouth, biting the bullet and opening her mouth.

"Tomorrow morning, I want to tell you something."

"You said."

Ouyang Mingchen turned his head and looked at Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei was overjoyed, this was the first time Ouyang Mingchen looked at her directly after she came back at night, but she just felt that such eyes were so terrifying.

It even shone with icy light, so bottomless, it made my heart keep falling.

No matter, for the sake of my sister, I have to speak up after all.

"Tomorrow morning, I want to borrow 100 million yuan from you."

After saying such a sentence, Tian Feifei finally let out a long breath. No matter how difficult it was, she finally said it, didn't she?
Ouyang Mingchen sneered.

Tian Feifei, why are you in such a hurry?
Don't you know how to put a long line to catch big fish?
You have prepared for such a long time and waited for such a long time, why did you say it today.

Tian Feifei was frightened by Ouyang Mingchen's sneer, she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say next.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't even speak, but just looked at her deeply.

Tian Feifei only felt that her palms were sweaty, what did he mean?agree?Still disagree?
No, no, Ouyang Mingchen, you must not disagree. Of all the people around me, they can only speak to you. If you refuse, I really don't know what to do.

"Tomorrow morning."

She finally spoke, and only she knew that there was a hint of timidity in her voice this time.

Ouyang Mingchen finally took a serious look at Tian Feifei.

"You want to borrow money from me?"

"Yes, tomorrow morning, okay?"



At that moment, a kind of hope rose in Tian Feifei's heart, Mingchen finally agreed, right?

"But, Tian Feifei, I remember that you just borrowed 100 million from me a few days ago."

He said lightly, without any emotion in his tone, and then turned his head away.

Tian Feifei opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Yes, there are only a few days. This is the second time I have borrowed money from him, and it is another 100 million. If I change it to myself, I have an idea.

"Tian Feifei, have you thought about the 100 million, how do you pay it back? Or is there a way to get rich suddenly?"

Ouyang Mingchen leaned on the sofa leisurely, and then said casually.

At that moment, Tian Feifei already knew that something must have happened, because Ouyang Mingchen's attitude towards her was already too weak, and she suddenly felt that if she spoke to him again today, she had a kind of self-indulgence feeling of humiliation.

However, since you have already spoken to others, you can only keep talking, right?


She answered honestly.

"Then why did you suddenly ask me to borrow money again?"

Tian Feifei didn't speak, just looked down at her fingers.

When I was young, my mother used to tell me.

Said that his fingers are slender, and he must be a happy life when he grows up.

I remember how happy I was when I heard such words at that time.

However, in the past few years, not only did I not think of any blessings, but I endured the hardships that life brought me time and time again.

I fell down again and again, stood up again and again, and then faced life bravely.

But this time, I really don't know if I can survive it.

"Tomorrow morning."

Tian Feifei didn't know how to speak.

Ouyang Mingchen suddenly turned his head and stared at Tian Feifei.

"A lot of times, I really admire you. Tian Feifei, are you trying to do something like this?"

"Mingchen, I don't understand what you are talking about?"


Ouyang Mingchen sneered, and then asked: "Do you know what happened between me and Huang Liling?"

Tian Feifei hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Ouyang Mingchen slowly closed her eyes. Sure enough, she really knew. In this case, why don't you ask me, Tian Feifei, what's going on?Tian Feifei, do you know how painful my heart is right now.

"Why don't you ask?"

Tian Feifei froze, then smiled bitterly.

It's just that she quickly lowered her head to hide her smile.

"Mingchen, how do you want me to ask you?"

Do you know how uncomfortable I was when I found out about this incident, my heart was like thousands of needles being pricked.

Someone I love deeply is getting engaged, and the woman is not me.

But the night before, we were still lingering.

I wanted to ask, but what if I asked?

"Why can't you ask? Why?"

Ouyang Mingchen stood up suddenly, and then his whole body was full of anger.

"Tian Feifei, why can't you ask?"

Tian Feifei looked at the anger on Ouyang Mingchen's face, and finally said: "Mingchen, since I can ask, why can't you tell me? If it wasn't for someone telling me such a message yesterday, maybe I will be deceived forever In the drum. But, so what, people don't take me seriously at all."

(End of this chapter)

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