Chapter 384

"Tian Xiaoxiao, allow me to remind you again, you must not force me to do anything to you."

Ouyang Mingchen just looked at Tian Xiaoxiao with such cold eyes.

"No, no, no."

Tian Xiaoxiao shook his head in panic.

"Why? Why? What's wrong with me, Mingchen, what's not good enough for me?"

"To shut up."

Ouyang Mingchen raised his palm, and he was really about to go down.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, did you call me my name casually? Who are you?"

At that moment, Tian Xiaoxiao was almost desperate, she didn't even dare to imagine how she would bear this man who was on the verge of rage if he really slapped him.

Her body kept trembling, she really regretted, no, she regretted what she said just now.

However, there is no way, everything is like water that has been poured out, and it can no longer be taken back.

However, such a slap, if Ouyang Mingchen really slapped him, he would really lose his life.

In desperation, she shouted: "Sister, save me."

Ouyang Mingchen's hand stopped awkwardly at that moment, and Tian Xiaoxiao even felt a gust of wind that was about to come down from his palm.

Her face turned pale, and she fell to the ground all at once.

Suddenly, I felt that it was really a mistake for me to come here today.

But, I am not reconciled, what is so good about Tian Feifei, how can I not compare to her?
"What's so good about Tian Feifei? Why can you like her? But you can't like me?"

At that moment, Tian Xiaoxiao's heart was ashamed, she knew that today's matter must have been a failure, she was just doing the last dying struggle.

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen sneered, only now did he realize that even though Tian Feifei was holding the banner of money, he still liked her.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, are you worthy of being compared with Tian Feifei? No, you are not worthy, you are not worthy of anything."

He looked at Tian Xiaoxiao coldly, his eyes were really like sharp swords.

Tian Xiaoxiao took a breath of air-conditioning, is it because the air-conditioning in the room is too full?
I only felt a chill rising slowly from the soles of my feet, and I actually felt the chill all over my body, no, even my whole body fell into the ice cellar.

How could this be?

Unexpectedly, there was a sneer behind him.

It was clearly a girl's laughter, and Tian Xiaoxiao was familiar with that voice.

She raised her head in panic, and sure enough, she saw Lin Qianqian.

Today, she was wearing a light yellow shirt and a pair of leggings.

Her hair is shiny and soft, and her eyes are full of water.

That way, if you want to say how sweet it is, it is how sweet it is.

Tian Xiaoxiao glanced at Lin Qianqian, then at himself, suddenly feeling ashamed.

Ouyang Mingchen turned his head slowly, then looked Lin Qianqian up and down, then turned his head to look at Tian Xiaoxiao, and then smiled: "I see, I'm really surprised, Tian Xiaoxiao, why did you suddenly become so courageous?" big."

Just now I was still suspicious in my heart, why Tian Xiaoxiao was able to come up with such a method, it turns out that there is a person who guides behind him, and that person obviously knows and understands his heart.

"Morrow morning, I really don't want to come out, but I can't help it anymore, so in your eyes, is Tian Feifei a god?"

Ouyang Mingchen narrowed his eyes, looked at Lin Qianqian, but didn't speak.

"Is she the only woman in your eyes?"

Lin Qianqian just smiled coquettishly, and then walked towards Ouyang Mingchen step by step.

"How good is she? Mingchen, I just want to know how good she is? Is she strong? She is caring? She tolerates everything? She is capable? Mingchen, tell me, what is Tian Feifei? How much is good?"

Ouyang Mingchen smiled, but it was clearly a cold smile, and that kind of smile didn't even reach deep into his eyes.

"Lin Qianqian, who are you? Why should I tell you all this?"

In fact, for so many days, I was thinking about the relationship in the past, the relationship that I almost gave my life for, no, it was the relationship that I used my life to maintain.

What did you get in the end?

I didn't get anything, but hurt grandma instead.

Now, whenever he went to visit his sleeping grandma at night, he felt guilty.

He didn't know how grandma spent those long years, more than 1000 long days?
Guarding such a big house alone, from sunrise to sunset every day, facing a table of meals alone every day, spending such a period of time sadly, lonely, lonely, that should be the most real life of grandma in those years to portray?

Every time he thought of that, Ouyang Mingchen felt pain in his heart like a needle prick.

However, if the love I have been guarding is pure or perfect, then I will finally have an explanation.

However, such a love has been completely tainted, and such a love tainted with money makes me feel so embarrassing.

Therefore, as the days passed, the hatred towards Lin Qianqian also increased day by day.

But now seeing Lin Qianqian talking to him like this, he really gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Tomorrow morning."

Lin Qianqian didn't seem to see Ouyang Mingchen's hatred for her.

"Mingchen, you can have no feelings for me, you can have no affection for me, but I can't forget, Mingchen, I really can't forget."

"Your affection for me?"

Ouyang Mingchen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

He really had never laughed so presumptuously.

Lin Qianqian's body shook slightly, but she immediately returned to normal.

"Lin Qianqian, may I ask what kind of affection you have for me? Is it in exchange for money?"

Lin Qianqian's face changed slightly, but she still smiled charmingly.

She avoided talking about the affairs between herself and Ouyang Mingchen.

In fact, she is not stupid, it's not that she doesn't feel Ouyang Mingchen's changes in herself.

When she first returned to China, she could still see Ouyang Mingchen, but now, even seeing him is as difficult as ever.

If it wasn't because of a change in his low position in his mind, how could he be like this?

However, she also knew that what happened today was her last gamble, and her success or failure depended entirely on today.

Her face returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, as if she hadn't heard Ouyang Mingchen's criticism of herself just now, she just took over her original topic.

"Morning morning, it doesn't matter, what you think of me is not important anymore, the most important thing now is the matter between you and Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen laughed again: "Who are you? That's between me and Tian Feifei. What right do you have to control our affairs? It's a big joke."

"Yeah, I know, I know everything. I just feel sorry for you tomorrow morning."

After saying this, Lin Qianqian's eyes locked tightly on Ouyang Mingchen's face.

Seeing his face move slightly, she was secretly proud in her heart.

"I just think that you love Tian Feifei so sincerely, that you regard her as a treasure in your hands."

When she said such a sentence, Lin Qianqian's face was slightly gloomy.

Ouyang Mingchen's treasure, such a title should belong to him, but he didn't grasp it, and let such a title disappear from him.

If, if everything hadn't happened a few years ago, if she hadn't been driven by a little profit in front of her, maybe now she is still the treasure in Ouyang Mingchen's hands.Such a life is simply unimaginable to me.

However, there is no what-if in this world. Since something has happened and it has become an unchangeable situation, I can only think about trying to change it.

Lin Qianqian knew that she was formidable. When she was studying, she could find ways to get Ouyang Mingchen, so it is still possible now.

Thinking of this, Lin Qianqian couldn't help feeling that her strength had returned.

She continued to smile and looked at Ouyang Mingchen.

"But, I don't know if Tian Feifei treats her like you do? Is she sincere to you? Does she put you first in her heart?"

The most vulnerable part of Ouyang Mingchen's heart was easily hit by Lin Qianqian.

Yes, that's what annoyed him.

However, he didn't want to show anything in front of Lin Qianqian, so he said with a cold face, "Lin Qianqian, don't you understand? That's between me and her. In any case, it has nothing to do with you .”

Having said that, he turned around and planned to leave.

"Wait, tomorrow morning."

Unexpectedly, Lin Qianqian reached out to stop Ouyang Mingchen.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you see some of the things I've brought you?"

Ouyang Mingchen looked down at Lin Qianqian from above.

"What you said is really funny, why should I watch it?"

Lin Qianqian looked at Ouyang Mingchen with sincerity in her eyes.

"Mingchen, you believe me. Although I was with you at the beginning, it was because of money. I really admit it. But, is there anything wrong with loving money? You will never realize that you are not because of money. The pain of money. Think about it, how painful was the time when we had no money? How hard was our life during that time. So, you can’t blame me, because everyone’s ambitions are different.”

"Yes, everyone has different aspirations. Lin Qianqian, I didn't tell you anything. How you want to love money is up to you."

Lin Qianqian gave a miserable laugh, listening to Ouyang Mingchen say things that had nothing to do with him over and over again, her heart was not without sadness.

She naturally knew that these were not Ouyang Mingchen's angry words. He said that to herself in such a calm tone. What does that mean? It means that he really doesn't matter to her. In his mind, he really has no place at all.

(End of this chapter)

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