Chapter 385

Thinking of this, I suddenly had some doubts about today's actions in my heart. What is the reason for my hard work?
However, thinking about it, I'm still not reconciled, Ouyang Mingchen, how many people around him want to get close, I don't care if I can regain his heart, as long as I have money, that's fine.

Thinking of this, she spoke again.

"But, Mingchen, please think about it carefully. Although my motive for approaching you is not pure enough, did I ever think of harming you?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Ouyang Mingchen, her eyes began to turn red.

"No matter what, I just love you with all my heart. I have been so kind to you before, and I wish I could show you my heart. So, Mingchen, if this is the case, I won't hurt you today. I don't think I want to redeem anything. I just think that because of our acquaintance, if I don't tell you about some things, I feel uneasy. If I don't tell you about some things, I will be condemned by my conscience for the rest of my life. , I can't keep you in the dark, knowing nothing."

Ouyang Mingchen's eyes flickered slightly, he didn't know what Lin Qianqian was going to do.

Well, Lin Qianqian, since you insist that I listen to you, I will stop for a while and listen to what you want me to do.

Lin Qianqian let out a long breath, Ouyang Mingchen was finally willing to listen to what she had to say, right?

In fact, she knew that she had lived with Ouyang Mingchen for so many years, she knew where Ouyang Mingchen's weakness was, and she knew what she said could easily touch Ouyang Mingchen's heart.

As long as you stay, Ouyang Mingchen, as long as you are willing to stay, then everything in my hands will definitely attract your attention.

"Mingchen, do you know that these days, I have been reflecting on everything I have done in the past. I really regret it. At that time, I was young and frivolous, I didn't know anything, and I didn't think mature enough about everything. If it were me today, I would never do the same thing again.”

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, just crossed his arms and looked at Lin Qianqian.

Instead, I want to see what this woman wants to say to me.

"Mingchen, I'm starting to regret it now, but I know it's useless. I gave up such an opportunity myself."

Ouyang Mingchen still didn't speak, just looked at Lin Qianqian with piercing eyes.

Looking at those eyes, Lin Qianqian couldn't help but secretly gasped.

That look in my eyes really made me dare not look at it again.

She was really almost defeated, so she turned around and left.

But I can't, how can I retreat?
I have worked so hard to prepare and work hard for so long, just waiting for a suitable opportunity, and now this opportunity is in front of my eyes, how can I let go of the opportunity that is at my fingertips.

Thinking of this, I can't help but take a deep breath.

"Mingchen, in this life, I only loved one person. Although I know that from now on, I can only put my love for him in my heart, and from now on, I can only love him secretly, but I don't regret it. .”

Ouyang Mingchen finally couldn't hold back anymore, Lin Qianqian, what exactly do you want to express?Don't you know that no matter what you say, you and I are already impossible, impossible forever?
Thinking of this, he finally spoke coldly.

"Lin Qianqian, what exactly do you want to tell me?"

In addition to the coldness in his tone, there was even impatience.

Yes, he was actually impatient to talk to himself.

Realizing this, Lin Qianqian only felt a sharp pain in her heart, but immediately comforted herself.

It's okay, come on, come on.

She looked up at Ouyang Mingchen, trying her best to make her smile look so charming.

"Morrow morning, I've already said, I can't bear to see you being deceived."

"Cheated by who?"

Ouyang Mingchen only felt that all his heart was almost exhausted, he didn't want to play any more games with Lin Qianqian, he didn't have any patience anymore, he didn't even have the patience to stand there and talk to her.

Lin Qianqian turned to open her bag, took out a folder from it, and handed it to Ouyang Mingchen.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't answer, he just looked at Lin Qianqian.

"What's in here?"

"Look for yourself. Tomorrow morning, don't you know if you take a look?"

"Lin Qianqian, don't play tricks on me."

Hearing such a sentence, Lin Qianqian only felt sour in her heart.

She really wanted to cry.

Mingchen, Ouyang Mingchen, why have you been refusing to believe me?

"Mingchen, don't worry, I really won't play tricks on you."

Facing the file bag she handed over, Ouyang Mingchen remained motionless.

Lin Qianqian forced herself to show a smile to Ouyang Mingchen, and then opened the file bag.

She looked at Ouyang Mingchen, then took out a stack of photos from her file bag, and handed them over.

"what is this?"

"Mingchen, let's take a look. After reading it, please make a decision. Is it worthwhile for you to put all your feelings on that woman named Tian Feifei?"

In fact, Ouyang Mingchen really didn't want to watch it. Even before that, he had already thought about it and made plans not to open it. However, he was still moved by Lin Qianqian's words in the end.

"Let's take a look, it doesn't matter if you take a look."

Ouyang Mingchen comforted himself like this, and then stretched out his hand.

It was a stack of photos, he took it, and looked at it one by one, and it turned out that they were all about Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei laughing wildly, crying Tian Feifei, flaunting Tian Feifei.

No, in fact, there are two people in almost every photo.

And the other person, Ouyang Mingchen also knew, besides the man named Chen Shaojun, who else?
Ouyang Mingchen's hands trembled slightly, and he could hardly believe what he saw.

Tian Feifei, what kind of person are you?

At first I thought you were just an ordinary girl, and I was even moved by your strength and kindness.

However, as time slipped away gradually, your true colors surfaced one by one.

Because I love money, I am with myself, and the men around me are one after another.

Tian Feifei, did I fall in love with you because I was blind?
However, thinking this way in my heart, when I saw such pictures one after another, my heart really hurt.

What's more, from some photos, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is really not simple. In the photo of embracing each other, Chen Shaojun is holding her.

Is it really happy to be with Chen Shaojun?

I actually saw such an undefended smile on her face.

Such a smile is really dazzling. When did I see Tian Feifei showing such a smile in front of me.

It's just that he was indeed someone he had seen in the storm, and his face quickly returned to calm.

He looked at Lin Qianqian and said lightly, "What's the matter? Lin Qianqian, now is a high-tech society, what's the difficulty in getting such photos?"

Lin Qianqian froze for a moment, then quickly understood, come here.

"Ouyang Mingchen, do you mean that these photos are fake? We manipulated them, right? Ouyang Mingchen, after all, it's because you don't believe me."

"What do you think, Lin Qianqian, why should I believe you?"

Lin Qianqian's breath was held back like this, and she couldn't say anything.

She looked at Ouyang Mingchen, looked deeply at Ouyang Mingchen, only smiled helplessly, then smiled again, and finally said: "Mingchen, I am really thinking about you, since you refuse to believe, Then I have no choice but to give you these photos, as to whether it is true or not, it is up to you to decide."

As Lin Qianqian said, she stuffed the document bag into Ouyang Mingchen's hand, turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing that she was about to walk to the door, she turned around suddenly and said, "Mingchen, actually, we have been together for so many years, and I can completely trust my own eyes, your eyes, your eyes really can't fool me , you love Tian Feifei, you love Tian Feifei deeply."

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, just looked down at the photos.

At that moment, he really had an urge to tear up the photos in front of him.

He even wanted to throw those photos in Tian Feifei's face viciously.

Lin Qianqian's words woke him up like a wake-up call, and he found out sadly that he loved Tian Feifei, and he really loved Tian Feifei.

This recognition of who really makes me helpless, even painful.

All of those anomalies have been given final explanations.

Only when she is by his side is he not annoying, the smell on her body, even when she is close to him, has nothing to do with it.

He clearly knows that she loves money, and he should hate her deeply, but he actually allows her to move around under his nose.

She is not so kind to grandma, she is really caring. Whenever I see her doing that to grandma, I even feel contemptuous in my heart, but that's all.If it was another person, he would definitely not allow her to continue to show concern for grandma, but he tolerated Tian Feifei.

In fact, there have been many times, he was thinking, why he obviously can't get used to Tian Feifei, but he still tolerated everything about her, only now did he realize that he was love, and he was already in love with her .

When did that start?

I don't know anymore.

Maybe it started from being entangled with each other, maybe it started when they scolded each other, maybe it started when they were in cold war with each other.

I don't know anymore, I really don't know, I just know that I have fallen in love with that woman, the woman named Tian Feifei.

(End of this chapter)

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