Chapter 414

"Ouyang Xing, get out, you don't have a place to talk here."

Ouyang Xing also smiled wryly, he spread his hands helplessly at Tian Feifei, expressing that he was powerless.

Tian Feifei sighed, she finally knew where the root of the problem was.

Not because of awkwardness, nor because of weirdness, but because of my sudden departure.

It's because Yang Die still has a lump in her heart because of that matter, so she gets angry so easily.

She took a few steps forward and walked in front of Yang Die.

"Yang Die, I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't just walk away without saying a word."

Yang Die didn't speak, but turned her head away.

"However, you know that I have no choice. I have made a lot of determination and finally plan to leave. I was born here, and here is your best friend, a friend who is like a relative. Before that, I I have already borrowed 200 million from Ouyang Mingchen, and I don't know if I have the ability to repay it."

"Why don't you come to me? You fool, you fool, why don't you come to me?"

Yang Die watched Tian Feifei's tears fall down "fluttering".

"Yes, I really want it very much. However, you are very unhappy because of the incident with Ouyang Xing. I know that according to your personality, you must be more anxious than me when I told you about this matter. .Your current body can't be excited, can't be upset..."

"Tian Feifei, you are a big fool."

Yang Die stared at Tian Feifei fiercely, but felt uncomfortable.

In fact, I also knew that I was having trouble with Tian Feifei because she left suddenly.

However, when she thought that she had misunderstood her, and how worried Tian Feifei should have been because of the 100 million, she felt uncomfortable.

"Yang Die, I'm actually just an ostrich. I really thought about it very simply. I just left like that. It's not like nothing happened."

"You heartless thing."

Yang Die's eyes were red, and she yelled fiercely at Tian Feifei.

"Yes, yes, I have no conscience, so God is punishing me, so I have to come back. You see, even God is helping you, so don't be sad, okay? Turn around and look at Ouyang Xing's eyes, as if they want to eat me, it's not because I made you like this, if you make a mistake, Yang Die, I can't live anymore."

Yang Die turned her head and glanced at Ouyang Xing, then lightly slapped Tian Feifei's hand, and finally burst into tears.

"Okay, I'll let you go, tell me now, who gave you the 100 million? Ouyang Mingchen? Chen Shaojun?"

Tian Feifei stretched her waist.

"Sister, I've been in the car for nearly a day and chatted with Grandma Ouyang. I don't even have time to sleep. What do you want to ask? Can you allow me to rest for a night before asking?"

"Yang Die, you are tired too, what's the matter, will it be different tomorrow?"

"it is good."

Now Yang Die didn't have any objection, she took a step forward and took Tian Feifei's hand.

"Promise me, don't do such things again, okay? Since you don't want the 100 million, you can do whatever you want. I will let Ouyang Xing save it in your name and give it to you when you need it later."

"Don't, don't, don't."

Tian Feifei turned pale with fright.

Sister, this is 100 million, not [-], how can you give it to someone casually.

"Chen Shaojun has already told me that he can go to work in his company immediately. As for the rent fee, I have money for the time being, so I must not accept this money."

"Tian Feifei, are you still planning to move out?"

When Yang Die heard Tian Feifei's words, she became furious.

"What is it about this place that makes you dissatisfied? Am I pregnant too? Ouyang Xing also invited someone, and you happen to be together? Why did you move out? Tian Feifei, are you planning to piss me off? Are you satisfied?"

Ouyang Xing hurriedly walked to Tian Feifei.

"Tian Feifei, just promise her. She has been worrying about you for the past few days. She kept saying that she couldn't sleep at night, and she went to the hospital this morning. The doctor said that she needs to take a good rest, otherwise it will damage the body. Children matter."

"Okay, okay, Yang Die, I will listen to you."

Tian Feifei held Yang Die's hand and said in one voice.

"You let me live and eat in this place. I'm too happy. I just think that you will be in trouble."

In fact, I should feel happy that I have such a good friend in my life who always thinks about me.

"Tian Feifei, from today on, don't let me hear similar words again."

Yang Die was really angry, she even changed her face, and said viciously to Tian Feifei.

"Okay, don't say it."

Tian Feifei sighed almost inaudibly.

She can understand Yang Die's mood.

Maybe because she thought that she and Ouyang Xing had finally lived a happy life, seeing that she lived in such an unstable place, she felt bad for herself.

Since Yang Die insisted on living by herself, she was happy and relaxed.

In fact, in Ouyang Xing's words, this house is not very big, there are only two rooms, but fortunately, it is still enough for living.

Ouyang Xing said that he has booked a two-story villa on a newly opened floor in the north of the city, so he has been wronged here for a few years now, and he can move in after the decoration is completed there.

Tian Feifei called Chen Shaojun and said that she would go to work in a few days.

Now that Grandma Ouyang's body is like this, she doesn't have any thoughts.

The other side naturally agreed, and said that the office is ready anyway, and Tian Feifei can go there whenever she wants.

When he said such a sentence to Tian Feifei, Tian Feifei felt a little embarrassed.

Chen Shaojun's tone seemed like Tian Feifei was some famous designer. In fact, she just graduated from high school, and designing was just a hobby of her own.

All of her knowledge comes from the books she read in her spare time, and she didn't know when she had slipped her mouth to Chen Shaojun, but she didn't expect that he would listen to them all.

I remembered that I agreed to Chen Shaojun on a whim last night, but now that I think about it, I am afraid, what if I lose the deal at that time, you must know that the Chen Corporation is a veritable big company.

So, on the way to the hospital after paying back the money, I picked out a few books.

Unexpectedly, just after coming out of the bookstore, she received a call from Grandma Ouyang.

The tone over there was clearly disappointed.

"Girl, are you not going to come over?"

"No, no, I'm about to get in the car, Grandma, I'll be right there."

Tian Feifei said while looking at the direction of the bus.

Then I heard the sound of "beep beep" horns around me.

Turning his head, he saw a familiar car beside him, the window slowly lowered, revealing Ouyang Mingchen's monstrous face.

"Get in the car."

"Sorry, we're not on the way."

Tian Feifei said while walking a few steps forward, her eyes continued to look in the direction of the bus.

"Tian Feifei, I don't mind seeing you off."

Someone has already honked their horns from behind, because Ouyang Mingchen's car blocked his way.

"But, I don't mind."

After Tian Feifei finished speaking, she took a few steps forward.

Ouyang Mingchen's car didn't move, he just looked at Tian Feifei with piercing eyes.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Tian Feifei looked at the cars behind them honking their horns desperately, and her face changed slightly.

Is this person stupid?Didn't you hear it?Do you not want to ride in his car?It seems that his reaction has never been so slow.

The horns behind him became louder, and some people even poked their heads out, cursing loudly.

"What's wrong, blocking other people's way like this?"

"If you want to quarrel and go home and quarrel, what is this?"

"Hurry up and get in the car, do you know we have something urgent to go?"

"Hey, that man standing in the road, are you deaf or something?"

Tian Feifei froze for a moment, brother, did you make a mistake, it was the nasty man in the car who controlled the steering wheel, not herself.

"Hurry up and get in the car, you see those people behind are scolding you."

The man in the car said casually, completely forgetting that he was the one who caused the traffic jam.

Tian Feifei opened her mouth, and then saw a traffic policeman walking towards her.

She opened the car door helplessly, the world has no justice, obviously she is an innocent person, but right now everyone is condemning herself.

The moment he closed the car door, he seemed to hear a soft sneer from the person in front, so he said bitterly, "Put me down at the intersection ahead."

"There are people taking pictures there, so you can't let them go."

Tian Feifei almost went crazy, this person definitely did it on purpose, because she could feel the smile that that hateful person suppressed.

"Then put me down at the front intersection."

"There were people taking pictures there too."

Someone said lightly, and then the car merged into the traffic flow.

"Ouyang Mingchen."

Tian Feifei couldn't help raising her voice, she really regretted it, why did she come up just now, just run as hard as she can, as for the traffic jam, it's his business and has nothing to do with her.

However, is this the so-called easy to get on a thief ship and difficult to get off?

Ouyang Mingchen looked at Tian Feifei from the rearview mirror. At this moment, her red lips were slightly pouted, and her cheeks were puffed up, obviously very dissatisfied with herself.

However, I really like her appearance at this moment, wishing I could take her into my arms, and then grab her bright red lips.

Neither of the two spoke, and the car was silent.

Finally Ouyang Mingchen broke the silence.

"what are you doing there?"

"Did not do anything."

Tian Feifei turned her head away, feeling depressed, and didn't even want to answer this person's question.

Then he found that Ouyang Mingchen turned around in front of him, and the car seemed to be heading the way he came.

"Where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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