Chapter 415

"Take you to pay back the money, and exchange 100 million."

While talking, Ouyang Mingchen took out his mobile phone to call someone.

"Don't worry about my affairs."

"Whoever said it's your business, you are my child's mother, that's my business."

Tian Feifei was stunned, and then laughed. This person's words are really ridiculous. He knows that he doesn't need him anymore, but he actually said that he has something to do with him.

"Ouyang Mingchen, I think you may have made a mistake. This child is not yours at all. I said that on purpose for money."


The man in front, visibly unmoved, just dialed the number and put the phone to his ear.

"Please check for me where those loan sharks are. Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Does this person always make such claims?

"Ouyang Mingchen, stop, stop."

Tian Feifei shouted loudly.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to jump out of the car."

Maybe because of seeing Tian Feifei's emotion too much, Ouyang Mingchen finally stopped the car by the side of the road.

"what happened?"

He turned his head and looked at Tian Feifei, "Can you pay attention to your own body?"

"Ouyang Mingchen, don't bother you, I have already paid back the money."

"It's still gone?"

Ouyang Mingchen turned his head, his face full of astonishment, "Tian Feifei, where did you get so much money? Tell me."

"This has nothing to do with you, anyway, I have already returned it."

"Is it Chen Shaojun?"

Ouyang Mingchen asked suddenly, his cold eyes filled with chill.

Tian Feifei didn't speak, and didn't even look at Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tian Feifei, you would rather use his money than mine."

Such words were already filled with ice, and the temperature in the carriage suddenly dropped.

Tian Feifei just gave Ouyang Mingchen a cold look, opened the car door and walked out.

Ouyang Mingchen's face was filled with anger. Seeing the woman walking in front of his car Tingting Rao, he finally beat the steering wheel hard.

The car whistled harshly, and the person in front seemed to have never heard it, and just walked forward step by step.

Ouyang Mingchen's mouth finally turned cold.

Chen Shaojun, what do you mean?You obviously know that I like her, but you still want to do that. You are going to fight against me, aren't you?Well, since this is the case, I have to take a good look at how much ability you have.

When Tian Feifei arrived in the ward, Grandma Ouyang had already been looking forward to it. When she saw Tian Feifei enter the door, she let out a long breath.

"Girl, you are finally here."

Tian Feifei smiled, walked to Grandma Ouyang, and smiled sweetly: "Grandma, if people say they will come, they will come naturally."

Turning his head, he saw Ouyang Mingchen was already standing at the door, with a dark expression on his face.

Tian Feifei thought he was angry with her, and she was too lazy to talk to him anyway, so she turned her head and pretended not to see him.

"Tian Feifei, I want to chat with you a few words."

Who knows, Ouyang Mingchen turned to face Tian Feifei and spoke suddenly.

"Sorry, President Ouyang, I'm not free at this time."

Saying this, he scolded Ouyang Mingchen fiercely in his heart.

What a hateful man, knowing that he made a request at this time, it would be difficult for him to refuse in front of Grandma Ouyang.

Treacherous villain, cunning villain, for such a man, I really can only keep a respectful distance.

"Girl, it's rare for a brat to talk to others in such a polite tone, then there must be something going on, go, go, grandma is waiting for you here."

As Grandma Ouyang said, she pushed Tian Feifei fiercely with the hand that did not receive the needle, and there was even a pleading flash in her eyes.


Tian Feifei really didn't want to leave, but just hoped to stop her hands.

"Girl, go quickly."

Grandma Ouyang smiled, clearly not even giving Tian Feifei a chance to refuse.

Tian Feifei had no choice but to turn her head and follow Ouyang Mingchen.

Still in the same place as yesterday, Tian Feifei looked at Ouyang Mingchen with a clearly unkind tone.

"What the hell is it, tell me quickly."

I don't know if Ouyang Mingchen heard this sentence, he just turned his head and looked out the window.

The winter sun slanted in.

It shone on his face, but his face was still cold.

I used to be so infatuated with this man's face, but now, when I look at him again, there is no ripple in my heart. Maybe, I was really heartbroken by him.

"If you don't say anything else, I will leave."

Is there something wrong?Are you trying to tease yourself?Just like that, he called himself out in front of grandma, but didn't say anything.

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen finally spoke.

Those three simple words seem to be full of sadness.

Tian Feifei stopped and turned to look at Ouyang Mingchen.

His eyes were still looking at the unknown place outside the window, he seemed to be thinking deeply, she almost thought that she was hallucinating just now, that it was not Ouyang Mingchen's voice.

She stopped for a while, but Ouyang Mingchen didn't make any more sound.

Could it be that I heard wrong just now?
Tian Feifei shook her head, then moved forward, intending to go back to the ward. Ouyang Mingchen had some problems today, so she had better ignore them.

"Tian Feifei."

Who knew there was another cry like this behind him.

Tian Feifei heard it right this time, it was definitely Ouyang Mingchen's voice.

She turned her head again, looked at Ouyang Mingchen, and saw the sadness in his eyes like water.

Tian Feifei had never seen such a look in Ouyang Mingchen's eyes.

He has always given himself the feeling of being arrogant and condescending, even looking at people with a sense of domineering.

Did something happen after you left?

And it's such a serious matter.

"Tian Feifei, the dean came to see me just now."

He finally said slowly that Ouyang Mingchen at this time is completely different from the Ouyang Mingchen who was in the car just half an hour ago.

He seemed to have suffered a major blow. The dean came to him, so the blow was related to Grandma Ouyang?
Tian Feifei only felt that something in her heart was suddenly broken, she asked in a voice.

"How is grandma doing?"

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, but just looked at her steadfastly.

An ominous premonition rose in Tian Feifei's heart.

She took a few steps forward and grabbed Ouyang Mingchen's hand.

"Ouyang Mingchen, can you tell me quickly, how is grandma's health?"

She was really scared, and even her voice was trembling because of fear.

"A tumor was found in my grandma's brain. Normally, an operation is all that is needed. However, because of the special location of my grandma's tumor, the success rate of the operation is very low."

Ouyang Mingchen took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excited heart.

"Why is that?"

"Grandma has been refusing to have the operation. The reason a few days ago is that she hasn't seen you yet."

"Ouyang Mingchen, if this is the case, why didn't you make it clear to me yesterday?"

Tian Feifei was really terrified, and her eyes immediately turned red. If she had known this, she shouldn't have left, right?If Grandma Ouyang really has something wrong, she will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"In fact, when she fell for the first time, grandma already knew in her heart that she hadn't done any treatment for this tumor for so many days, until grandma fell again a few days ago."

Ouyang Mingchen just looked at Tian Feifei, but his eyes were as dead ashes.

Tian Feifei is not stupid, she has completely understood that look.

She just murmured: "Ouyang Mingchen, please tell me directly what the dean said to you today."

From Ouyang Mingchen's eyes, she had vaguely guessed something, but she didn't dare to think about it at all.

Ouyang Mingchen covered his face with his hands, then turned around.

At that moment, his back turned out to be so lonely.

"Ouyang Mingchen."

"The dean said that in just two days, the tumor grew rapidly."

"Do not."

How is it possible, it's only two days, how could this happen.

"No, Ouyang Mingchen, I must have made a mistake, please ask the dean to check it again. I, I will tell."

After Tian Feifei finished speaking, she turned around hastily.

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Tian Feifei's wrist, and when he spoke again, his voice was already choked with sobs.

"The dean said that they couldn't explain why this happened, and they have sent the case to the International Medical Station for help."

"Ouyang Mingchen, you must have made a mistake, right? Ouyang Mingchen, tell me, are you kidding me?"

Tian Feifei raised her head, looked at Ouyang Mingchen, and said almost stubbornly.

That old man, he really regarded her as a relative, and when he was with her, his heart was never at peace.

I haven't enjoyed enough of such a beautiful day, and I am even willing to travel all the way back for her.

But, how could that be, how could she leave herself?No, really not.

Ouyang Mingchen let out a miserable laugh, and then turned around. At that moment, Tian Feifei clearly saw the extremely proud man, with his shoulders twitching non-stop.

"Ouyang Mingchen."

She cried in a low voice, but felt helpless.

He is such a powerful person, he has such a wide network of contacts, he can ask many, many people for help, but he said such a thing to himself in such a helpless tone, that is, that is, there is really no one There is a solution, isn't it?

"Tian Feifei, the director said that the tumor will soon press the optic nerve and auditory nerve..."

"Ouyang Mingchen, stop talking, please really stop talking."

That is a fact that I can't accept. If I want to see such a healthy old man, blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears, what will happen next?Can't speak, can't express all the meaning?I can't accept it myself, what should Grandma Ouyang do?How should she accept it?

(End of this chapter)

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